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The dual nature of extracellular ATP as a concentration-dependent platelet P2X1 agonist and antagonist


作者: Welvitya Karunarathne,  


期刊: Integrative Biology  (RSC Available online 2009)
卷期: Volume Unassigned, issue Advance Articles  

页码: 38-38




年代: 2009




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



Insight, innovation, integrationHyperactive platelets are observed in conditions where circulatory ATP levels derived from erythrocytes (ERYs) are either low (e.g., diabetes, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension) or high, as in sickle cell disease due to hemolysis. ATP-mediated platelet homeostasis has not been thoroughly studied due to the desensitizing nature of platelet ATP receptors and a lack of tools enabling a molecular-level examination of their physiological behavior. Here, using such conventional techniques as microscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and aggregometry, evidence is provided suggesting that ATP can exist as an activator or inhibitor of platelet function. Validation of the platelet function was performed by integrating these standard tools with a multi-cellular microfluidic platform to showcase the physiological effect and corresponding mechanisms involving ATP.


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