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Index of subjects, 1896




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1896)
卷期: Volume 69, issue 1  

页码: 1710-1755




年代: 1896




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OF SUBJECTS. T R A N SAC T I 0 N S. 18 9 6. (Marked T.) ; and to Proceedings of the Session 1895-1896, Nos. 155 to 168, Nov., 1895--June, 1896 (marked P.). J. ERUCE. A . W. CROSSLEE’, M.Ec., 1’Ii.D. ‘2. EWAN, B.Sc., P11.D. 31. 0. FORSTEB, Ph.D. J. S. HALDABE, &LA., M.D. INDEXERS. If. A. n. JOWETT, D.Sc. 1’. A. 1L RICIIAXDS. 1,. J. SPENCER, 1II.A. J. B. THORPE, P1i.L). A. -lcenaphthene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1088, 1083, 1197, 1242. oxidation of (HODGKrSsOs), P., 1896, 110. Acetaldehyde, foi*mation of, from ether bv action of light (ElCHARDSON and FOIWEY), T., 1355; P., 1896, 166. a-Ac.ot amido-?r-bromocamphor (LAP- WORTII and KIPPISG), T., 31’7. o-Acetnmidophenol and its acctjl deri- vative (lwELDOL.4, WOOLCOTT, and 2 : 4-bromonitro- (MELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAY), T., 1326 ; P., 1896, 163.anhydride ( MELDOLA, VOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1337 ; P., 1896, 164. 5-nitro-, acetyl derivatiw of (MEz- i)or,b, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1325 ; P., 1896, 163. Acctxnilide, constitution of (COIIEX :tvtl ARCHDEACON), T., 96. magietic rotatory power, kc., of (PRXKIN), T., 1114,1216,1246. acLioii of sulphur on ( H O F X ~ X N LEC- TITRE), T., 713. use of, i n preparing aniline deriva- tives (HOEXANN LECTURE), T., 695. sodium ethoxide (COIIEX and Ai<ciz- DEACON), T., 93. \::LAY), T., 1323. Bcetsnilido sodiunz niethoxidc, prepara- tion of (COHEN and ARCH- DEACON), T., 91; P., 1896, 8. action of benzck chloride on (Coimx a i d ARCHDEACON), !I!., 92. dcetanilide, p-chlor- (CHATTAWAT and o -p - diclilor-, and its 11 ypochlori te (CHATTAWAT and E v s ~ s ) , T., Acet-o-anisidide, 4-niti-o- ( XELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 5-nitro- (MELDOLLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1331; P., 1896, 16 1..dcetethj Ianilamide, action of sodium inethoxicle and etjhoxide on (COHEN and A~~C~ZDEACOX), T., 93; P., 1896, 8. Acetic acid, formation of, from ether by action of light (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), T., 1355 ; Y., 1896, 16G. msqnetic rotatory power of (PERKIX), Y., 1251. absorption by silk of dilute (w-ALKER and APPLEYARD), T., 1346; l’., 1896, 147. iicclic acid : lead tetracetate, history and preparation of ( ~ ~ ~ T C I I I N S O N and POLLARD), T., 212, 213; P., 1896, 31. EVANS), T., 849; P., 1896, 97. 849, 850 ; P., 1896, 97. 1330; P., 1896, 164.IX-DEX OF SUBJECTS. 1711 Acetic acid, lead tctracetate, crystdlography of (HUTCHISSON and POLLARD), T., 215; P., 1896, 31.action of glacial acetic acid on (HTJTCII~NSON and POLLARD), Y’., 214. action of halogen acids on (HUT- CHINSON and POLLARD), T., 218, 219, 220; P., 1896, 31. action of hydrogen sulphide on (HUTCHINSON and POLLARD), T., 220. action of orthophosphoric acid on (HUTCHINSON and POLLARD), ‘l’., 221 ; P., 1896, 31. actioii of sulphiiric acid on ( H ~ T - CHINSON and POLLARD), T., 221. action of water on (HUTCHINSON and POLLARD), T., 214, 218; P , 1896, 31. A4cetic acid, o-acetamidoplienyiic salt, and its hydrate and 5-nitro-deriva- tive ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), y., 1323; P . , 1896, 163. (hfELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and acetoguaiacolauiide salt, nitro- WBAY), T., 1331; P . , 1896, 164.amylic salt, molecular volunie of, in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143 ; P., 1895, 237. anthraflavic acid salt (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 633. benzaldehyde, 1%-iodoso-, salt (PAT- TERSON), T., 10@4; P., 1896, 153. benz-anti-aldoxime salt ( LCX- butjlic salt, lrolecular Tolume of, in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143 ; P., 1895, 237. guaiarol salt (MELDOLA), P., 1896, nitro- (MELDOLA), P., 1896, 126. iso-B-lapachol salt (HOOKER), T., 1364. a-lapachone salt (HOOKER), T., 1371, 1372. inetliylic salt, molecular volume of the, in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143; I?., 1895, 237. 4.-chloro-3-nitroplienol salt (MEL- DOLA, w-OOLCOTT, and ’CI.’RAP), T., 1323 ; Y., 1896, 163. 2-cliloro-4-nitropl1enol salt of (MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WI~AY), T., 1328 ; P., 1896, 164.phenylic salt, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1064, 2075, 1076, 1179, 1238. Acetic acid, chloro-deriratives of, mag- netic rotatory power and relative MOORE), T., 185. 126. density of (PERKIN), T., 1063 J 1 i 72, 1236. Acetic acid, trichlor-, inagnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063, 1172, 123G. ..4cetoacetic acid, ethjlic salt, magnetic rotatory power and relatire den- sity of (PERPIN), T., 1063,1172, 1236. volatility of its copper coinpoulld (JAPP and LANDER), T., ‘737. action of ethylic chlorofumarate and ethylic chloromalente on (RUHEMANN and TYLER), T., 532; P., 1896, 73. and ethylic a-bromisobutyrate, action of zinc on (PERKIN and TRORPE), P., 1896, 156. condensation of, with benzil (JAPP and LANDER), T., 736 ; P., 1895, 146.condensation of, with a-clilorocro- tonic acid (RUHENANN and WOLFF), T., 1391; P., 1896, 166. sodio-, ethylic salt, action of ethylic 15-iodopropionate on (BENTLEY and PERKIN), T., 1511. dcetodiphenglamide, action of sodium inethoxide and ethoxide on (COREN and ARCHDEACON), T., 94 ; P., 1896, 8. Acetoguaiacolamide, nitro- [OH : OMe : NO, : NHAc = I : 2 : 4 : 61 (MELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAY), T., 1331; P., 1896, 164. Aceto-a-naphthylamide sodium etlioxide (:OHEX and ARCHDEACON), T., 93 ; 1 ., 1896, 8. Aceto-fi-naphthjlamide sodium ethox- ide (COIIEN and ARCRDEACON), T., 93 ; P., 1896, 8. Aceto-a-naphtliylaiid e sodium ineth- oxide (COHEN and ARCHDEACON), T., 93 ; P., 1896, 8. Acetone, action of etliylic a-bromopro- pionate on (PERKIX and THOBPE), T., 1482; P., 1896, 156.Acetonedirarboxylio acid, condensation of, with benzil (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 109. Acetonylinalic acid, barium, silver, and phenylhydrazine salts (RuHEMANh- and TYLER), l’., 534; P., 1896, 74. Acetophenone, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1091, 1092, 1200,1243. Acetophenonehydrazone, action of form- alde1iF.de on (WALKER), T., 12SU. Acetophenglthiocarbaniide, action of acetic chloride on (DORAN), T., 343,1712 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Acetophenyltliiocarbamide, action of 1 ethylic chlorocarboiiate on (DORAN), T., 343. Aceto-o-toluidide sodium ethoxide (COIIEN and ARCHDEACOR), T., 93 ; P., 1898, 8. sodium methoxide (COHES and ARCH- DEACON), T., 93; P., 1896, 8. Aceto-p-toluidide sodium ethoxide (COHEN and AMXDEACOS), T., ’ 93 ; P., 1896, 8.sodium metlioxide (cOHEN and ~ ARCHDEACON), T., 93; P., 1896, 8. j PIEG), T., 949; P., 1896, 115. zu-ilcetoxycis-rr-camphanic acid (KIP- 8-Acetoxycamphoric anhydride (KIP- PIEG), T., 940; P., 1896,115. Acetylacetone, refraction equivalents of, ~ a t different* temperatures (PEEKIN), j P., 1895, 199; T., 2. I Acetyl-n-br0iiio-a-1.sonitrocamplior I (LAPWORTH and ~~IPPINQ), y., 320. y-Acetylbutpric acid (BEETLET and 1 PERKIN), T., 1511. action of nitric acid on (BEKTLEY 2nd PERKIN), T., 1512; I?., 1896,169. oxime of (BENTLEY and ~ R K I N ) , T., 1512 ; P., 1896, 169. semicarhazone of (BENTLEY and PER- XIN), T., 1513; P., 1896,169. Acetylcaiiiiabinol (WOOD, > PIVET, and EASTERFIELD), T., 545; P., 1896, 76. 2-Acetyl-1 : l’-dihydrox~-3 : 3’-dirne- thylnaphthalene, behaviour of, towards sulphuric acid (COLLIZ and WILSNORE), T., 898; P., 1896, 47.Acetylene, synthesis from carbon and hydrogen OP (BONE and JORDAN), P., 1896, 62. luminosity of hydrocarbon Barnes due to (LEWES), T., 226; P., 1896, 1. explosive mixtnres of air and (CLOWES), P., 1896, 143. estimation of, in air (CLOWES), P., 1896,144. Acetylglutaric acid, ethylic salt, and hydrolysis of (BENTLEY and PERKIN), Acetyl-d-lactic acid, rotatory power of the ethylic salt of (PURDIE and WILLIANEON), T., 828; P., 1896, 97. Acetylluteolin triethgl ether (PERGIN), T., 801; Y., 1896, 105. Acetylmalic acid, rnethylic salt, specific rotation of (PERDIE and WILLIAM- SON), T., 834; P., 1896, 97. Acetylmorin tetramctyl ether ( PERPIN and BABLICH), T., 797; P., 1896, 106.T., 1511; P., 1896, 169. Acetylphenylrnalic acid and its s d t 3 (RUHEMIANN and WOLFF), T., 1385 ; P., 1896, 166. ,k?