CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PRESENTED BY J. J. GRIFFIN ESQ. J 0URN AS S. ANNALESde Chimie et de Physique tomes 70 71 72. Paris 1839. BERZELIUS’S Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften Band 1 to 10. Tiibinqen,1821-31. 1 Jahrgang read 1821 6 Jahrgang read 1826 2 ? , 1822 7 9 , 1827 3 9 , 1823 8 ,? , 1828 4 ?? ,? 1824 9 ? , 1829 It 5 17 , 1825 10 , 1830 POGGENDORFF (J. C.) Annalen der Physik und Cheniie Band 37 38 39. Leipig 1836. -Erganzung Band 1 Stuck 1. Ib. 1842. SCHWEIGGER (Dr. J. C. S.) Journal fur Chemie und Physik. Band 1 2 3 Niimberg 1811. 9 4 5 6 , 1812. J? 7 8 9 ?t 1813* WORKS ON GENERAL CHEXISTRY. BEAUME’SManual of Chemistry translated by Dr. John Aikin 8vo. Warrington,1778. BERKENHART’Y (Dr.John) First Lines of Philosophical Chemistry 8vo. London 1788. GLAUBER’S(John Rudolph) Works. Three Parts folio. 16. 1689. CATALOQUE OF BOOKS PRESENTED BY J. J. GRIFFIN ESQ. 413 GREEN’S Text-book of Chemical Philosophy 8vo. (Dr. Jacob). PhiZude@hica,1829. HENRY’S (Dr. Wm.) Elements of Experimental Chemistry 6th Edition 2 vols. 8vo. London 1810. HEPSON’S(Dr. C. R,) General System of Chemistry chiefly from the German of Wieglieb 4to. Ib. 1789. LEMERY’S(Dr. Nicholas) Course of Chemistry translated from the 11th French Edition. Ib. 1720. LEWIS’S(Dr. Wm.) Philosophical Commerce of Arts 4to. 16. 1765. -Elaboratory Laid Open 8vo. 16. 1758. -Course of Practical Chemistry 8vo. Ib. 1746. MACQUER’S(M.) Elements of Chemistry translated by Andrew Reid 4th Edition 2 vols.8vo. I6. 1787. REID’S (Dr. D. B.) Text-book for Students of Chemistry 8vo. Edinburgh 1835. Elements of Practical Chemistry 2nd Edition 8vo. 16. 1831. SHAW’S(Dr. Peter) New Method of Chemistry Vol. 11. containing the processes or operations of the art 4to. London 1741. THOMSON’S (Dr. Thomas) System of Chemistry 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh 1802. --6th Edition 4 vols. 8170. London 1820. WORLER’S (Dr. F.) Grundriss der Chemie. Unorganische Theil 2te Auflage 8vo. Berlin 1933. WORKS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS IN CHEMISTRY. BERGMANN’S (Sir T.) Physical and Chemical Essays translated by Dr. Edmund Cullen 2 vols. 8vo. London 1788. Essays Physical and Chemical 8v0. I&.179 1. (T.) Dissertation on Elective Attractions translated by Dr.Beddoes 8vo. Ib. 1785. BERTHOLLET’S (C.L.) Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity translated by Dr. M. Farrell 8vo. 16. 1804. BLACK’S(Dr. Joseph) Experiments upon Magnesia Alba Quick-lime and other alka- line substances. To which is annexed an Essay on the cold produced by evapo- rating fluids by Dr. William Cullen 12mo. Edinburgh 1782. --Another Copy said on the title-page to be extracted from Essays and Observations Physical and Literary read before a Society in Edinburgh Anno 1755 12mo. Ib. 1796. BOYLE’S (Hon. Robert) Experiments on Colours 8vo. London 1670. BROWNRIGG’S (Dr. Wm.) Art of making Common Salt 810. 16. 1748. CHENEVIX’S (Richard) Remarks upon Chemical Nomenclature 8170. Ib. 1802. CRAWFORD’S (Dr. A,) Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat and the Inflam- mation of Combustible Bodies 2nd Edition 8vo.16.1788. DAGUERRE, Des ProckdBs de DaguerrCotype et du Diorama 8vo. Paris 1839. DALTON’S (Dr. John) New System of Chemical Philosophy Part I 8vo. Munchester. 