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The Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. Part II. 1893




期刊: Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland  (RSC Available online 1893)
卷期: Volume 17, issue 1  

页码: 001-019




年代: 1893




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF BlrlIITATN AND IRELAND. ROCEEDINGS. PART SI, 1893. ? D UNDER TlIE SUPERVISION OF THE 6‘ PROCEEDINGS” COMMITTEE. G. H. ROBERTSON, Secretary. August, 1893. CONFERENCE &: PROCEEDINGS COnlMITTEE, Dr. W. A. TILDEN, F.R.S., President. Dr. J. BELL, C.B., F.R S. Mr. DAVID HOWARD. Mr. CHARLES E. CASSAL. Mr. JOHN HUGHES. Mr.OTTO HEHNER. Mr. F. J. M. PAGE, B.Sc. C 0 N 'I'€3N ,I' S ___?L)f___ REPORTS OF EXTRAORDINARYGENERALMEETINGS :-April 27th, 1893. EXPENSES ...FOR LABORATORY REPORTOF THE CENSORS ... May 16tb, 1893. REVISIOXOF THE BYE-LAWS... Jnne T th, 1893. COXFI~LDIING OFRESOLUTIONS $!AY 16th ... ... ... 8 July 7th, 1893. EXPENSESFOR THE LABOEANRY 9 REPORTFROM THE COUNCIL ...9 THE PLAKS AND 1)ESCRIPTIO?U' OF THE LABORATO~~IES10 rTHEEXAXINATION ... .. ... ... ... 13 ADDITIOSSANL) A4LTERAT10SS IS THE REGISTER ... 14 A. P. BLUSDELL~TAYLORR-Co., Printers &. Stationers, 177, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS. AN EXTRAORDINARYGENERAL MEETINGof the Institute was held at the Offices of the Institute, 30, Bloomshury Square, W.C., at 7 pa”., on April 27th, 1893, for the following purposes, VIZ. :-I. ‘(To pass a Resolutioii that the Council be empowered to spend a sum not exceeding 31,000 upon the erection of :t building to be used as a Laboratory, upon the premises at the back of the house at 30, Bloornsbury Square.” 11. “ To receive a Report from the Censors, and to pass a Resolution or Resolutions thereon.” I.Mr. William Tliomson rnoved the Resolution which was seconded by Mr. M. Carteighe. Nr. C. E. Groves, seconded by Mr. Otto Hehner, moved the following amendment :-‘‘ That the Council be requested to obtain Estinmtes for the erection of a buildiug to be used as it Laboratory upon the ground at tlie back of tlie house at 30, Bloomsbury Square.” After some discussion it was suggested by Dr. J. A. Voelcker that the words “ if they tliink fit” be inserted after the word ‘‘ speud” in the original Resolution ; this having been agreed to by the proposer aiicl seconder, the Meeting divided :-For the Amendment of Mr. C. E. Groves, 17. Against, 25. 6 The Resolution as modified by Dr.Voelcker was then put as a substantive motion as follows, and carried with only three dissentients :-" That the Council be empowered to spend, if they " think fit, a sum not exceeding $1,000 upon the erection of a " building to be used as a laboratory upon the premises at the " back of the house at 30, Bloomsbury Square." REPORT OF THE CENSORS. 11. ''The Censors having received information which tends to show that practices of an unprofessional character are unduly prevalent among practising Analytical Chemists, desire to draw the attention of the Council to the necessity for establishing among the Members of the Institute more definitely than at present a standard of conduct in a professional sense comparable with that which is recognised in the professions of Law and Medicine.''They therefore recommend that at the next Conference, which should be summoned as au Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with Rye-law 5, the following ltesolntions shall be submitted :-'' I.-That, tlie following acts or any of them shall be held to be 'discreditable to the profession of Andytical and Consulting Chemist,' viz. :-'' (1) Advertising for practice in newspapers, journals, magazines or other published papers. '' (2) Sending out by post or othermis:: letters, circulars, or cards offering professional services. 7 “(3) Undertaking tlirough another person or agency the performance of professional work at fees representing only a small fraction of the usual recognised scale of fees for analytical work.