-dcetylpropionic acid. See Le rulinic acid. Acetjlisorhamnetin (PERGIN and HTM- MEL), T., 1569; P., 1896, 186. Acid C8HiN03, obtained by thc action aminobenzoic acid, and its bariuni salt (ELLIOTT), T., 1515 ; P., 1896, 171. C9Hi4O3, front potassium alloethylio csmphorate : its phenylhydrazone (WALKER and HENUERSON), T., 755 ; P., 1896, 110. CloHI,03, from a-bromocampholide, bariiiin salt (FORSTER), T., 31. C10HIT,03, from oxidation of hydro- carbon arising from pinene tetra- bromide (TILDEN and NICILOLLS), P., 1896, 13‘3. CI(IHI,02, froiii clibroiiiocanipholide : its barium salt, dibromc-derivatiIT-1: (FORSTER), T., 44; P., 1895, 208.CIOHIGOT,, froiii bromocampliorenii: acid, and its silver salt (FORSTER), T., 49; P., 1895, 208. Cl,,H,x03, from c*ampliolide : its barium salt (FORSTEB), T., 57; l’., 1895,209. Acocine, acetyl and benzoyl deriratires of (DUNSGAN m d CAW), P., 1895, 178. Aconitic acid, occnrrence of, in Acouitzi m heterophyllum (JOWETT), T., 1521 j P., 1996, 158. Aconitine, action of methylic alcol101 0:1 (DUNSTAN, TICKLE, and JACKSON), Y., 1896, 159. estimation of nitrogen in, by the absolute method (DUXSTAX and CARR), P., 1896, 48. AcoiLitunz lieferoph~/llitrn, atisine, tlie alkaloid of, and aconitic acid in (JOWETT), ’l’., 1618; P., 1896, 158. Acraldehyde, prepara tion of (HOFXANN LECTURE), T., 697. Acrylic acid, preparation of ( ~ O P X ~ N S Address, congratulatory, to tlie Institute of France, P., 1895, 167; reply thereto, P., 1895, 199.of chloroform ilnd pottzsh 011 UZ- LECTURE), T., 697. to Lord Kelrin, P., 1896, 121. to Professor Stannizzaro, P., 1896, 120. of condolence on the death o€ Louis presidential, of A. W. Vernon Hnr- Alcohol-radicles, nature of (HOFMAXN Yasteur, ?., 1895, 19’7. court, T., 563 ; P., 80. LECTURE), T., 696.IXDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1713 Alcohol-radicles, haloi’ds of, use of, as agents of substitution (HOFXANN LECTUKE), T., 659. Aldehydocit,razinic acid, its oxiine and phenylhydrazine deriratire (SELL), T., 1449 ; P., 1896, 168. Alizarin, formation of, from anthracene (HOPJIANN LECTURE), T., 627. brom-, formation of (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 633. @-nitro-, preparation of (HOFIfAXN LECTURE), T., 633. Alizarin-yellows, A and C, non-forma- tion of acid compounds of (PERPIH), T., 1440 ; P., 1896,167.Alkaloids, constitution of (HOFMANPT LECTURE), T., 650, 651. acid solutions of, action of light on (RICHARDSON), and FORTEY), T., 1349. AZZiuin cepa, occurrence of quercetin in outer skins of bulb of (PERKIN and HuMnrEL), T., 1295; P., 1896, 144. Allophanic acid, thio., ethylic sait, probable non-existence of (DDRAN), T., 339, 344; P., 1896, 75. Allylbenzene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1054, 1126, 1143, 1149, 1224, 1246. (MELDOL-4 and STREATFEILD), I?., 1896, 51. Allylic alcohol, preparation and pro- perties of (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 687. bromide, prepamtion of (HOFXANN LECTURE), T., 697. chloride, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 697.iodide, preparation of (KGFMANN LECTURE), T., 697. sulphide, preparation of ( HOFMAKX LECTURE), T., 697. Allylthiocarbimide, synthesis of (HOF- action of bromine on (DIXON), T., 17. action of iodine and iodine nionobro- mide on (DIXON), T., 26. ~4llylthiocarbimide, a-chlor- and n- broil-, action of ammonia on ( DISON), T., 25. Allgthiourea, action of bromine on ( a D ~ ~ ~ ~ ) , T., 18,19 ; P., 1895, 215. action of iodine on (DIXON), T., 25 ; P., 1895, 216. Allyltoluidine, preparation of (HoF- Sluminium, solution and diff iision of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1679 ; P., 1896, 220. Aluminium ferrous sulphate, occurrence -411y1-p- dinitrodiazoamidobenzene NANN LECTURE), T., 697. MANN LECTURE), T., 604. of, on bricks exposed to sulphurous anhydride (PATBRSON), T., 66; P., 1895, 203.Amidep, action of bromine on (HOF- Amides, thio-, preparation of (HOF- dniine Cl4H1,BY2NZO2, obtained in the preparation of p-brom-o-anisidine (MELDOLS, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1329. Aniines, action of bromine on @OF- action of carbon bisulphide on (EIoF- separation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), Amines, secondary and tertiary, pre- paration of (IIOFMANN LECTURE), T., 658. Amino-group, influence on the strength of acids of the (SAKURAI), T., 1659; P., 1896, 181. Ammonia, action of iodine on (CHATTA- WBY), T., 1577; P., 1896, 173. A4mmonium compounds, constitution of (HOPMA.” LECTURE), T., 667. Ammonium aivnlgnm ( PROUDE and antinionioinalate (HENDERSON nncl BARR), T., 1452; P., 1896, 168. antimoniomncate (HENDERSOX and BARR), T., 1453 ; P., 1896, 169.imidosulphonstes (I)ITERS and HAGA), T., 1621; P., 1896, 1’79. barium iniidosulphonates (DIT-ERS and HAGA), T., 1622. mercury iinidosulphonate (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1629. iso-Amylcnrbamine, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTUXE), T., 709. A4niylic alcohol, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), ‘I., B- iso-Am y lnap h thalene (HOOK E I<), T., 1356, 1358. p - 4nethoil. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIK), T., 1148, 1226, 1247. MAXN LECTURE), T., 7l9. MANN LECTURE), T., 710. MANS LECTUEE), T., 720. XANN LECTURE), T., 663. T., 662. WOOD), P., 1895,236. 1349 ; P., 1896, 164. Snhydroacetonedibenzil, reduction of (JAPP and LANDER), T., 745. Anhydrocamphoic acid (MARSH and GARDNER), T., 76; P., 1895, 206. Anhydrodibenzylacetoacetic acid. ethylic salt of (JAPP and LAKDER), T., 737 ; P., 1895, 146.Anhydrodihydroxy hydrolapachol, syn- thesis of (HOOKER), T., 1370, 1378. Aniline, discovery of (HOFMANN LEC- preparation of (HOFNARN LECTURE), TURE), T., 597. T., 642.1714 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Aniline, composition oE (HOFXANN magnetic rotatory power, &c., of LECTURE), T., 641. 1207,1214. (PERKIN, T., 1064, 1098, 1155, action of cyanic acid on (HOFXAKS LECTURE), T., 648. action of cganogen on (HOEMANN LECTURE), T., 590, 649. action of cysiiogen haloids on (.HOFMANN LECTURE)), T., 590. action of cganogen chloride on ( HOF- XAXN LECTURE), T., 649, 650. action of, on mercur3iiy iodide (.FRANCOH), A., i, 22. action of phosgene gas on (HOFXANX LECTURE), T., 619. ch!orination of ( HOFXAIW LECTURE), T., 644. A d i n e and its salts, constitution of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 655.compounds oE phosphoric acid with l~ydrochloride, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1111, 1159, 1218, 1235, 1246. Aniline, substitution products of, con- stitution of (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 661. substitution of chlorine and bromine Aniline, bronio-d erivat i r es of, basic character of (IIoFia" LECTURE), Y'., 646. p-broin-. action of ethylic bromide on ( HOFXANN LECTURE), T., 661. m-chlor, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERPIS), T., 1106, 1131, 1205, 1244. p-clilor-, preparation of ( AOFIIANK LECTURE), T., 615 ; (LOB), b., i, 605. magnetic rotatory power, (Fc, of (PERPIN), T., 1106, 1131, 1208, 1244. action of ethylic bromide on ( KOF- di-chlor-, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T , 648- o-p-dichlor-, preuaration of (CHAT- TAWAP and EVANS), T., 850; Y., 1896, 98.2 : 4 : 6-trichlor, preparation of ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 644. p-iodo-, preparation of (HOBMAKX LECTURE), T., 649. ?%-nitro-, preparation of ( ETOFNANN LECTURE), T., 646, 647. alkaline reduction of (MELDoLaand ANDREWS), T., 5'; P., 1895,214. Aniline, m-nitro-, action of ethylic brom- ide on (HOFXANN LECTURE), T., 661. (HOFXAKX LECTURE), T., 590. ill (I~OFMANN r>ECTURE), T., 645,. MANN LECTUILE), T.. 661. Anisaldeliyde, magnetic rotatory power kc., of (PERKIN), T., 1128, 1136, 1200,1242. dnisic acid, magnctic rotatory, k c , of the ethylic salt of (PEHIEIN), T., 1138, 1136, 1160, 1176, 1231. Anisic alcohol, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., o-Anisicline, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1131, 1211, 1245.p-brom- (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1339. 2 : 4-bromonitro- (MELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAP), T., 1327; I?., 1896,164. o-Acisidine, p-nitro-, and its acetvl derivative ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and Wray), T . , 1329; P., 1896,164. 5-nitro-, aud its acetyl dcrivative ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT. and WRAY), T., 1330 ; P., 1896, 164. p-Anisidine, magnctic rotatory powe i', &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1131, 1211, 1245. Amisoil (pbenyl inethyl oxide), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIK), T., 1080, 1OS1, 1030, 1187, 1186, 1240. 4-bronio-2-nitro- ( NELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAY), !!!., 1329. 2 : 4-dinitro- preparation of (MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAP), T., 1330. Auisoldisulphouic acid, preparation of (HOFMAKX LECTURE), Y., 697.Annual General Meeting, T., 563; P., Anthracene, discovery of (IIOFMAXX LECTUXE), T., 598. distillation o€ ( ~IOFMANN LECTURE), T , 630. Anthraccne, brom-, preparation of (HOFMANK LECTUSE), T., 601 ; P., 1893,138. dibroin- (HOFMANN LECTZ'RE), T., 633. clilor-, preparation of (HOPMANN LECTGRE), T., 601; P., 1893, 138. dichlor-, action of sulphuric acid on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 631. Anthracenedivulphonic acid, dichlor-, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 631. Antliracenesulphonic acid, dichlor-, preparation of (HOFMAXN LECTURE), T., 633. Anthrxflavic acid, compo3ition of, and its diacetyl and dibenzoyl derivativz~ (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 633. iao-dnthraflavic acid, discovery of 1 1 2 5 , i i 3 6 , i i 9 9 , 1 ~ 4 2 . 1896, 80.(HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 633.INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1715 Anthrapurpuramide, preparation of (HOFMANN LRCTURE), T., 633. Anthrapurpurin, formation and coni- position of (HOEMANN LECTURE), T., 633. Anthraquinone, discovery of (HOFJIAXX LECTURE), T., 601; P., 1893, 137. dibromo-derivatives of (HOFMAKX LECTURE), T., 633. Anthraquinone group of natural yellow colouring matters (PERKIS), T., 1441 ; P., 1896, 167. Anthraquinonedidphonic acid, pre- paration of (KOFMANN LECTURE), T., 631. Anthraquinoneoxime, methyl, ethyl, and benzyl ethers (SCHUNCK and MARCH- LEWSKI), T., 73 ; P., 1895, 203. hnthraquinonesulphonic acid, formation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 629. Antimoniomalic acid, ammonium salt of (HENDEI~SON and BARR), T., 1452 ; I?., 1896, 16s. Antiuioniomucic acid, salts of (HEXDER- SON aild UARR), T., 1453 ; P., 1896, 163.Antimony, solution and diffusion in mercury of (HUXPHREPS), T , 1679 ; P., 1896, 220. Antimony pentachloride, action of, on cai-bon bisulphide (HOFMAXN LEC- TURE), T., ‘700. Triethylstibine, discovery of ( HOF- NANN LECTURE), T., 671. Artocarpus integriyoolia, colouring mac- ters o l (PERKIN and BABLICH), T., 792; P., 1896, 106; (PERKIN), T., 1440; P., 1896,167. Aspartic acid, rotatory power of (MAR- SHALL), T., 1022; P., 1896, 146. Assimilation, distinction between elaboration and (CROSS, BEVAN, end SNITH), T., 1605; P., 1896, 174. Atisine, extraction of, from the root of Aconitum keterophyllum and its purification (JOWETT), T., 1519 ; P., 1896, 158. properties and salts of (JOWETT), T., 1521 ; P., 1896, 158. action of alkalis and acids on (JOWETT), T., 1525 ; P., 1896,159.Atmospheric air, liquefact,ion of (DE- WAR), P., 1895, 221 ; (BLOUNT), P., 1895,232. Atomic weight or weights of the ele- ments (L. MEYER), (BEDSON), T., 1423; P., 1896,119. Atomic weight of Japanese tellurium (CHIKASHIG~), T., 881; I?., 1896, 151. Atoms, analogy of, with vortex rings (FITZG‘ERALD), T., 8%; P., 1896, 2.5. Atoms, forces acting between (FITB- GERALD), T., 001. Azobenzene, di-m-amino-, bisazimide, diacetyl and dibenzoyl derivatives, oxalate, azo-&naphthol cleriwtive ( MXLDOLA and ANDREWS), T., 10 ; P., 1895, 215. di-m-amino-, behaviour of, towards p-nitrodiazobenzme chloride ( h h L - DOLA and ANDREWS), T., 13. diiodo-, from di-na-aminoazobenzenc (MELDOT,A and ANDREWS), T., 13 ; P., 1895, 815.Azonsphthalene, amino-, discovery of (HOFMANR’ LECTURE), T., 603; P., 1893, 138. .