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Effects of social pressure on erections and evaluations of erotica


作者: CoyneBarryJ.,   CrossHerbertJ.,  


期刊: The Journal of Sex Research  (Taylor Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 25, issue 3  

页码: 397-411




年代: 1988




出版商: Taylor&Francis Group


关键词: erection;social pressure;sexual arousal


数据来源: Taylor



Two forms of social pressure—demand for erection and social in‐flunce—were tested on pairs of men viewing either nudes or explicit erotica. To test demand for erection, each man was told that hearing bio‐feedback of a co‐participant's erections might either increase or decrease his own arousal. To test social influence, each man heard bogus feedback of the other's erections, whereas controls heard true biofeedback of their own arousal. Four dependent variables included ratings of the erotica and percentage of erection attained during three trials. For 43 men viewing female nudes, from an average maximum erection of 35% for controls, erections rose to 61% or fell to 23%, depending on high or low feedback from the co‐participant. For 45 men viewing explicit intercourse, erections remained at consistently high levels regardless of feedback manipulations. In contrast to the impact of social influence, demand for erection had limited effect.


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