“(4) Supplying to other persons, not being qualified chemists, reports upon samples or processes with. the knowledge that these other persons will issue such reports as their om work. ‘‘ (5) Issuing or allowing to be issued certificates of purity or superiority concerning advertised commodities, such certificates being either not based upon the results of an analysis, or containing exaggerated, irrelevant, or merely laudatory expressions, designed to serve the purposes of a trade puff. ‘‘(6) The unauthorised use of letters indicating University degrees. (‘11.-That in the opinion of this Meeting the Council will be justified in regarding these acts as offences of the kind referred to in the Charter (chap.16, 3) as discreditable to the profession of Analytical and Consulting Chemist. “Signed this First day of December, 1892. WILLIAM A. TILD EN (Chairman). “J. BELL. “CHARLES E. CASSAL. CENSORS.” 66 E. FRANKLAND. “TI E. TI’IORPE. 8 The PRESIDENTgave an account of the events which had led to tlie Report of the Censors. Many complaints which had reached them were considered not to lie of a charitcter so serious as to demand interveution by them, but happeuing rather frequently seemed to indicate that there ms a lack of professional spirit among tlie Members, arising probably in most cases froin a want of consideration. It was not iiiteuded that any action should be taken against individuals upon this Report, mhich, if carried, would simply go forth as an expression of sentiment on tlie part of the Institute, and mould have the effect of strengthen-ing the hands of the Council in the erent of any action being at any future time found necessary.The Report having been considered and discussed, the first Resolution, embracing Clauses 1 to G, w;is mcved by MY.11. CARTElGHR, seconded by h.THOS.STEVENSOR, and carried by a very large majority. After further discussion it was moved by Nr. R. J. FRISWELI,, seconded by Mr. C. E. GROVES,and resolved :-‘‘ That Resolu-tion 11.be postpoiicd for consideration at a meeting to be sum-moned at a future date by the Council.” REVISION OF THE BYE-LSWS. On Tuesday, lGth May, at 3 p.iii., an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Institute was held to consider, and, if thought fit, to pass Resolutions varying the Rye-laws of the Institute.These resolutions were subsequently confirnied at a second Extraordinary General Meeting, held at the oKices of the Institute, at 4 pm., on 7th June, and have now been laid before the Privy Council for their approyal. 9 THE NEW LARORSTORIES. On Friday, the 7th J~ily, at 4 pm., an Extraordinary General Meeting was held, at which a Report of the Couiicil mas received with reprd to the Laboratories to be erected upon tlie Institute's premises, and the necessary espendi ture for this purpose sanc-hioned. The Report was as follows :-REPORTOF THE COUKCIL. At a Meeting of hhe Council, held on Fridaj-, June 28rd, the following Report of the House Cotnniit tee \ws receired and approved, and it was resolved to accept the tender of Blessrs.Parkinson and Soil, subject to the consent of a General Meeting to the extra expenditure :-" Your Committee report- '' That having considered the bills of quantities prepared by Mr. H. V. Lanchester, the architect, according to their instruc- tions, the same were submitted to four selected firm, and the following tenders were received, viz.:--;E2,645, 2.2,475, 22,363, and 22,098. ''At a subsequent meeting these were considered, and Mr. Lanchester consulted, with the result that Ihe Committee con- .sidered that in view of the large difference between the t,ender of hlessrs. Parkinson and Son (32,098) and tlie next lowest, viz., S265, it mould not be of any use to approach any one but Messrs.Parkinson and Son. They, when seen, agreed to certain recluc- tions which were suggested, amounting to 342 lOs., making their tender $2,055 lOs., made up as follows :-"1. Building, including general and combustion laboratories, balance room, stairs and corridor, drainage and ventilation ... ... ...$1,352 0 0 Jb 9 Fittings throughout-plumber, gasfitter and d. joiner, and including cloak room and lava- tory accommodation ... ... ... 