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Nevis Synchrocyclotron Slow Neutron Velocity Spectrometer


作者: J. Rainwater,   W. W. Havens,   J. S. Desjardins,   J. L. Rosen,  


期刊: Review of Scientific Instruments  (AIP Available online 1960)
卷期: Volume 31, issue 5  

页码: 481-489




年代: 1960




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



A high-intensity, high-resolution neutron velocity selector system, employing the Nevis synchrocyclotron as asource of pulsed neutrons, is described. Detector counts are accumulated in a 2000-channel analyzer with 0.1-&mgr;secchannel width. Punch card data reduction techniques are discussed. Resonance spectra ofPbI2obtained using a35-m flight path provide an example of the resolution and illustrate the use of the self-indication capture &ggr;-raydetector scheme extensively employed. A planned flight path of 200 m is expected to provide a resolution of <1nsec/m for neutron energies above 1000 ev.


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