~4zotrinaplith~ldiamine, preparation of (HOFM-44” LECTURE), T., 621. Azoxy benzene, di-nz-zmino-, dihydro- chloride, diacetyl derivative, bis- azimide, nzo-8-naphthol derivative (MELDOLA and rhDREWS), T., 7 ; Y., 1895, 215. diiodo-, from di-rn-aaiinoazoxS-beii- zene ( MELDOLA and AXDREWS), T., 10 j P., 1895,215. B. Balance, an auxiliary assay (LAW), T., Balance-sheet of the Chemical Society, Balance-sheet of the Research Fund, Barium imidosulphonates (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1622; P., 1896, 179. tungstitartrate (HENDERSON and BARR), T., 1457; P., 1896, 169, Barley, yield of, from different soils (WOOD), T., 288; P., 1896, 13. strrtw.carbohydrates of (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1604; P.,1898,174.Base, C1&lRN, from camphoroxitne and its salts (FORSTER), P., 1896, 146. Benzaldehyde, magnetic rotatory power, 1123,1199,1342. from the electrolysis of potassium mandelate (WALKER), T., 1279. 0-iodo-, and its dichloride (PATTER- SON), T., 1006; P., 1896,153. tn-jodo-, and its dichloride (PATTER- 60N), T., 1002; I?., 1896, 153. p-iotio-, and its dichloride (PATTER- SON), T., 1005; P., 1896, 153. o-iodoso- (PATTERSON), T., 1007 ; P., 1896, 153. 9%-iodoso (PATTERS ON), T., 1003 ; P., 1896, 153. 526 ; P., 1896,75. March Blst, 1896, T., 572. March 21st, 1896, T., 573. AC,, of (PRRKIK), T., 1064,1091,1716 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Benzaldeliydc, p-iodoso- (PATTERSOT), J I m-iodosy- (PATTERSON), Il., 1004 ; P., ' piodoxy- (PATTERSON), T., 1005 ; P., T., 1005 ; P., 1896, 153.1896, 153. 1896,153. Benzaldehy deph eny lhydrazone (WALKER), T., 1279. EER), T., 1255. action of formaldehyde on (WAL- o-iodo- (PATTEESOF), T., 1008 ; P., 1896,153. tn-iodo- (PATTERSON), T., 1009 ; P., 1896, 153. p-iodo- (PATTERSON), T., 1009 ; P., 1896,153. Benzanfialdoxime and its hydro- chloride (LUXMOORX), T., 17'7; P., 1895,149. action of phosphorus tricliloride on (LUXMOORE),T., 191 ; P., 1895,149. action of phosphorus pentachloride on (LUXNOORE), T., 190; P., 1895, 149. chloro-derivative of (LUXMOORE), T., 191; P., 1895, 149. Benzaldoxime sulphntes (LUXMOORE), T., 180 ; P., 1895, 149. o-iodo- (PATTERSON), T., 100s ; P., 1896, 153. m-iodo-, and its dicliloridc (PATTER- SON), T., 1008; P., 1896, 153. p-iodo- (PATTEXSON), T., 1008 ; P., 1896,153. 33enzscynaldoxime, action of pliosphorus trichloride on (LUXMOORE), T., salts of (LUXMOORE), T ., 180; P., 1895, 149. hj~rochloride (LUXMOORE), !I1., 179 ; 1. ., 1895, 149. Benzaldoximcs, isomerism of alkyl de- rivatives of (LUXMOORE), T., 187 ; P., 1895, 149. methyl derivative3 of (LUXMOORE), T.: 186. Benzamide, preparation of (LUXMOORE), T., 188. magnetic rotatory powel*, &c., of (PER- KIN), T., 1114, 1216, 1246. action of sodium ethoside on (COUES and ARCHDEACON), T., 94; P., 1896, s. Benzamide, thio-, action of iodine on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 714. Benzanilide, preparation of (COHEN and AXCHDEACON), T., 92. Benzanilamide sodium etlioxide (COHEN and ARCHDEACON), T., 94; P., 1896, 8. Benzene, discovery of (HOFNANN LEC- TURE), T., 597.192 ; P., 1895, 149. Benzcnc, discovery of, in coal tar (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 690. constitutionof, according to the vortex atoin theory (FITZG-ERALD), T., 892; P., 1896, 25. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1082, 1084, 1085, 1191, 1241. voluine changes during the formation of solutions in (JOKES), P., 1895, 179. separation of, from coal-tar naphtha Benzene, broruo-, magnetic rotatory power, Ac., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1118, 1119, 1202, 1243. cliloro-, magnetic rotatory ]sower, &c., of (PERKIN), T., .1064, 1118, 1202, 1243. ~n -diclil oro-, preparation of (CHA TTA- WAY and EVANS), T., 848; P., 1806, 9'7. condensation of with chlorobenzene (CIIATTAWAY aiid ET-ANS), T., 982 ; P., 1896,li4. p-dichloro-, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1120, 1202, Ruoro-. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1118, 1119, 1162, 1201, 1343.iodo-, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1118, 1119, 1203, 1243. nitro-, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 60'7. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1094, 1180, 1239. nz-dinitro-, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1095, 1181, 1239. reduction of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 647. Benzene-4-azo-2-acetamidophenol, m- nitro- (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1324. Benzene-4-azo-2-aniinopheiio1, m-nitro- (?~EI,DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), Jl., 1325. Eenzeneazoguaiacol, m-nitro-, and its benzoate [OH : OMe : N2 = 1 : 2 : 41 (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAP), T., 1333. Benzeneazoealicylic acid, potassium, ethgiic salts (HEWITT and STEVEN- SOX), T., 1265; P., 1896, 150.o-chloro-, ammonium, potassium, sil- ver, inethylic, ethylic salts, be- haviour towards bases (HEWITT and STEVENSON), T., 1258; P., 1896,149. (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 598. 124.3.ISDES OF SUBJECTS. 1717 Renzencazosalicylic acid, m-chioro-, am- monium, silver, barium, potmsiuni, inethylic, ethylic salts (HEWITT and STEVENSOX), T., 1262 ; P., 1896, 150. p-chloro-, potassiuiu, ammoniurn, barium, silver, methylic, ethylic salts (HEWITT and STEVENSON), T., 2 : 4-bromo- nitro- (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1327; P . , 1896, 164. 4-nitro- (I~ELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and Benzene-in-disulphoiiic acid, calcium salt of (SSAPE), T., 100. Benzene-p-disulphonic acid, calcium salt of (SNAPE), T’., 100.Benzenesulphonic chloride, magnetic rotatory power, kc., of (PERKIN), T., 1123,1205, 1244. Beiizenyl-o-arninotl~iophcnol, prepara- 1263 ; P., 1896, 150. Benzene-fi : 1-diazouicle, AFTRAY), f., 1328. tiOd Of (HOFXAXN LECrURE), T., 712. Eeiizil, condensation of, with acetone- clicarboxylic acid (JAPP aiid LAX- DER), P., 1896, 109. condensation of, with ethylic aceto- acetate (JAPP :ind LAXDER), T., 736; P., 1895, 146. condensntion of, with levulinic acid (JAPE’ and &fURRAY), P., 1896, 146. Eenzodietli~ltliiourea (Dmozr), T., 1604; Bc-nmic acid, absorption bv silk of dilute (WALKER and APPLEYARD), T., 1346 ; I?., 1896, 147. antliraflavic acid salt of (HOFXANN LECTFRE), T., 633. allylie, butj lie, iso-butglic, ethFlic, inetliylic, octylic, propylic, and iso- propylic salts of, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of the (PERKIN), T., 1073-1078, 10~4,1125,1141,11’73- 1175, 1226, 1237, 1238, 1247.nruylic and ethylic salts, molecular volumcs in orgLznic solrents of the (NICOL), T., 1413; P., 1895, 237. 2-cl1loro-4-nitroplienol salt of (MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 2-chloro-5-nit1~o-phenol salt of ( MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WELAY), T., 1326 ; P., 1896, 163. 4-chloro-3-nitroplieiiol salt of (MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1323 ; P., 1896,163. guaiacol salt of (MELDOLA), P., 1896, m-nitro-benzeneazoguaiacol salt of, Y., 1896, 224. 1328; Y., 1896, 164. 126, 127. ( ~IELDOLA. WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1333. Benzoic arid, o-nitroguaiacol salt of, (MFLDOLA), k‘., 1896, 127. ~ (MELDOLA), I?., 1896, 127. 1 Benzoic acid, m-amino-, action of chloro- I fo1.m and potash on [ELLIOTT), T., 1513 ; P., 1896, 171.I o-iodo- (PATTERSOX), T., 1007. ’ wiodc- (PATTERSON) T., 1003. 