703 10 0 &2,055 10 0 10 ‘(In view of the restrictions iiiiposed upon us by the Duke of Bedford’s Estate as to the style of work and materials, which are required to be of the best quality and erected to the satisfaction of the Duke’s surveyor, we recommend the Council to accept Messra.Parkinsou and Son’s tender as amended.” The Report having been taken as’ read, it was moved by Mr. JOHN seconded by Mr. CHARLESEKIN,and resolved HUGHES, nem. con. :-“That the Report of the Council be adopted and tlie Trustees be nuthorised to sell out sufficient Stock to meet the extra expenditure involved in the construction of the Laboratory according to the Tender of Nessra Parkinson & Son.” The proposed plans of the Laboratories rere on view in the Council Room from June 26th to July 6th, and on the day of the Meeting-thanks to the courtesy of the Editor of Industries and Iron-the Members present were supplied with copies of that Journal (No.1069, Vol. XV.), containing a reproduction of the drawings, and a short account of the building by the Architect, Mr. 13. V. Lanchester. By the kind permission of the Editor of I~zdzzcstries ad Iron, we have been able to reproduce the plans here. The President, acting with Messrs. David Howard, J. M, Thomson and R. J. Friswell (appointed under Bye-law 45), as House Committee, have drawn up the following short description of the new Buildings. The new Buildings Kill be approached by a corridor opening from the back of the Hall from which a door on the left gives access to a Cloak-room out of which opens a Lavatory with the necessary basins, water-closets, &c. The next door on the left gives access to the Balance-room, which will be fitted with tables for six balances, and lighted by a skylight.11 The right side of tlie corridor is fitted with three large presses with double glazed doors, and at the end nearest the Laboratory a door leads to a circular Staircase, intended for the private use of the Examiner in charge, and descending directly t.0 the Combustion Laboratory. The entracce to the main Laboratory is through a door at the end of the corridor, and itnizlediately to the right on entering is erected a desk for the use of the Examiners, so arrauged that from it a view of the whole Laboratory can be obtained. The Laboratory-which is 32 feet by 36 feet-is lined with white gIazed bricks and furnished with four rows of benches, each provided with eight places, four on each side, allowing 5 feet G inches by 2 feet 6 inches to each Candidate. Each row of benches has two sinks so arranged that each serves for the use of four Candidates, each of whoin is provided with high and low pressure water taps for washing and filter pump purposes, and a third low pressure tap to supply a condenser ; two gas taps are also provided to each bench, together with drawers, reagent shelves and all necessaries.A small draught pipe closed with a plug is also fitted to each bench, so that any specially noxious vapour or gas may be at once conveyed to the flues. Two draught cupboards, and also a recess for the use of muffles, furnished with the necessary furnace chimney, etc., are provided at each end of the laboratory.The fumes from the draught cupboards and those from the bench tubes pass at once to 8-inch glazed pipes running beneath each bench, and entering a 12-inch main which passes to a Coke scrubber tower situated in the basement, which delivers the washed fumes into a furnace communicating with a 90-foot shaft. This furnace is capable of burning about 3 cwt. of coal per hour, so that 10 to 12 thousand feet of air will thus be 12 dram out, an amount quite sufficient to remove any reasonable quantity of acid or offensive vapour, and to deliver the same into the atmc~sphere washed and burnt, \Miout nuisance to the neigh- bourhood. The Laboratory is lighted from the north by sky-lights so arranged that they avoid any direct rays of the sun, while the artificial illumination will be euyplied by six Wenhani burners.High-pressure hot water supplied from apparatus placed in the basement will be used for heating purposes. All the gas and water pipes