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Characterization of Receptors for Angiotensin-Induced Drinking and Blood Pressure Responses in Conscious Rats using Angiotensin Analogs Extended at the N-Terminal


作者: Hiroshi Kawabe,   Ahsan Husain,   Mahesh C. Khosla,   Robert R. Smeby,   F. Merlin Bumpus,   Carlos M. Ferrario,  


期刊: Neuroendocrinology  (Karger Available online 1986)
卷期: Volume 42, issue 4  

页码: 289-295




年代: 1986




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Angiotensin II;Crinia-angiotensin II;Drinking;Blood pressure;Peptide synthesis;Angiotensin II analogs


数据来源: Karger



Angiotensin II analogs with N-terminal extensions were synthesized to examine their effects on the brain and vascular angiotensin II (Ang II) receptors of the rat. Ang II, Crinia-Ang II, Thr.Ala.Gly-Ang II and Val. Ser.Leu.Thr.Ala.Gly-Ang II were all found to elicit drinking and raise blood pressure when given into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and elevate blood pressure when given intravenously. When given intracerebroventricularly, the order of potency of the peptides in eliciting blood pressure and drinking responses was: Ang II (100%) = Crinia-Ang II (100%) &rt; Thr.Ala.Gly-Ang II (10% blood pressure, 15% drinking) > Val.Ser.Leu.Thr.Ala.Gly-Ang II (5%). The order of pressor potency did not change when the Ang II analogs were given intravenously, but compared with the central effects, there was a marked difference in the relative potencies of the peptides. The potencies were: Ang II (100%) &rt; Crinia-Ang II (80%) &rt; Thr.Ala.Gly-Ang II (60%) &rt; Val.Ser.Leu.Thr.Ala.Gly-Ang II (20%). Blood pressure and drinking responses produced by all of these peptides were markedly attenuated by the Ang II receptor antagonist, [Sar’Thr8] Ang II. These findings indicate a difference in the Ang II receptors present in the brain and the periphery. However, no differences were noted between the central Ang II receptors mediating the pressor responses and the central Ang II receptors stimulating drinking behavio


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