1 Benzoic chloride. magnetic rotator7 j 1205, 1244. [OBz : OME : NO2 = ! : 2 : 61 p-nitroguaiacol salt of, [OBz : OME : NG2 = 1 : 2 : 41 po\ier, Bic., of (PEEKIN), T., 1121, action of lead thiocyanate on (DIXOX), Benzoindicarboxylic acid, diamino-, and its osazone (ELLIOTT), T., 1517 ; I?., , T., 1603. I 1896, 1’71. Benzonitrilc, preparation of (LUX- MOORE), T’., 189 ; (HOFSIANN IiEC- TURE), T., 705. magnetic rotatorg power, kc., of nitro-, reduction of (HOFXAXS LEC- Benzophenone, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIX), T., 1064, 1091, Bcnzothiazolecarboxylic acid, prepam- ( h R h I X ) , T., 1096, 1206, 1244.TURE), T., 709. I 1 1093, 1201, 1243. tiOn O f (IIOFXANN LECTURE), T., $13. Ben~otliiocaibiniide, and the action of diethylamine on (DIXON), T., 1603 ; Y., 1896, 224. Benzoylacetic acid, ethylic salt, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of ( PERKIF), T., 1064,1178, 1238. condensation of, with o-ethylic chlorofumarate (RUHEJIANN and WOLFF), T., 1384; P., 1896,166. Bciizoylcannabinol (WOOD, SPIVEY, and EdSTEltFIELD), T’., 545; P., 1896, 76. Benzoylglyceric acid, active, rotatory power of t?ie inethylic nnd ethplic salts of (FRANKLAND and MAC- GREGOR), T., 112; P., 1896, 10. Benzoylglyceric acid, inactive, inethylic GREGOR), T., 113; P., 1896, 10. Bcnzyl methyl oxide, magnetic rotatory power, &c.: of (PERKIN). T., 1090, 1190,1241. Benzylnmine, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PESKIX), T., 1103, 1157, 120s, 1245.Benzylaniline, magnetic rotatorp power, t i c . , of (PERKIN), T., 1102, 1209, 1232, 1245. Salt Of (FRANKLaND and MAC-1718 INDEX O F SUBJECTS. ab-Benzylcarboxyethy !thiocarbamide ( DORAN), T., 327 ; P., 1896, 74. Benzyldimethylamine, preparation of (H~FNANN LECTURE), T., 670. Benzylic alcohol, inagnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN); T., 1061, 1090,1125, 1198, 1242. chloride, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERPLN), T , 113), 1203,1243. sulphide, magnetic rotato1.y power, &c., of (PERKIF), T., 1164, 1204, 1244. Benzylpliosphine, preparation of ( HOF- MANN LECTFRE), T., 682. Benzyltrimethylammoni~~ni chloride and liyciroxide, action of heat on (HOFMANN LECTURE), Y., 670. Bismuth, rate of diffusion of, in mer- cury (HUMPRREYS), T., 251 ; P., 1896, 9.Bisphenylpyrazolonecarbovylic acid, ethylic salt of (RUHEMaNS), T., 1396; P., 1896, 166. Blood, gases OE the, Lotliar Neyer's in- vestigations on the (BEDSON), T., Boric acid. detection of, apparatus for (DOHERTY), P., 1896, 101. Bran, dry distillstiou of, with lime Bricks, efflorescence on, exposed to sulph- urous anhydride (PATERSON), T., 66 ; P., 1895, 203. Britannia-violet, discovery of (HOF- MANX LECTURE), T., (318. Bronial hydrate, crystalline forms of (POPE), P., 1896,142. Butter, estimation of butyric acid in (WILCOX), P., 1895, 202. ;.so-Butenylbenzene. See Yhenylbutyl- ene. iso-Butylanhpdrod ibenzilacetoacetic 1410; I?., 1896,119. (LAYCOCK), P., 1896, 38. acid (JAPP ancl LANDER), T., 740; I?., 1895, 146. silver and barium salts (JAPP and LANDER), T., 740 ; Y., 1895, 146.ethylic and iso-butylic (P) salts of, redrction of (JAPP and LANDER), 'l'., 743 ; P., 1895, 146. i,o-Butylbenzene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PEXKIK), T., 1082, 1083,1192,1241. nb-iso-Butylcarboxyetli ylthioc~rbamicle ( DORAN), T,, 331 ; P., 1896, 75. i.so-Rutylenf1, formation of (HOOKER), T., 1356. iso-Butyiic alcohol, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTEP), T., B u t p k acid, ethylic salt, molecvlar volume of, in organic sohents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. 1352 ; P., 1896, 164. Butyrio acid, phenylic salt, magnetic rotatorypower, Sc., of (PERKIN), T., 1075,10iG, 1078, 1180, 1238. estimation of ('A'ILcox), P., 1895,202. iso-Butyric chloride, action of mercuric or lend t1iiocpn:ite on ( D ~ x o s ) , T., 862; P., 1896, 100.Bntyrolactone ( BENTLEE', HAWORTII, and PERKIN), T., 16s; P., 1896, 36. Butyronitrile, preparation of ( KOF- XANN LECTVRE), T., 696. Butyrjlmalonic acid, specific rotation of the ethylic salt of (hJBDIE and WILLIAMSON), T., 825. ab-iso-Buty~.yl-a-naph thylthionarb- amide (DIXON), I!., 865; P., 1896, 101. aE-iso-Butgrylpheiiylt2iiocarbamide (.I)IxoN), T., 862 ; P., 1896, 101. action of silrer nitrate on (DIXON), T., 863; P., 1896, 101. ab-ico-~utyrylpheii~-lurea (DIXON), T., iso-Butyrylthiocnrbiiiiide (DIXON), T., 862. action of aniline, 0- and p-toluidme, siid a-naphthylamine 0x1 (DIXON), ab-iso-~utyryl-o-tolylthiocarbamide and action of silver nitzate on (DIXON), T., 863 ; P., 1896, 101. ab-iso-Butyry 1-p-tolylthiocarbamide and action of si!ver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 864; P.1896, 101. nb-iso-Butyrg'-o-tolSlurea (DIXON), T., 863; P., 1896, 101. ab-i.so-But~ryl-~-tolylurea (DIXOX), T., 864; P., 1896, 101. 863; P., 1896, 101. T., 862-865. C. Cadmium solution ancl diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1680; P., 1896, 220. Cadmium-allop with lead and with zinc, solution and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1681 : P., 1896, 220. Cadmium umium sulphate, density and optical behaviour of ('~'uTToN), T., 451. rubidium sulphate, density and opti- cal behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 445. CBesium sulphate, constitution of double salts containing (TtiTTON), T., 519; P., 1896, 71. cadmium sulpimte, density and opti- cal behaviour of (TUTTOB), T., 451. cobalt sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 428.TSDEX OF SUBJECTS.1719 Caxiuni copper sulphate, density and opt,ical bchariour of (TCTTON), T., 441. ferrous sulphate, density and optical hehaviour of (TUTTON), T., 396. magnesium sulphate, density and optical behayiour of (TUTTON), T., 366. optical behavioiir of (TUTTON), T., 403. nickel sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 415. zinc sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TVTTON), T., 383. Caffeino periodide, analogy of, to theo- bromine periodide (SHAW), T., 103 ; P., 1895, 177. Calcium chloride, hexnhydratc~, ab- sorption of moisture by (HAKE), P., 1896, 34. imidosulphonateq (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1625: P., 1896, 1'79. mercury imidosulphonate (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1630; Y., 1896, 179.Camphanic acid from tr-bromocam- phoric acid (KIPPING), T., 65; Y., 1895,213. from chlorocamplioric anhydride (MARSH and GABDNER), T., 82. a-broino- (KIPPING), P., 1895, 212. rr-Camphanic acid, lactoanhydride (KIPPINO), T., 942. cis-a-Csmphanic acid, circular polarisa- tion of, in the crystalline state (POPE), T., 974; P., 1896, 116. crystallography and pyroeleetric pro- perties of (POPE), T., 973; P., 1896,116. methylic salt, anhydride (KIPPIXG), T., 943 ; P., 1896, 115. traiw-7r- Camphanic acid, oxidation of (KIPPING), T., 960; P., 1896, 1.15. silver, ammonium salts, anhydride, amide (KIPPING), T., 929; P., 1895, 33, 88,211 ; 1896, 11 4. Camphene, constitution of (MARSH and GARDNER), T., 90; (TILDEN), T., 1014. from pinene (TILDEN and NICHOLLS), P., 1896, 138.oxidation of (MARSH and GARDNER), T., 74; P., 1895, 206. Camphene, a-dichloro- (KIPPING and POPE), P.. 1895, 57; (LAPWORTH and KIPPING), T., 1559; P., 1896, 152, 188. Caniplienephosphonic acid, chloro-, oxi- dation of (MABSH and GARDNER), VOL. LXIX. manganous sulpliate, density and T . , 75. Calruphenesulphonic acid, a-chlol~o-, potassium and sodium salts, chlor- ide, amide, anilide (KIPPING and POPE), P., 1895, 57; (LAPWORTH and KIPPING), T., 1551 ; P., 1896, 152, 188. P-chloro-, potassium, sodium, barium, salts, lactone, chloride, ainide, anilide (KIPPING and POPE), P., 1895, 57; LAPWORTH and KIP- PIN;), T., 1560; P:, 1896, 152, 188. Camphoic acid and its nionnmmonium, trianimonium, copper, and triplumbic salts (MARSH and GARDEER), T., '75 : P., 1895, 206.Campholide, hydrolysis of (FORSTEB): T., 55 ; P., 1895, 209. a-broino-, Iiydrolysis nf (FORSTER), T., 50 ; P., 1895, 209. p-bromo- (FORSTER), T., 58; ?., 1895, 209. dibromo-, and its l~ydi~olysis (FOE- STER), T., 41 ; P., 1895, 208. allo-Campholytic acid ethylic salt, (WALKER and HENDERSON), T., 749. Camphopyranilis acid (MARSH and GARDNER), T., 83 ; P., 1895,206. cis-Camphopyric acid and its lead and sodium salts and chloride (MARSH and GARDRER), T., 77; P. 1895, 206. meso-Camphopyric acid (MARSH and GARDNER), T., 79. tmns-Catnphopyric acid (MARSH pnd GARDNEE), T., 80; P., 1895,20C. Camphopyric anhydride (MARSH and GASDNER), T., '77; P., 1895, 206. chloro- (MARSH and GARDXER), T., Camphopyric chloride (MARSH and GARDFER), T., 73; P., 1895, 206.chloro- (MARSH and GARDNER), T., Camphor, constitution of (MARSH and GARDNER), T., 90. Camphor, amino-, from a- bromo-a- nitrocamphor and its hydrochloride and platinochloride (LAPWORTH and KIPPINO), T., 315 ; P., 1895, 210. a-bromo-, from n~-dibromocamphor, oxime of (RETIS and KIPPING), P., 1896, 77. a-dibromo-, behaviour of, towards nitric acid (FORSTEE), T., 36; P., 1895,207. ax-dibromo-, oxidation of (ICIPPINQ), T., 915; P., 1895, 210; 1896, 114. oxalate, ylatinochloride, and acetyl 83 ; P., 1895, 206. 80; P., 1895, 206. a-brom-a-amino-, hydrochloride, 5 z1720 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. derirative (LAPWORTH and KIP- I Camphoroximc, behaviour of, towards PING), T., 316; P., 1895, 210. 1 methjlic iodide (FORSTER), P., modifications of, and the potassium, hydrobromiclc, methyl and acetyl ainmoniuin, sodium, barium, cal- derivatives of (FORYTER), P., 1896, nickel, cobalt, bismuth, lead deri- Camphor, r-bromo-a-nitro-, three 1896, 146.vatives (LAPWORTH and KIPPINO-), T., 309 ; P., 1885, 210. up-dibromo-a-nitxo- (LAPWORTH and KIPPINQ), T., 308; P., 1895, 209. rr-bromo-a-isonitro-, and its potas- sium, barium, calcium, cobalt, nickel, copper, mercuric, bismuth, and acetyl derivatives ( LAPWORTH and KIPPINO), T., 317; P., 1895, 210. .ir-chloro-, oxidation of (KIPPI.W and POPE), I?., 1895, 213. a-chloronitro-, conversion of, into camphorqninone (LAP WORTH), T., 322 ; P., 1896, 76. Camphorenic acid, &odium, zinc. and methylic salts (FORSTER;, T., 5 2 ; I?., 1895, 208. bromo-, barium, silver, zinc, nmmon- ium, copper, methylic salts, and oxidation of (FORSTER), T., 4G ; P., 1895,208.Camphorenic anhgdride (FORSTEX), T., Camplioric acid, constitution of (MARSIX and GARDNER), T., 90 ; (WALKER and HENDERSON), T., 957; P., 1896,110. from camphene (MARSH and GARD- NER), T., 84; Y., 1895, 206. compound of, with acetone (POPE), T., 1696 ; P., 1896, 217. potassium allo-ethylic salt, eiectro- lysis of (ivALKER and HENDERSON), Caniphoric acid, r-bronio- (KIPPINQ), 52 ; P., 1895,208. T., 745 ; P., 1896, 110. T., 924: P., 1895, 34, 210; 1896, methylic salt (KIPPING), T., 924 ; P., w-bromo- (KIPPING), T., 63; P., r-chloro- (KIPPING and POPE), P., d-Camphoric acid, from rr-bromocnni- phoric acid (KIPPISG), T., 928. Camphoric anhydride, r-bromo- (KIP- PING), T., 927; Y., 1896, 114. w-brorro- ( K I P ~ I ~ G ) , P., 1895, 212.n--dibromo- (KIYPIXQ), P., 1895, chloro- (MARSH and GARDBEB), T., Camplioric chloride, chloro- (MAESII 114. 1895,34,210; 1896,114. 1895,212. 1895,213. 212. 