1808. 414 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS DAUBENY’S (Dr. Charles) Introauction to the Atomic Theory 8vo. Oxford,1831. DUNDONALD (Earl of) 011the Intimate Connection that exists between Agriculture and Chemistry 4to. London 1795 FRENCH’S (Dr. John) Art of Distillation Calcination and Sublimation ;as also the London Distiller 4to. Tb. 1664. FULHAME’S (Mrs.) Essay on Combustion with a View to a New Art of Dyeing and Painting 8vo. I&.1794. GARAYE(Grafen von) Chymia Hydraulica oder Neu Entdeckte Handgriffe Saltz aus- zuziehen 12mo.Frankfurt 1749. HOLLUNDER’S (Chr. F.) Beitrage zur Farbe-Chemie und Chemischen Farben-Kunde 8vo Leipzig 1827. HUME’S(G. L.) Essay on Chemical Attractions 8vo. Cambridge 1835. KOPP (Herrnann) Ueber die Modification der Mittlern Eigenschaft 8vo. Frankfurt 1841. LESLIE(Sir John) On the Relation of Air to Heat and Moisture 8vo. Zdinburgh. SCHEELE’S (C. W.) Chemical Observations and Experiments on Air and Fire translated by Dr. J. Forster with Additions by Kirwan and Priestley 8vo. London 1780. STAHLII(Georgii Ernesti) Experimenta Observationes Animadvertiones CCC Numero Chymicz et Physic% 8vo. Berolini 1731. WILLIAMS(MI. C.) On the Combustion of Coal and the Prevention of Smoke 8vo. Liverpool 1840.WORKS ON PHARMACY AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. GMELIN (Jo. Fr.) Apparatus Medicaminum. Part 11,Regnum Minerale 8vo. GottingQ 1796. LEWIS’S (Dr. Wm.) Experimental History of the Materia Mediea 4th Edition edited by Dr. John Aikin 2 vols. 8vo. London 1791. MAUGHAM’S (Wm.) London Manual of Medical Chemistry 18mo. Ib. 1831. MITSCHERLICH’S (Dr. C. G.) Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre 8vo. Berlin,1837. PARIS’S(Dr. J. A.) Elements of Medical Chemistry 8170. London 1825. PHARMACOPCEIA of the United States of America. By authority of the National Medical Convention held at Washington A.D. 1830. 8vo. PhiEade@hia 1831. TROMMSDORFF’S (John B,) Handbuch der Pharmaceutischen Waarenkunde 8VO. Erfurt 1806. ALC EE MY. DIGBY(Sir Kinelm) Of Bodies and of Man’s Soul ; Of the Powder of Sympathy and of the Vegetation of Plants 4to.London 1669. -On the Cure of Wounds by the Powder of Sympathy 3rd Edition 18mo. Ib. 1660. HELVETIUS(Dr. J. F.) The Golden Calf which the World Adores and Desires 18mo. Ib. 1670. PRESENTED BY J. J. GRIFFIN ESQ. WORKS ON GLASS. BASTENAIRE-DANDENART (F.) L’Art de la Vitrification ou Trait6 Ql6mentaire de la Fabrication du Verre 8vo. Paris 1825. BLANCOURT’S (H.) Art of Glass showing how to make all sorts of Glass Crystal and Enamel; also the Painting of Glass &c. 8vo. London 1699. NERI (Antonio) The Art of Glass wherein are shown the ways to make and colour Glass Pastes Enamels &c. &c. 8vo. London 1662. BdET ALLURGY* GELLERT’S (C.E.) Metallurgic Chemistry translated from the German 8vo.London 1776. HENCKEL’S (J. F.) Pyritologia or a History of the Pyrites the principal Body in the Mineral Kingdom 8vo. I&.1757. SCHINDLER (M.) L’hrt d’Essayer les Mines et les MQtaux traduit par Geoffroy 8vo. Paris 1759. VAUGHAN (Henry) Of Coin and Coinage. WORKS ON BLEACHING-. BERTHOLLET, See Works on Dyeing. BLACHETTE (L. J.) Trait6 Thdorique et Pratique du Blanchiment 8vo. Paris 1827. CURANDAU (F. R.) Trait6 du Blanchissage & la Vapeur 8vo. Ib. 1806. HOME’S (Dr. Francis) Experiments on Bleaching 8vo. Edinburgh 1756. N.B.