are conveyed in the spsce below the benches, and are open for inspection or repairs by lifting out the bottoms of the cupboards. The Combustion Laboratory is in the basement at the rear of the house, and is fitted with six stone-topped tables for the furnaces. It is reaclied by the house stairs and the Examiners' primte staircase. The fume scrubbing tower will be erected in a corner of this laboratory, which is lighted by sky-lights from above, and the ventilating furnace will be fitted into the present large fire-place.A small sault coinmunicntirig with the Combustion Laboratory will contain the heating apparatus, and a second chamber will serve for preparations on a larger scale, involring the use of heavy apparatus and water in large quantities, or rough work generally. The Examinat,ions will be arranged, as a rule, so that about twenty-five candidates will be examined at a time. The vacant benches will be. available for blow-pipe and sundry purposes. Wliile endeavouring to provide the Institute with suitable accommodation for the co'ndnct of its business, the financial side of the question has uot been overlooked, and arran'gements have been made with the Scottish Provident Institution, whereby the 13 amount of capital expended in the purchase of the lease of SO, Rloomsbury Square, will be recovered on its expiry, and similar arrangements are in progress with regard to the outlay which wiil be required for the erection of the Laboratories, so that the whole of the money now being expended will be recovered.The Council is also engaged in negociations with the yiew of subletting the second floor. THE EXAMIXATION. Professor Wyndham R. Dunstan, F.R.S., and Nr. Thomas Fairley have been re-appointed Examiners for this gear. In addition to the usual Examination in London, Examinations will be held in Glasgow for Scottish Candidates, and in Dublin for Irish Candidates. These Examinations will be under the supervision of the Examiners to the Institute, and will be held on the same dates as the Examination in London. Candidates entering at these centres will be charged a local fee of Two Guineas in addition to the usual Xxamination fee of Two Guineas, in order to meet the necessary additional expense.There are now 57 accepted Candidates for the Examination, of whom 44 have notified their intention to enter this year. The dats of the Examination and full particulars will be communicated to the Candidates as soon as possible. Members nrho have pupils working in their Laboratories, are reminded that the new Regulations which mere issued to the Members early in the year will be in force after October 1st next. Application Forms for the Studectship will be forwarded on application to the Registrar. 14 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE REGISTER.Since the issue of Proceedings, Part I, 1893, 10 new Fellows and one Associate have been elected and 54 Students admitted, two Fellows have been re-elected and six Associates have been transferred to the Fellowship. The resignations of three Fellows have been received, and me have to regret the loss of three of our Members by death :--Mr. J. Anderson (Associate), of Hebburn-on-Tyne ; Mr. S. Gale (Fellow), of Oxford-street, London ; and Mr. W. Foster (Fellow), of Middlesex Hospital. The numbers on the Register therefore now stand :-731 Fellows, 104 Associates, 163 Students, as compared with 718 Fellows, 110 Associates, 109 Students in Proceedings, Part I. This is an increase of seven Members and 54 Students.In consequence of the resignation of Professor T. E. Thorpe, Dr. A. Duprd was elected Vice-president and Dr. Stevenson Macadam an ordinary Member of Council. 15 NEW FELLOWS. Addyman, F. T., B.Sc. (Lond.), 53,Bentinck Road, Nottingham. Anderson, F. A,, B.Sc. (Lond.), Lesney House, Erith, Kent. Bailey, T. L ,Ph.D. (Heidelberg), University College, Liverpool. Chapman, A. C., Laboratory, 23, Euston Buildings, N.W. Dains, H. H., I Cantonnement, Vizianagram, Madras, India. Dunstan. M. J. R., M.A. (Oxon.), 9, Hamilton Drive, Nottingham. Guttmann, Oscar, 110, Adelaide-road, N.W. Hiepe, W. L., P1i.D. (Berne), Kilvert’s Buildings, Withy Grove, Manohester. Robson, J., 204, George Street, Glasgow, N.B. Schloesser, A., Ph.D, (Strassburg), M.Sc.