82. and GARDNER), T., 81. Caniphorquinone, froni a-chloronit~~- camphor (LAPWORTH), T., 323; P., 1896, 76. Camphorsulphonic acid, a-b~onio-, oxida- tion of ammonium sait (LAPWORTH and KIPPIKG), P., 1896, 77. cis-Camphotricarbox~lic acid, and its silver salt, and anhydride (KIPPING), T., 966; P., 1896, 115. tram-Camphotricarboxylic acid, hy- drated, crystallography and circii- lar polarisation of (POPE), T., 978 ; P., 1896, 116. and its silver, calcium salts and anliy- dride (KIPPING), T., 951 ; P., 1896, 115. Cannabin, preparation of cannabinol from (WOOD, SPITEY, and EASTER- FIELD, T., 546; Y., 1896, 76.Cannabinol, active constituent of Indiiiii hemp (WOOD, SPIVEP, and EASTER- FIELD), T., 544; P., 1896, 76. existence of, in pliariiiaceutical pre- paration (WOOD, SPITEY, on(\ EASTERFIELD), T., 545; P., 1896, 76. acetyl and beiizoyl derivatives of (WOOD, SPITEP. and EASTER- FIELD). T., 545 ; P., 1896,76. Cannabinone, preparation of canna- binol from (WOOD, SYIVEY, and EASTERFIELD), T., 546 ; Y., 1896, 76. Canizadis indica, constituents of (WOOD, SPITEF, and EASTERFIELD), T., 539 ; P., 1896, 76. Caprylic acid. See Octoic acid. Carbamide, action of hypobromites on, in presence of a cganate (ALLEN), P., 1896, 31. Carbamides, allryl substituted, rate of formation of, from the corresponding cyanates (WALKER and APPLEYARD), T., 193; F.,. 1896, 12.Carbazole, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 631. Carbohydrates of barley straw (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1604; P., 1896,174. relation of furfuroids to total, from barley straw (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1606; P., 1896,174. Carbon atom, asymmet,ric (FITZQERALD), T., 892; P., 1896, 25. direct union of, with hydrogen (BONE and JORDAN), P., 1896,61.INDEX O F SUBJECTS. 1721 Carbon :- Carbonic oxide, evolution of, by a h - lice pyrogallol during oxygen estimations (CLOWES), P., 1895, 200. duration of the ffsme in the explo- sive combustion of moist and dry (DIXON, STRANGE, a d GRA- HAX), T., 773; P., 1896, 55. com.bustion of oxygen with (DIXON), T., 774; P., 1896, 55. explosive mixtures of air and (CLOWES), P., 1895, 201. combination of, with nitrous oxide (DIYON), T., 780; P., 1896, 56.Carbonic anhydride, mode of forma- tion of, in the combustion of carbon compounds (DIXOX), T., effect of electric sparks on (HOF- solubility of, in sodium phosphate solution, 1;. Meyer’s investiga- tion on (BEDSON), T., 1413. estimation of, volumetrically (SYMONS and STEPIIEXY), T., 869 ; P., 1896,103. Carbonic acid, chloro-, action of pheiiylacetylthiocarbamide on (DORAN), T., 343. action of phenylthiocarbamide on (DORAK), T., 342. action of lead thiocyamte on (DORAN), T., 325; P., 1896, 74. Carbon bisulphide, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1123. volume changes during the fornia- tion of solutions in (JONES), P., 1895, 179. intluence of, on the combination of carbonic oxide * and oxygen (DIXON), T., 783 ; P., 1896, 56.774; P., 1896, 55. MANN LECTURE), T., 728. ah-Carboxyethyleth ylthiocarbanlide (DORAN), T., 330; P., 1896,75. ah-Carbox yethylmethylthiocarbamide (DORAN), T., 330; P., 1896, 75. Carboxyethylthiocarbamic acid, salts of, action of silver nitrate on>(l)oRtaN), T., 335. methylic, ethylic, propylic, isobutylic, and benzylic salts (DORAX), T., 334; P., 1896, 7’5. T., 326, 335. derivatives of, constitution of, and isomerism of (DORAN), T., 337. action of ammonia, aminee, piperi- dine, and phenylhydrazine on (DORAN), T., 327-339 ; P., 1896, Carboxyethylthiocarbimide (DORAN), 74, 75. Carboxyethyletl~~ltliiocarbimide, action of alcohols on (DORAN), T., 333 ; Y., 1896, 75. action of water on (DORAN), T., 836. Carboxyethylthiourea (DORAN), T., 331 j P., 1896, 75.Carboxyethyl-+- thiourea, hytlrcchloride of and hydrolysis ot (DORAN), T., 341. Carvacrol, inagnetic rotatory pomer, S-c., of (PERILIS), T., 1132, 1183, 1239. Catechiii, non-formation of acid CODI- pounds of (PERKIN), T., 1410; P., 1896, 167. Catechol, magnetic rotatory power, k c . , of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1130, 1133, 1184, 1240. Catechol, dinitro- (SfELDOLA, IVOOL- 5-nitro-3-amino- (MELDOLA, \VOOL- COTT, and WRAY), T., 1334; P., 1896,164. Cedrene (CHAPM-4N and BURGESS), P., Cellulose, composition of the soluble products of acid hydroljsis of (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., insoluble, obtained by acid liydrolysis, composition of (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 809 ;. P., 1896, 96. separation of wheat straw into in- soluble cellulose and soluble pro- ducts (CROSS, BEVAN, and SUITE), T., 807; P., 1896, 96. separation of, from furfuroids by acid hydrolysis (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 806; P., 1896, $6.Celluloses of barley straw : their re- actions (CROSS, BETAN, and SXITR), T., 1609; P., 1896, 175. cereal, constitution of the (CROS, BFVAN, and SXITH), T., SO.%; P., 1896, 95. acid hydrolysis of, and sepamtion of the constituent groups ( C X O ~ S , BEVAN, and SXITH), T., 804; P., 1896, 96. Charas, constituents of (WOOD, SPIVEH, and EASTERFIELD), T., 539; P., 1896, 76. Cheiranthus chcivi, quercetin, the yellow colouring matter of (PERKIN and HUNMEL), T., 1567; P., 1893,185. chloral, condensation of, with resoin- cinol (HEWITT and POPE), T . , 1265 i P., 1896, 150. Chloral hydrate, two crystalline forms of (POPE), P., 1896, 142.condensation of, with reoorcind (HEWITT and POPE), T., 1266 ; P . , CDTT, a11d \vRSY), T., 1333. 1896,140. 810; P., 1896,96. 5 2 21722 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Chloranil (tetmc7~lororluii~one), prepara- tion of (HOFMAXS LECTURI), T., 641, 699. Chlorine, formation of, on heating man- ganese dioxide with ])oti~ssium chlorate (McLEoD), T., 1015; P., 1896, 104. IIydrochloric acid, abjorptioii bj- silk of dilute (WALKER and QPPLE- YAIZD), T., 1346; P., 1896, 147. Chlorine peroxide, detonation of (Ihxox and HARICER), T., 789 ; P., 1896, 57. Chrome alum, effect of heat on aqueous solutions of (DouGAr,), T., 1526 ; P., 1896, 183. Chroniosulphuric acid, colloidal (CAT,- VRRT and EWAX), P., 1896, 160. Chrysaniline (dianiinophe?~y7lacricZine), discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 610.Chrysin, non-formation oE acid corn- pounds O f (PEHKIS), T., 1443; P., 1896, 167. Chrysoidine, composition of (HOFNANN LECTURE), l’., 626. Cinnamaldehyde, magnetic so tatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1126, 1145, 1149, 1227,1247. Cinnsmene. See Styrene. iso-Cinnamenylmandelic acid ( JAPP Cinnamic acid (~-pheny7acryZic acid), physiological action of (HOFMAXN LECTURE), T., 698. etliylic salt, magnetic rotatory power, &c., o f tlirt (PERGIN), T., 1145, 1149, 1228, 1247. Cinnamic alcohol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., vf (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1126,1149,1228; 1247. Citraconic acid, ethylic salt, niagnetic rotatory power and relative dcnsit y of (PERKIN), T., 1063, 1173, 1237. Citzaconic anhydride, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PER- KIN), T., 1063, 1173, 1237.Citrazinic acid (2 : 6-dihydroxqpyri- dine-3-cai.box/lic acid), discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 724. action of cliloroforrn and sodium hydroxide on (SELL), T., 1418; P., 1896, 168 Citric acid, absorption by silk of dilute (WALKER and APPLEYARD), T., 1316; Y., 1896, 147. Cobalt, action of hydrogen peroxide on solutions containing (DTJRRANT), Y., 1896, 96. cesium sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 428. pDtaesiuni sulphate, density and opti- cal hehariour of (TCTTON), T., 419. and LANDER), P., 1896, 108. Cobalt, riibidi urn sulphate, density and optical behariour of (TUTTOK), T., 421. detecticn of, in presence of nickel (DURRAN~), P., 1896, 96. Colophony. See Rosin. Coniceines, preparation of (HOFIIIANN LECTURE), T., ’724.Coniine, constitution of (HOFNAR’K LEC- Conhydrine, constitution of (HOFNAKN Conyrine (%propyZpyridine), prepara- tiOn Of (HOFM.4NN LECTURE), T., 723. Copper, solubility and rate of diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 247; P., 1896, 9 ; (ROBERTS- AUSTEN), P., 1896, 219. TURE), rr., 723. LECTURE), T., 724. Copper-alloys with tin, solution and dif- fusionof,in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1682 ; P., 1896, 220. with zinc solution and diffusion of, in nicrcury (HGMPHEEYS), T., 1682 ; P., 1896, 220. Copper cmium sulphate, density and optical behavionr of (TUTTON), T., 441. potassium sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 431. rubidium sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTOhr), T., 437. Cuprous gold sulphide (MACLAUI~IN), Coumarone, magnetic rotatory powel., &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1201, 1240.Cratcqgics Oxyacantha, colouring matter in (PERKJN and HUMMEL), T., 1570 ; P., 1896, 186. Creosol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127,1135, 1185,1240. iso-Creosol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127,1285,1220. o-Cresol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1126, 1129, llS3, 1239. m-Cresol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1126, 1129, 1183, 1239. p-Cresol, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1126, 1129, 1183, 1239. Crotonic acid, ethylic salt, condensation of, with acetoacetic acid (RUHEMANN and WOLFF), T., 1391 ; P., 1896,166. Crystallography : - Atomic weight,, influence of, on the crystal characters of the sulphates containing potassium, rubidium, and cmium (TUTTOX), T., 496 ; P.1896, 71. T., 1275 ; P., 1896, 149.INDEX OF Crystallography :- Axes of the optical ellipsoid of the double sulphates of potassium, rubidium, and cwium, relocity of light along the (TUTTON), l'., 466; I?., 1896, 69. Axes of the optical ellipsoid, orienta- tion of, for double sulphates of potassium, rubidium, and cesium (TUTTON), T., 460; P., 1896, b9. Cleavage of double sulpliates of potas- sium, rubidium, and csesium (TUTTON). T., 455 ; P., 1896,6S. Distance ratios of the double sulph- ates of potassium, rubidium, and caesiuin (TUTTON), T., 458; P., 1896, 69. Morphology of the double sulphates of potassium, rubidium, and cmium (TUTTON), T., 486. of chloral and bromal hydrates, thymol, and menthol (POPE), P., 1896,142.of ris-~-camphsnic acid (POPE), T., 973; P., 1896, 116. of trans-camphotricarboxylic acid (hydrates) (POPE), T., 978; P., 1896, 116. Optic axial angles of the double sul- phates of potassium, rubidium, and coesium (TUTTON), T., 480; P., 1896, 70. Point systems corresponding to the sulphates containing potassium, rubidium, and c3eeium (TUTTON), T., 504. Polymorphism and molecular com- plexity (TUTTON), T., 509. Structural unit of the crystals of sulphates containing potassium, rubidium, and csesium (TUTTON), T., 507; P., 1896, 71. Cunene (isopropylbenzene) , magnetic rotatory power, &c., of ( PERPIN), formation of, from cuminic acid ( HOF- d h m e n e (propylbenzene), magnetic ro- t*tory power, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1082,1083, 1094, 1192, 1241.