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Electrical floor warming


作者: J.W.Moule,   W.M.Stevenson,  


期刊: Proceedings of the IEE - Part A: Power Engineering  (IET Available online 1957)
卷期: Volume 104, issue 17  

页码: 424-436


年代: 1957




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



The development of off-peak load is of increasing importance to the electricity supply industry, and the paper gives details of experience obtained in developing off-peak electrical floor warming in the south of Scotland. Special features in the design and control of electrical floor warming are discussed, and various methods of installation are described. Particulars are given of some representative installations, including single- and two-storey buildings, multi-storey buildings, and dwelling houses. Actual operating results are quoted and analysed. A section is included on off-peak tariff design, bringing out the South of Scotland Electricity Board's approach to this problem.Some reference is made to the comparative economics of electrical floor warming and other methods of space heating. In the conclusions it is suggested that, as this method of space heating has so much to commend it, the electricity industry can confidently take further steps in its development. It is also suggested that there is scope for further research in this field.


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