-The earliest work on Bleaching. LE-NORMAND (L. Seb.) Manuel Pratique de 1’Art du Dkgraisseur 3rd Edition 121x10-Paris 1826. O’REILLY(R.) Essai sur le Blanchiment 8vo.I&.1801. PAJOT-DES-CHARMES, L’Art du Blanchiment 8vo. I&.1798. RENNIE’S (Professor) Papers on the Art of Bleaching contained in the “ Glasgow Me- chanics’ Magazine,” 8vo. GZasgow 1824. STRATINGH (Professor) Ueber die Bereitung und die Anwendung des Chlors 8vo. Ikmenau 1829. ART OF DYEING. BANCROFT’S (Dr. E.) Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of Permanent Colours 8vo. vol. 1. London 1794. 2 ~01s.8170. 16. 1813. 416 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS BERGNES L’Art du Teinturier 12mo. Paris. 1827. BERTHOLLET (C. L et A. Be) filbments de 1’Art de la Teinture avec une Description du Blanchiment par l’acide Muriatique oxigknk 2nd Edition 2 tomes 8vo. lb. 1804. BUCHOZ (J. P.) Trait6 des Plantes propres ii la Teinture 8vo.16. 1799. CHAPTAL (M. J. A.) L’Art de la Teinture du Coton en Rouge 8vo. 18. 1807. -Principes Chimiques sur 1’Art du Teinturier-Dkgraisseur 8~0. 16. 1808. CHUBB (W. P.) On Dyeing and Scouring 8vo. London 1830. DAMPOURNEY, Proc&dCs et Exp6riences SIX les Teintures solides des vkgetaux indighes 8170. Paris 1792. HAIGH’S (James) Dyer’s Assistant in the Art of Dyeing Wool 12mo. London 1800. HOMAPEL(M.) ,Cours Thkorique et Pratique sur 1’Art de la Teinture en Laine Soie Fil Coton &c. 3Eme Edition 8vo. Paris 1818. MACQUER(M.) Art de la Teinture en Soie folio. Ib. 1763. PACKER’S (Thomas) Dyer’s Guide 12mo. Londola 1816. PILEUR D’APLIGNY,L’Art de la Teinture des Fils et Etoffes de Coton 12mo. Paris 1801. PBRNER(M.) Instructions sur 1’Art de la Teinture et particulihrement sur la Teinture des Laines 8vo.Jb. 1791. (Wp.) TUCKER’S Family Dyer and Scourer 12mo. London 1822. VINCARD(huguste) L’Art du Teinturier Coloriste sur Laine Soie Fil et Coton 8vo. Paris 1820. VITALIS(J. B.) Manuel du Teinturier sur Fil et sur Coton Filk 8vo. Xouen 1810. WHOLE ART OF DYEING translated from the German 8vo. London 1705. WORKS ON CALICO PRINTING. B-L’Art de peindre et d’imprirner les Toiles en grand et en petit Teint 8vo. Paris 1800. COOPER’S (Thomas) Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing. PhitadeBhia 1815. DELORMER’S (M.) L’Art de faire l’Indienne 12mo. Paris 1773. KREISIG(C. F.) Der Zeugdruck und die damit verbundene Bleicherei und Farberei 3 Binde 8vo.Berlin 1834-37. O’BRIEN’S (Charles) British Manufacturer’s Companion a Treatise on Calico Printing in all its Branches 12mo. LondGn 1791. VITALIS (J. B.) Cours blkmentaire de Teinture sur Laine Soie Lin Chanvre et Cotqn et sur 1’Art d’imprimer les Toiles 2de Edition. 8vo. Rouen 1827. WORKS ON MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. CRONSTEDT’S (A. F.) Essay towards a System of Mineralogy translated by Eugestrom with a Treatise on a Pocket Laboratory Revised by E. M. Da Costa 8vo. London 1770. PRESENTED BY J. J GRIFFIN ESQ. KIDD (Dr. J.) On the Theory of the Earth 8vo. Oxford 1815. KIRWAN’S (Richard) Elements of Mineralogy 2nd Edition 2 vols. 8vo. London 1794. LEONHARD’S(Karl Casar von) Taschenbuch fur die gesammte Mineralogie mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten Entdeckungen 8vo.Frankfurt 1807-1 824. Band 1 1807. Band 7 1813. Band 13 1819. , 2 1808. , 8 1814. ,? 