(1 : 3 : 4-trimethylhenrene), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIX), T., 1064, 1130, 1193, 1241. separation of, froin coal-tar naphtha p-Cumidine, preparation of (HOFNANN action of cyanogen on (IXOFMANN l'., 1052-1084, 1194, 1241. MA" LECTURE), T., 611. $-Cilmene (HOFXAXN LECTURE), T., 598. LECTURE), T., 625. LECTURE), T., 590, 649. SUBJECTS. IT23 p-Cumidine, colouriiig matter obtaincd by oxidation of (HOFNANN LEC- TURE), T., 605. Cuininaldehj-de (p-i.so~ropylbenznltk- hycle), magnetic rotatory power, 1242. Curninic acid (0-isopropylbenzoic acid), ethrlic salt, magnetic rotatory power, 8x.l of (PERPIN), T., 1125, 1176, 1238. Cnminyl alco!iol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 112% 1198,1242.Cyaniline, preparation of (HOFXANN LECTURE), Y., 649. Cyanogen, spectrum of the flame of (LEWES), T., 240; P., 1896, 2. luniinosity of the flame of (GROVES), P., 1896, 5. combustion of (DIXON), T., 775 ; P., 1896, 56. explosive combustion of ( DIXON, STRANGE, and GRAHAM), T., 759 ; P., 1896, 63. duration of the flame in the explosive combustion of (DIXON, STRANGE, and GRAHAM), T., 763 ; P., 1896, 54. influence of, on the combination of CRP- boiiic oxide and oxygen (DIXON), T., 783 ; P., 1896, 56. Cyanic acid, ethereal salts of (HOP- ethylic salt of, preparation of (HOP- MANN LECTURE), T., 716. rate of change into the corresponcl- ing carbamides of the methjl-, dirnethgl-, ethyl-, diethyl-, iso- aniyl-, and tertiary amyl-ammo- niuin salts of (WALKXR and APPT~EFARD), T., 193-202 ; P., 1896, 12.action of lieat on eolutions of the tetramethyl- and triethyl-ammo- nium salts of (WALKF:~~ and APPLEPARD), T., 205; P., 1806, 12. Cyanuric acid, discovery and constitu- tion of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 717. triethglic salt, preparation of (EoP- XANN LECTURE), T., 716. Cyanuric acid, trithio-, trimethylic salt (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 717. iso-Cyanuric acid, trichlorotri- methylic salt of (HOFYANN LEC- TURE), T., 718. trjphenylic salt of (HOPYANK LEC- TURE), T., 715. &c., of (PElZPIX), T., 1125, 119'3, MASN TJECTUBE), T., 654.1724 INDEX O F SUBJECTS. Cyanogen. iso-Cyanuric acid, thio-, ethereal salts of, discovery of (HOFXANN LEC- TURE), T., 718. Cpnoruaclurin, non-formation of acid compounds of (PEREIN), T., 1440 ; P., 1896, 167.Cymene (p-?,zeth.yZisopr#p~~Zbeizzene), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PEEKIX), T., 1125, 1194, 1242. C~rmophenone. See Phenyl cynijl lietone, D. Datiscetin, non-formation of acid com- pounds of (PERPIN), T., 1440; P., 1896,167. Datisca can?tabi)i a , datiucetin, the colouring matter of ( PERKIN), T., 1440 ; P., 1896, 167. (HOOKER), T., 1369. 1362, 1377. Dehvdrolapachone, constitution of +L)eliydrolapachone (HOOKER), T., .Density of liquids, method of deter- mining (PERKIN), T., 1043; I?., 1896, 122. of liquid oxygen and ail. (DEWAR), P., 1895, 226. of double sulphates of potassium, rubidium, and cesium (TUTTON), T., 456 ; P., 1896, 68. Deneity, vapour, Hofmann's method for the determination of (HOF- of nietaphosphoric acid (TILDEN and BARNETT), T., 158; P., 1896, 30.of phosphoric anhydride (TILDEN and BARNETT), T., 154; P., 1896, 30. MANN LECTURE), T., 724. Deoxybenzoiii. See Phenyl benzyl Desjlacetic acid (B-beiazo~Z-8-pheiz~~ro- pionic. acid), formation of, from desyleneacetic acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 109. forination of, from diphenylcliliy- dmxyglutonic acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 108. Desyleneacetic acid (8-benzoylcinnanzic acid), formation of, from anhydr- wcetonebenzil (JAPP and LAXDER), reduction of (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 109. Dextrin, reducing power of, on ammo- niacal silver nitrate (KENDEESON), liet one. P., 1896, 10;. lr., 151 ; P., 1896, 9. Dcsti*ose. See Glucose. Diacetamidoazobenzenc (MELDOLA and ANDREWS), T., 11; P., 1896, 215. Diacetamidoazoryhenzene (MELDOLA and ANDRETW), T., 8; P., 1895, 215.1 : 3 : 1'-Diacetoxymethylanthracene (SCHUNCK and MARCHLEWSKI), T., 71; P., 1895, 202. Diacetglacetone, condensation of (COL- LIE and WILSMORE), T., 295; P., 1896, 47. Diacetylglyceric acid, ethylic salt, rota- tory power of solutions of, in benzene and acetic acid (FRANK- LAND and PICKARD), T., 135, 136 ; P., 1896, 11. freezing points of solutions of, in benzene and acetic acid (PRANKLAND and PICKARD), T., 134,135 ; P., 1896, 11. Diazo-compounds, discovery of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 698. Diazoaminobenzene, o-dinitro-, alkyla- tion of (RIELDOLA and STREAT- FEILD), P., 1896, 49. p-dinitro-, alkylation of (MELDOLA and STREATFEILD), P., 1896, 51. op-dinitro-, ethyl derivative (MEL- DOLA and STREATFEILD), I?., 1896, 50. Diazobenzene, op-dichloro- (CHATT- AWAY and ETAN~), T., 850; P., 1896, 98.6 : 1-Diazoxyanisoil, 4-nitro- (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1332; P., 1896, 164. 3 : %Diazoxypheno!, 5-nitro- (MELDOLA, T~OOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1334; P., 1896, 164. Dibenzaconine and its salts (DUNSTAN and CARR), P., 1895, 178. Dibenzamidoazobenzene ( MELDOLA and ANDREWS), T., 12 ; P., 1895, 215. Dibenzoclithiazole, preparation of (HOF- Dibenzoxydiphenylmethane (MAC- KENZIF.), T., 992; P., 1896, 117. Dibenzoylglyceric acid, methylic salt, rotatory powers of solutions of, in benzene, ethylene clibromide, nitrobenzene, and acetic acid (FRANKLAND and PICPARD), T., 127, 130, 131, 133; P., 1896, 11. freezing points of solutions of, in benzene, ethylene dibromide, nitrobenzene, and acetic acid (FRANKLAND and PICKARD), T., 125,127,129,131,132; P., 1896, 11.Dibenzoylglpceri- acid (active), me- tliylic, ethylic, and propylic salts, rotatory power of the (FRASKLAND MA" LECTURE), T., 713.INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 7 735 and MACGREGOR), T., 104; P., 1 1896, 9. I Dibenzoylglpceric acid (inactive), methylic salt (FRANKLAND and MAC- GREGOR), T., 106; P., 1896, 9. Dibcnzoylphenylacetic arid and its silver salt (CTAPP and LINDER), T., 741 ; P., 1895, 146. Dibenzoylphenylmethane (JAPP and LANDER), T., 742 ; P., 1895, 146. Dibenzoyltartaric acid, 1-otatory powers of the methplic and ethylic salts of (FRANKL~ND and \~'IIARTOS), T., 1585; P., 1896, 186. Dibenzyl, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (YERKIN), T., 1085, 1C86, 1195, 1242. power, &c., of (PEBKIN), T., 1103, ' 1208, 12-15. Dibenzylphosphine, preparation of ( HOFJlA4NN LECTURE), T., 6S2.Uiethoxydiphenylmethane (MAC- PENZIE), T., 990; P., 1896,117. Diethylamine, disccvery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 661. Diethylanilino ( KOFMANN LECTURE), T., 598. discovery of (HOFXANN LIWTURE), T., 660. magnetic rotatory .power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1099, 1100, 1205, 1244. aztion of ethylic bromide on (HOP- MANN LECTURE), T., 663. sulphonation of (EVANS), P., 1895, 235. Dietliyldiethylenediamine, discovery of {KOFMANN LECTURE), T., 685. Eiethyienediamine (HOFMANN LEC- Diethylenetriamine, discovery of, and its salts (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., Diethyletliylenediamine, discovery of ( MOFMANN LECTURE), T., 686. Diethyloxamic acid, ethylic salt, pre- paration of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 662. Diethyloxamide, preparation of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 662.Dietlzylphosphonic acid, preparation of ( HOFMANX LECTURE), T., 682. Diffusion of metals in mercury (Hux- PHREYS), T., 293, 16'79; P., 1896, 9,220 ; (ROBERTS-AUYTEN), P., 1896, 219. Ditluorpls, a - , B-, and y- ( HODGKINSON), P., 1896, 111. Dihydrocymene. See Xethylisopro- pplcyclohexadiene. 1 ' Dibenzylamine, magnetic rotatory TTBE), y., 684, 685. -686. Dihydroxydiphenylglutaric acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 108. 1 : 2-Dihydroxyflavone, acid compounds of (PERKIN), T., 1443; P., 1896, 167. Dihydroxyhydrolapachol, action of sulphuric acid on (HOOKER), T., 1368. Dihydroxylarnine hydriodidc ( DUNSTAN and GOULDINB), T., 841 ; P., 1896, 73. Dili-j-droxynialeic acid (FENTON), T., constitution of (FENTON), T., 556.isomeric form of (FENTON), T., 557. a- and P-modifications (FENTON), T., 560. action of acetic anhydride, chloride, and benzoic chloride on (FENTON), T., 550, 551, 552; P., 1896,68. action of aniline on (FENTON), T., 652. action of bromine on (FENTON), T., 517. action of ethylic bromide on (FEN- TON), T., 554. action of hydrogen bromide, chloride, and iodide on (FENTON), T., 547, 553, 555, 558 ; P., 1896, 68. action of hydrovylamine and phenyl- hydrazine on (FENTON), T., 548, 549; P., 1896, 68. action of water on (FENTON), T., 547. 