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Graft Photopolymerization of Styrene to Wheat Gluten Protein in Dimethyl Sulfoxide


作者: Kenneth Eskins,   Mendel Friedman,  


期刊: Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A - Chemistry  (Taylor Available online 1970)
卷期: Volume 4, issue 4  

页码: 947-956




年代: 1970




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



To determine the suitability of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent for photo polymerization, solutions of wheat gluten protein (0.28-0.93% by weight) and styrene (4.13-12.65% by weight) in DMSO were irradiated by a 200.W high-pressure mercury arc lamp from 3 min up to 1 hr. Graft copolymers of gluten styrene resulted that contained styrene residues ranging from 2 to 23% by weight. When gluten protein was photolyzed in DMSO alone, a significant amount of sulfur from the solvent was incorporated; however, styrene successfully competed with the solvent for free radical sites. The rate of grafting was directly related to both the concentration of gluten and of styrene. Also, the ratio of grafted polystyrene to gluten in the graft polymer indicated that the grafts were composed of small units of polystyrene.


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