14 1820. , 3 1809. , 9 1815. , 15 1821. , 4 1810. , 10 1816. , 16 1822. , 5 1811. , 11 1817. , 17 1823. , 6 1812. , 12 1818. , 18 1824. REPERTORIUM (General Index to the above for the Years 1807 to 1816.18. 1811-1817)0 ROSE’S (Gustav) Elemente der Krystallographie 2te Auflage 8vo. BerZin 1838. SCHMEISSER’S (J. G.) System of Mineralogy formed chiefly on the plan of Cronstedt 2 vols. 8vo. London 1795. WORKS ON’ELECTRICXTY. BECCARIA’S (Father Giambatista) Treatise upon Artificial Electricity and on the Elec- tricity of the Atmosphere ; translated from the Italian 8vo. London 1776. CARPUE’S(J. C.) Introduction to Electricity and Galvanism 8vo.18. 1803. DESAGULIER’S (D. J. T.) Dissertation concerning Electricity 8vo. 16. 1742 FRANKLIN’S (Benjamin) New Experiments and Observations on Electricity made at Philadelphia 2nd Edition 4to. 16. 1754. FREKE’S (John) Essay to show the Cause of Electricity 2nd Edition 8vo. 18. 1746. LOVETT’S (R.) Philosophical Essays in Three Parts 8vo. Worcester 1766. -Electrical Philosopher containing a New System of Physics 8vo. 18. 1774. -The Subtil Medium proved 8vo. London 1756. -Newton’s Ether Realized and Electricity made useful 8vo. 18. 1758. -ReFiewers Reviewed and Electricity made useful in Medicinal Intentions. 8vo. Worcester 1760. MAHON’S (Charles Viscount) Principles of Electricity 4to. London 1799. MARTIN’S (Benjamin) Essay on Electricity 8vo.1b. 1746. NAIRNE’S Description and Use of the Patent Electrical Machine 8vo. 18 1787. NOLLET’S (AbbE J. A.) Versuch einer Abhandlung von der Electricitat der Korper 8170. Erfurt 1749. INQUIRY PHILOSOPHICAL into the Properties of Electricity 8vo. London 1786. PRIESTLCY’S (Dr. Joseph) History and Present State of Electricity with Original Experiments 5th Edition 4to. I& 1794. RACKSTRAW’S (B.) Observations and Experiments on Electricity 8vo. 18. 1748. TURNER’S(R.) Electricology ; or a Discourse upon Electricity 8vo. Worcester 1746. WATSON’S (Wm.) Experiments to illustrate Electricity 2nd Edition 8vo. London 1746. WILKINSON’S (C. H.) Elements of Galvanism in Theory and Practice 2 vols. 8vo. 18. 1804. WILSON’S (Benj.) Treatise on Electricity 2nd Edition.16. 1752. VOL. 111.-NO. XII. EE 418 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PRESENTED BY J. J. GRIFFIN ESQ. ELECTRICA VARIA ANDREAS GORDON Versuch einer Erklkung der Electricitat. Erfurt 1745. Du FAY,Yon der Electricitlt der Kiirper. 16. 1745. KRATZENSTEIN (C. G.) Von dem Nutzen dcr Electricitat in der Arzneinissenschaft. HalEe 1145. -Von den1 Aufsteigen der Dunste und Darnpfe. 16.1744. ROSENBERG, (A. G.) Von den Ursachen der Electricitat. Breslau 1745. WORKS ON PHYSICS. GILBERTI(Gulielmi) Tractatus de Riagnete 4to. Sedmi 1628. N.B.-The$rst published work on Magnetism. HAUKSBEE’S (Francis) Course of Mechanical Optical Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Experiments to be performed by him; the Explanatory Lectures read by Wni.Whiston MA. 4to. -(F.R.S.) Physico-mechanical Experimeuts on various subjects 8vo. Londofi 1719. IIELLARY (Dr. Wm.) On the Nature and Laws of Motion of Fire 8\70. 16. 1760. NICHOLSON’S (Wm.) Introduction to Natural Philosophy 2 vols. 8vo. Id. 1787. BUCEIER-KUNDE, POLPTECHNISCHE 8vo. Niimzberg 1829. WINKLER’S (J. €1.) Elements of Natural Philosophy delineated 2 vols. 8vo. London 1757.