(Vict.), 204, George Street Glasgow. NEW ASSOCIATE. Wareing, A. E., Bedford House, Appleton, Widnes. ASSOCIATES ELECTED TO THE FELLOWSHIP. Beck, C. R., 6, Whiteladies’ Road, Clifton, Bristol. French, W., B.A. (Cantab), 135,Walmersley Road, Bury, Lancs. Greaves, W., c/o The Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company, Aberaman, Aberdare. Teanby, G. W. Alvey, 65, Bath Row, Birmingham. Williamson, Sidney, Ph.D. (Munich), Mason College, Birmingham. Winder, G. R., Ph.D. (Zurich), The Villas, Bramall, near Stockport. NEW STUDENTS. Baiss, L. A., Nevin, Herne Hill, S.E. (Professor W.R. Dunstan, M.A., F.R.S.) Barlow, W. H., 152, Upper Osbaldeston Road, Upper Clapton. (Finsbury Technical College, London. Bell, Harold, Old Bank, Knaresbro’.(E’c rkshire Collcge, Leeds.) Xoxam, H. C. L., Go1dsmit:is’ Technical In3titute, New Cross, S.E. (A. G. Bloxaa, F.1.C ) Bowles, 11. E., 53,Dunsmure Road, Stamford Hill, N, (Ghsgow and West of Scotlan I Technical College). Boylan, A. H., Ellerslie, Richmond Road, Ealing, W. (J.P. Laws, F.I.C.) Bruce, J., 112, Kenniure Street, Glasgow, N.E. (Royal College of Science, London.) Burls, F. B., 13, Laagdale Road, Greenwich, S.E. (Finsbury Technical College, London.) Burrows, H., The Green, Southgate, N. (Professor W. R. Dunstag, ISLA, F.R.S.) Caldwell, W.A. G., MacDowell Street, Paisley. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Tec!inical College. Caven, R. M., 198, Monument Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (A. Hill, M.D., F.1C.) Chapman, A.J., Burleigh House, Yerbury Road, Upper Holloway, N. (Finsbury Technical College, London ) Charles, R. P., Plas Nemydd, Neath. (King’s College, London.) Clark, E. V., 34, St. Ahbyn’s, West Brighton, Sussex. (Kojal College of Science, Dublin ) Dykes, J., jun., 21, Blythswood Square, Glasgow, N.E. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow.) Ellis, C. S., Owen’s College, Manchester. (Owen’s College, Manchester.) Estconrt, H. E., 20, Albert Square, Manchester. (C. Estcourt, F.I.C.) Froysell, H. H., 64, Wordsworth Street, Liverpool. (University College, Liverpool.) Fulton, R., jun., 11, Queen’s Crescent, West Glasgow. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.) Galletly, J, C., 101, Armadale Street, Dennistoun.(Glasgom and West of Scotland Technical College.) Granger, J. D., 25, All Saints’ Street, Nottingham. (University College, Nottingharn). Grimwood, R. G., 41, Lady Margaret Road, St. John’s College Park, N.W. I (B. Grimwood, F.I.C.) Haigh, P., 18, Langford Road, Heaton Chapel. (C. Estcourt, F.I.C.) Haller, H. L., 27, Hilda Street, Beverley Hoad, Hull. (J.Uaynes, F.I.C.) Hardy, J.,G.,, 1,Keir Terrace, Pollokshields, Glasgow. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow.) Harris, W. R., Denmark House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester. (Mason College, Birmingham.) 17 Hastings, H., 10, Pew Tree Road, Kidderminster.(W.Russell, F.I.C.) Henderson, J., 193, Blackness Road, Dundee, N.B. (University College, Dundee).Hill, T. A. W.,University College, Nottingham. (University College, Nottin$itlm.) Hooton, W.M., 3, Sefton Road, Walton, Liverpool. (University College, Liverpool.) Hoyte, P. S., 1,Burns Avenue, Nottingham. (University Cdege, Nottingham.) Hatton, E. W., Merlewood, Chislehurst, Kent. (Professor W. R. Dunstan, M.A., F.R.S.) Jowett, H. A. D., 17, Blooinsbury Square, London, W.C. (Professor W. R. Dunstan, M.A., F.R.S.) King, H., 4, North Street, Scarborough. (Yorkstiire College, Leeds.) Kitchin, J., 4,Lonsdale Terrace, St. Bees, Cumberland. (University College, Liverpool.) Lewis, G. A., 61, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. (University College, Liverpool.) Lyle, R. F., 25, Brisbane Street, Greenock, N.B. (T. Law Patterson, F.I.C.) McConnell, A.H., 35, Bernard Street, Russell Square, W.C. (Finsbury Technical College, London.) Meggitt, L., The Laurels, St. John’s Street, Mansfield. (University College, Nottingham.) Moore, William, 1Iilch Hill, Felstead, Essex. (Professor W. R. Dunstan, X.A., F.fi.S.) Mater, A. H. N.,5,Cavendish Road, Clspham Park, S.W. (J. Muter, Ph.D., F.I.C.) Nisbet, A. S., 2, Bnchanan Terrace, Paisley. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.) Peck, E. L., 34, Victoria Road, Great Crosby, near Liverpool. (University College, Liverpool ) Pollock, W. R., Kirliland House, Boonhill, Dumbartonshire. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.) Reade, A. F., Oakleigh, Compton, Staffcrdshire. (Mason College, Birmingham.) Sodeau, W.H., 25, Shore Boad, South Hxkney.(King’s College, Lo;idon.) StiGvenard, C. L. A., The Limes, Hayes, Middlesex. (King’s College, London.) Thorpe, J. F., 20, Larlihall Rise, Claphain, S.W. (Royal College of Science, London.) 18 Turnbull, A., Daldowie, Broomhouse, near Glasgow. (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.) Tnrton, Edward, Clifton House, Boothferry Road, Goole. (Yorkshire College, Leeds.) Venner, L., Ridgway Road, Redhill, Surrey. (Finsbury Technical College, London.) Wagner, W. G., Glyndhurst, Ealing Common, W. (H. W. Wallis, F.I.C.) Watson, J., 28, Grove Hill Road, Denmark Park, N.W. (Royal College of Science, London.) Williams (Miss), S. E., 385, Holloway Road, London, N. (Professor W.R. Dunstan, M.A., F.R.S.) CHANGES OF ADDRESS, &c. FELLOWS. Bodmer, Richard, 16, Southwark Street, London, S.E. Burnham, J. C., 24, St. Stephen’s Road, Lewisham, S.E. Cannon, W. H., 5, Ann’s Avenue, Ossory Road, S.E. Cripps, R. A., Laboratory, Hayward’s Heath, Sussex. Hailes, A. J. de, 2, Fisher Street, Red Lion Square, London, W.C. Harbord, F. W., Cooper’s Hill College, Staines. Howard, David, Devon House, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Jones, H. T., 75. Stanley Street, Aberdeen. Lapraik, W., Ph.D. (Erlangen), 18, Dagmar Road, Camberwell, S.E. Lovett, W. J., 12, Beech Avenue, Wimston, near Manchester. McKerrom, TV. J., P1i.D. (Tubingen), Royal Naval College, Greenwich, S.E. Morley, H. Forster, M.A., D.Sc. (Lond.), 47, Broadhurst Gardens, South Hampstead, N.W.Moss, John, 38, Tressillian Road, St. John’s, S.E. Newton, W., Ph.D. (Zurich), 39, Mincing Lane, London, E.C. Pauls, C. A., Devon County School, West Buckland, South Molton, North Devon. Robinson, J., 5, Longlands Road, Sidcup, Kent. Siebold, L., Broomville Avenue, Sale, Manchester. Thorpe, J. C., M.A. (Oxon), 15,Montague Place, Russell Square, London, W.C. Vasey, S. A., The Lancet, 423, Strand, W.C. 19 ABROAD. Ellis, Professor W. Hodgson, M.A., M.B. (Toronto), School of Practical Science, Toronto, Canada. Hake, C. N., Customs Department, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Harrison, J. B., M.A. (Csntab,), Government Laboratory, British Guiana. Leather, W. J., Ph.D. (Freiburg), Dehrs Dun, North West Province, India.Smith, J. €I.,Ph.D. (Zurich), Wollishofen, Zurich, Switzerland. ASSOCIATES. Chorley, J. C., 85, Haverstock Hill, N.W. Ellis, E. V., M.Sc. (Vict.), 21, Castle Street, Edinburgh. Johnson, E. E., 2.5, Henrietta Street, Old Trafford, Msnchester. Lester, J. H., B.Sc. (Vict.), 51, Arcade Chambers, St. Mary’s Gate, Manchester. Newman, G. I., Messrs. Newman, Son & Watson, Rook Street, Manchester. (&inn, J. C., B.Sc. (Vict.), The Gas Works, Carlisle. Saltmarsli, J. G., 147, Shrewsbury Street, Brook’s Bar, Manchester. FROM ABROAD. Chaney, H. J., 29, Chalcot Crescent, Regent’s Park, N.W. ABROBD. Kershaw, J. B. C., 1,Wiel Strasse, Poppelsdorf, Bom, Germany. CHANGE OF NAME. Illr. E. J. Towill will in future use the name of Edward John Woodward.STUDENTS. Andrews, E. A,, Grangethorpe, Trinity Road, Birchfield, Birmingham. Cresswell, J., c/o T. Cresswell, 15, George Lane, Lewisham, S.E. Watson, John, 28, Grove Hill Road, Denmark Park, S.E. CHANGES OF ADDRESS REQUIRED. Braithwaite, Arthur, late of 87, Hampton Road, Stockton. Haddock, A. G., late of Poplar House, Ditton, near Widnes. Lyon, Professor J. B., late of Grant Medical College, Bombay. Peterson, F. W.,late of H.M. Mint, Bombay.


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