547; P., 1896, 67. Dihydroxymaleic acid, aniline salts diethylic salt (FENTON), T., 554. (PESTON), T., 651, 552. behaviour of, with dehydrating agents (FENTON), T., 555. action of phenylhydrazine and liydroxylamine on (FENTON), T., 548 ; P., 1896,68.dimethylit: salt, diaeetpl derivative (FENTON), T., 550. action of acetic chloride, of phenyl- hydrazine, and hydroxylamine on (FIXTOS), T., 549; P., 1896, 68 phenylhydrazine salt, and action of heat on (FENTON), T., 548; P., 1896, 68. Dihydroxymaleic anhydride, diacetyl and dibsnzoyl derivatives of (FEN- Diliydrouy-p-iial)litliaquinone, discovery of (HOFXANN LECTURE), T., 621. o-Diinethoxybenzene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1135, 1159, 1158, 1240. nz-Diniet1i3xybenzene7 magnetic rota= TON), T., 551.1726 naphthalene, and its oxidation (COL- LIE and WILSNORE), T., 298; P., 1896, 47. , p-Dimethglpenthiazoline, y-bronio-, pro- bable identity of, with dimethylallgl- thiocarbamide dibromide (DIXOK), T., 854; P., 1896,100.Dimethylprotocatechuic acid, existence of, in Crntagws oxyncantha (PERKIN and HUNMEL), T., 1571; P., 1896, 186. 2 : 6-Dimethylpgridine-4 : 5-dicarboxylic acid f r o x hydroxytriniethglisoquinol- ine (COLLIE and WILSNORE), T., 303; P., 1896, 4.7. cis-afl-Dimethylsuccinic acid from e th y 1 ic m ath7 lm donate and ethylic a-bromopropionate (BONE and PER- KIN), T., 262; P., 1896, 64. conversion of, into tvansdimethylsuc- cinic acid (BONE and PERKIN), T., calcium salt (BONE and PERKIN), T., cis-a&Dimetliylsuccinic anhydride from cis- and trans-modifications (BONE and PERKIN), T., 264; P., 1896,64. trans- aB-Dimet h y I succinic acid from ethjlic inethylmnlonate and a- bromoproliinnat e ( BONE and PER- KIN), T., 263; P., 1896, 64. a n d its ferric, copper, lead, silver, calcium salts (BONE and PERKIN), T., 260 ; P., 1896, 64.264; P., 1896,64. 261 ; P., 1896, 64. trans-a&Diniethylsuccinic anhydride (BONE and PERI~IK), T., 266; P., 1896, 64. INDEX OF tory power, &c., of (PEEPIN), T., p - Din?ethoxybenzene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1136,1188,1240. Dimethoxyrliphenylmethane (MAC- KENZIE), T., 987; P., 1896, 117. Dimethylacetoacetic acid, ethylic salt, action of ethylic bromacetate on (PERKIN and THORPE), Y., 1896, 156. 1127, 1169, 1187, 124'0. SUBJECTS. PP-Dimethylglutaric anhydride, action of aniline on (PERPIN), T., 14.76. 1 : 3-DiniethylcycZohexane (hezahydro- in-xylene) from camphopgric acid (MARSII and GARDNER), T., 84; P., 1895, 206. 1 : 2-Dimethylgclohexane-4-carboxylic acid (hexah.ydro-p-xylic acid) and its ethylic salt, chloride, and anilicle (BSNTLEY and PERPIN), P., 1896, 79.bromo-, et,hylic salt of (BENTLEY and Dimetliylacetylacetone, magnetic rota- tory power and relative densit.y of ' (PERPIN), T., 1063, 1172, 1237. 3 : 4-Dimcthy1c~z/cZol1exenccarbox~lic Ihnethylaniline, preparation of (ITOF- I acid (f~trahydro-p-xy7ic acid) MA" LECTURE), T., 624, 628. 1 [Me2 : COOH = 4 : 3 : 11 (BENT- magnetic rotatory power, &c., of , LEY and PERKIN), P., 1896, '79. (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1099, 1100, 1 dibromide (BENTLEY and PERKIN), PERK IN),"^., 1896, 79. l l A Q 11KC 1.7A3 10QO l O A A D i o n 0 kn lLUU, IIUU, L A W I , IYOY, l&'l!?c. sulphonation of (EVANS), P., 1895, 235. hydrochloride, magnetic rotatory power, &c.. of (PERKIN), T., 1110.L ., AQVU, I J . Di~nethylhoniocatecliol, magnetic rota- tory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 112'7, 1135, 1188, 1240. 3 : 3'-Dimeth~lnanhthalene. from 2- Dimethylaniline, tetrabromo- (EVANS), 2 : 4-dinitro- (EVANS), P., 1895, 236. Diinethylaniline-m-sulphonic acid, p - broino- (EVANS), P., 1895, 236. dibromo- (EVANS), P., 1895, 236. dinitro- (EVANS), P., 1895, 236. Dimethylaniline-p-sulphonic acid, pre- paration of (EVANS), P., 1895, 235. bromo-, and its clibromide (EVANS), P., 1895, 235. o-nitro- (EVANS), P., 1805, 236. aa-Dimethylcyanosuccinic acid, ethylic salt (BOSE and PERPIN), T., 259; Y., 1896, 63. Dimethyldietliylsn~inoninm iodide, pre- paration of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 670. ~ ~ - D i u i e t l ~ ~ l g l u t a r a n i l (PERKIN), T., 1476.~~-Dimetliylglutaranilic acid ( PERIEIN), T., 1476 ; P., 1896,170. nal-Dimethylglutaric acids, reso1ution of a mixture of (BONE and PERKIN), T., 265 ; P., 1896, 63. @-Dimethylglutaric acid and salts (PERKIN and GOODWIN), T., 1473; P., 1896, 170. high dissociation constant of (PER- KIN), T., 1461. action of acetic anhydride on (PER- KIN and GOODWIN), T., 1475. ethglic salt (PERKIN and GOODWIN), T., 1475. BP-Dimethglglntaric anhydride (PER- KIN and GOODWIN), T., 1475; P., 1896,170. P., 1895, 235, 236.IXDES OF Diniethyl-o-toluidinr, magnetic rotatory 1138, 1156, 1211, 1233. 1245. 11 yd rochloride, magnetic rotatory power, Src., of (PERKIN), T., 1111, 1131,1139, 1222, 1246. Diniethyl-p-toluidine, magnetic rotatory power, Src., of (PERKIN), T., 1108, 1138,1156, 1211,1233, 1245.hydrochloride, magnetic rotatory power, &C., Of (PERKIX), l’., 1108, power, &C., Of (PERKIK), T., 1111, 1131.1139.1222.1246. Dipentcne, cons.titution of (TJLDEN), T., 1014. Diphenacyl. See Diphenylethylene di- ketone. Diphenoxybutyric acid. See Diphen- oxy rth ylace t ic acid. Diphenoxydiethylacptic acid (diphen- oxyhexoic acid) and its salts (BENT- LEY, HAWORTH, and PERPIN), T., 169; P., 1896, 36; (PERKIN), T., 1302. Diplienoxydieth~~~nalonic acid and its salts (BEXTLEP, H-QWOI~TH, and PERKIN), T., 169; P., 1896, 36; (PERPIN), T., 1501. action of heat on (BENTLEY, HA- WORTH, md PERKIN), T., 169 ; P., 1896, 36. Diplienoxgethglacetic acid (diphenoxy- butyric acid). action of hydrogen chloride in acetic acid on ( RENTLEP, HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 170; P., 1896, 36.Diphenoxyhesoic ncid. See Diphenoxy- diethy lacetic acid. Diphenvl, magnetic rotatory power, &c., Of ~(PEltKIh-), T., 1085, 1087, 1089, 1153, 1196, 1230, 1242. LECTURE), T., 689. p-aniino-, composition of ( HOFXASN niphenylacetamidine, discovery of (HOFMANE; LCCIUBE), T., 704.. Diphenylacetjlglyceric acid (active), ro- tatory power of the methylic salt of (FBANKLAND and MACGREGOR), T., 111; P., 1896, 10. Diphenylallophanic acid, etliylic salt (HOFXANN LECTURE), T., 715. Diphenylamine, discovery of (HOFNSNN LECTURE), T., 615. absorption of picric acid from aqueous aolution by (WALKER and APPLE- YARD), T., 1342; P., 1896, 148. Djplienylbenzamidinc, discovery of (HOFNANN LECTUEE), T., 705. 9%-Diphenylbenzene, synthesis of, and its identity with isodiphenylbcnzene (CHATTAWAY and EYANS), T., 982 ; P., 1896, 114.By-Diphenylbutjric acid, identity of, SUBJECTS. I727 with pyroamaric acid (JAPP and LAX DEB), P., 1896, 110. s-Diphenylcarbamibe (carbanilide), preparation of (HOFNANN LEC- TURE), T., 649, 652. niplienyldiethylenedianiine, discovery Diphenjlethylenedianiine, discovery of Diphenylformamidine (dipheylmelh- of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 6844. (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 683. enylamidine) discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 684, 705. Diphenylfumaric acid, production of, from anhydracetoneben zilcarboxy lic acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 109. production of, from diphenylcyclo- pentenonylacetic asid (JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1896,147. Diphenylguanidine (melaniliue), prepa- ration of: its salts and l~alogen derivatives ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 600.action of cyanogen on (HOFMAXN LECTURE), T., 651. dicyano- (HOFYANN LECTURE), T., ($53. dinitro- (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 651, 695. DiplienSlh ydroxycyclopentanonecarb- oxylic acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896,109. Diphenylic ethylenic ether (BENTLEY, HAWCRTR, and PERKIN), T., 165. inethglenic ether ( BENTLEP, HA- WORTH, and PEIZKIN), Y’., 166,167. Diphenjlmaleic acid, production of. from anhjdracetonbenzilcarboxylic acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 109. production of, from diphenylcyclo- pentenonylacetic acid (JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1896, 147. Diphenylmetbane, magnetic rot d o r y 1085,1086,1152, 1195, 1230,1242. LANDER), P., 1896, 108. LANDER), P., 1896, 108. (JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1896,147. iodine on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 71 5.Dipropionglglyceric acid, active, rota- tory power of t h e methylic salt of (FRANKLAND and MACGREGOR), T., 116; P., 1896,lO. Dipropyl ketone, magnetic rotatory Dower and relatire density of (PER- KIN), T., 1063, U i 2 , 1236. power, &C., O f (PERKIN), T., 1064: DiphenyIc,~clopentarie (JAPP and Diphenylc.yclopentenone (JAPP and Diphen~lcycZopentenonylacetic acid .r-l)iphenylthiocarbamide, action of‘1728 INDEX OF SUB.JECTS. Disazo-compound, C,,H12ZLr4, obtained from the product of the action of chloroforni and potash on m-amino- benzoic acid (ELLIOTT), T., 1516; P., 1896, 171. Dissociation of carbon dioxide, effect in limiting the combustion of carbonic oxide of the (DIXON), T., 786; P., 1896, 56. o-Ditoluoyltartaric acid, rotatory power of the metliylic and ethylic salts of (FRANKLAND and WRARTON), T., 1312, 1589; P., 1896, 148.In-Ditoluoyltartaric acid, rotatory power of the methylic and ethylic salts of (FRANKLAND and WHARTON), T., 1317 j P., 1896,145. p-Ditoluoyltartaric ucid, rotatory power of the methjlic and ethjlic salts of (FRANKLAND and WIXARTON), T., 1314; Y., 1896, 148. Dyeing, chemical theory of (WALKER and APPLEYARD), !P., 1341; I?., 1896,148. Dyes, acid compounds of yellow (PERKIN), T., 1440; P., 1896,167. constitution of nature1 yellow (PER- KIN), T., 1439 ; Y., 1896,167. E. Elaboration, distinction between assimilation and (CROSS, BEVAN, and SNITIS), T., 1605 ; P., 1896, 174. Conductivity of formanilide (EwAN), of sodium thioformanilide (EwAN), fyroelectric properties of cis-wcani- phanic acid (POPE), T., 973; P., 1896,116.Electrolysis, Helmholtz’s discoveries in (FITZGERALD), T., 900; P., 1896, 25. (FITZGERALD), T., 906; P., 1896, 25. Ellagic acid, occurrence of, in Quer- brucho colorado (PERKIN and GUNNELL), T., 1307; P., 1896,158. Eosin. See Pluorescein, tetrabronio-. Equilibrium between alkylainmonium cyanates and the corresponding cnrbamides (WALKER and APPLE- PARD), T., 193; P., 1896, 12. between diphenylamine, picric acid, and water (WALKER and APPLE- PARD), T., 1342; €’., 1896,148. between picric acid dissolved in water and absorbed by silk (WALKER and ELECTRICITY. T., 96 ; P., 1896, 8. T., 97; P., 1896, 8. Electrolytic-dissocia,tion, theory of APPLEYAED), T., 1339; P., 1896, 147. Ethanetetracarboxjlic acid, ethylic salt E thenyl-o-amin othiophenol amyl- (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1485.iodide, coloiiring niatter obtained from (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 714. Etlioxpacetic acid, copper and soclium salts, electrolysis of (WALKEX), T., 1278,1279. p-Ethoxypenthiazoline. y-bromo- (DIX- OX), T., 31; P., 1895, 217. Ethylamine, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTUEE), T., 656. action of nitrous acid on (HOPMANN LECTURE), T., 698. EthSlanhydrodibenzilacetoacetic acid and its potassium, silver, and barium salts (JAPP and LAXDER), T., 739 j P., 1895, 146. ethylic salt of (JAPP and LANDER), T., 738 ; P., 1895, 146. reduction of (JAPP and LAKDER), T., 743 ; P., 1895, 146. Ethylaniline (HOFNANN LECTURE), T‘., 598. discovery of ( HOFMAKX LECTURE), T., 660. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (‘ERKTN), T., 1099,1208,1244.o-nitro- (MELDOLA and STREAT- FE~LD), P., 1896, 51. Etliylbenzene, magnetic rotntorv power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., l079,1062,1083, 1094, 1096, 1192, 12-41. Ethylene, explosive mixtures of air and (CLOWES), P., 1895, 201. Ethylene, tribrom- (HAWORTH and PERKIN), T., 177. Ethylenediamine (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 684. Ethylenic ’ dibromide, action cf potas- sium carbonate on (HAWORTH and PERKIN), T., 175 ; P., 1896, 37. action of sodium phenoxide on (BENTLEY, HAWORTH, and PER- KIN), T., 165. dichloride, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063, 1173, 1237. chlorobromide, uction of sodium phen- oxide on (BENTLEY, HAWORTXI, and PERKIN), T., 165. Ethylic alcohol, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), T., 1351 ; P., 1896,164. (CAIN), P., 1896, 12.action of hydrogen chloride on Etliylic ether, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTIEY), T., 1353 ; P., 1896, 165.IXUEX OF SUBJECTS. 1729 Ethylic iodide, magnetic rotatory power and relative density OE (PERPIN), T., 1063,1173,1237. Ethylmanveine, discovery of (HOF- MAXN LECTURE), T., 618. Ethylmesit3ylene. See 1 : 3 : 5 : 2-Tri- methylethylbenzene. Ethylpropylisobutylammoniuni chlor- ide, optically active (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 671. E thy1 isopropylisobutylpliosphine and its methiodide (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 682. Ethyl-a-thiocarbonic acid, potassiuni salt of (DORAN), T., 341. E t liyltriethylphosphonium bromide, brom-, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 678. action of trirnetbylamine and tri- ethylamine on (HOFMAIIN Lac- TURE), T., 679.Eugenol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1142, 124i. iso-Eugenol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1147, 1247. Eusanthone, non-formation of acid com- pounds of (PERKIN), T., 1440; P., 1896, 167. Exploaion of mixtures of cyanogen, oxy- gen, and nitrogen, rate of (DIXON, STRANGE, and GRAHAM), T., 761 ; P., 1896, 53. wave in chlorine peroxide, rate of the (DIXON and HARKER), T., 791; P., 1896, 5’7. Explosive mixtures of gases with air (CLOWES), P., 1895,201. F. Fermentation of furfuroids by yeast (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 816; P., 1896,96. of furfuroids from barley straw by yeast (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1607; P., 1896, 174. Fisetin, identity of, with colouring mat- ter of Querbraeho colorado (PER- KIN and GUNNELL), T., 1306; Y., 1896, 158.acetpl and benzoyl derivatives of (PERKIN and GUNNELL), T., 1305 ; P., 1896, 158. (LEWES), !I?., 235; P., 1896, 2 ; (SMITHELLS), P., 1896, 3. of hydrocarbons, cawe of the lumiao- sity of (SMITHELLS), P., 1896, 3. Flames, structure of hydrocarbon Flames, acetylene theory of the lumin- osity of hydrocarbun ( LEWES), T., 226; P., 1896, 1; (SMITHELLS), P., 1896, 3. temperature of certain (LEWES), T., 228 ; P., 1896,2 ; (HARTLET), T., 842-844; P., 1896, 98; (HAR- COURT, THORPE, RUCKER, SMITH- ELLS), P., 1896, 3-5. of cyanogen and carbonic oxide under- going explosive combustion, dura- tion of the (DIXON, STRANGE, and GRAHAM), T., 763 ; P., 1896, 54. Flavopurpurin, discovery of (HOFYANN LECTURE), T., 633. Fluorene, oxidation of (HODGKINSON), P., 1896, 110.Fluorescein, tstrabromo-, (eosim), com- position of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 625. Formaldehyde, discovery of (HOFMAXN LECTURE), T., 706. occurrence of a condensation product of pentose with, in cellulose (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 813; P., 1896, 96. hydrazone of (WALKER), T., 1279. action of phenylhydrazine on (WAL- Formaldehyde, trithio-, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 707. Formanilide, preparation of (LUX- MOOEE), T., 190; P., 1895, 149. electrical conductivikg of solutions of (EwAN), T., 96; P., 1896, 8. niagnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIK), T., 1114,1216, 1246. action of caustic soda on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 704. sodium etlioxide (COHEN and ARCH- DEACON), T., 94; P., 1896, 8. Formaniiide: thio-, prepayation of (BOFMANN LECTURE), T., 710.electrical conductivity of* the sodium salt of (EwAN), T., 97; P., 1896, 8. Formic acid, condensation of, with pen- toses (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 813 ; P., 1896, 96. amylic salt, molecular volume of, i n organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. ethylic salt, molecular volume of, in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143 ; P., 1S95, 23’7. Foi-mophenylhydrazide, disodium deri- vatire of (COHEN and ARCHDEACON), French purple, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 608. Fructose. See Levulose. Fuchsine. See Rosaniline. EER), T., 1280. T., 95; P., 1896, 8.1730 IXDEX OF Fumaric acid, chloro-, action of hydra- zine and phenylhydrazine on (RUIIEMANN), T., 1396; P.,1896, 1e6. cthylic salt, condcnsation of, with ethylic acetoacetate (RuI~E- MA” and TYLER), T., 532; Y., 1896, 73.conden>ation of, with ethylic ben- zoylacetate (RUIIEMANN and WOLFF), T., 1384; Y., 1896, 166. condensation of, viirh ethylic methjlacetoacetate ( RUHE- MANN and WOLFE), T., 1386 ; P., 1896, 166. Furfuraldehyde, percentage of, in cel- lulose, and soluble products of cellu- lose (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 807; P., l.896, 96. Furfuroids, condition of, a t difl’erent stages of plant (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1609 ; P., 1896, 175. relation of, to total carbohydrates from barley straw (CROSS, HEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1606; P., 1896, 174. oxidation of, by ‘bromine (CROSS, BEVAX, and SMITH), T., 815; P., 1896, 96. fermentation of, by yeast (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMIIiH), Y., 816; P., 1896, 96. osazones and yeast, fermentation of, from barley straw (CROSS, REVAN, and SMITH), T., 1607 ; I?., 1896, 174. reaction of, with hydrogen peroxide (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1607; Y., 1896, 174.estimation of. in placts (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1604; P., 1896,174. separation of, from cellulose by acid hydrolysis (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 806; P., 1896, 96. G. Galaftose, reducing power of, on am- inoniacal silver nitrate (HENDERSON), T., 152; I?”, 1896, 9. Gallic acid, occurrence of, in Quer- hracho C Q Z W U ~ O (PERKIN and GUXNELL), T., 1307 ; P., 1896,158. occurrence of, in sumach (PERKIN and ALLEN), T., 1302; P., 1896, 157. Gas, coal-, explosive mixtures of air and (CLOWES), Y., 1895, 801. 1UBJECTS. Gases, erect of electric spnrks on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 727. liqaefactim of DEW^^^), P., 1895, 221.combination of, in equal volumes (FIXON), T., 780; P., 1896, 56. Gentisin, non-formation of acid com- ponnds of (PERKIN), T., 1440; Y., 1896,167. d-Gliicose (dextrose), identity of, froni different sources (O’SULLIVAN and STERN), T., 1691; P., 1896, 218. synthesis of (HOFMAXX LECTURE), T’., 707. specific rotatory power OF, froni different sources (O’SULLIVAN sncl STERN), T., 1693 ; P., 1896. 218. specific grarity of aqiieous so1utio:is of, from different sources (O’SULLI- v - 4 ~ and STERN), T., 1693 ; P., 1896, 218. cupric reducing power of, from dif- ferent sourc.es (O’SULLIVAN and STERN), T., 1696; P., 1896, 218. reducing power of, on ammoniapal siher nitrate (HENDERSON), T., G-lucosides, existence o€ colouring mat- ters as (PERKIN and HUMMEL), T., 1572 ; Y., 1896, 186.Glycocine (aminoacefic acid), consti- tution of (SAKURAI), P., 1896, 38. Glycol, preparation of ( HAWORTH and PERKIN), T., 175; P., 1896, 37. chlorhydrin, action of sodium ethoxide and phenol on (BJWTLEP, HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 164. monophenyl ether ( BENTLEP, HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 164. Gljcollic acid, sodium salt, electrolysis of (WALKER), T., 1278. Gold-alloys with silver, solubility of, in potl~ssiuin cyanide solutions (MACLAURIN), l’., 1276; P., 1806, 149. Gold, double sulpbides of silver, lead, iron, copper, and (MACLAURIN), T., 1269 ; P., 1896, 149. Guaiscol, magnetic rotatory power, kc., of (PERPIN), T., 1127, 1135, 1188, 1240. p-nitro- [OH : OMe : NO2 = 1 : 2: 41 (MELDOLA), P., 1896, 125-127., dinitro- [OH : OMe : (NO,), = 1 : 2 : 4 : 61 (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, uiid WRAY), T., 1351.[OH : OMe : NO, : NH: L- 1 : 2 : 4 : 61, and its acetyl de- rivatives ( MELDOLA, \~OOLCOET, and WRAY), T., 1331 ; P., 1896, 164. 145 ; P., 1896, 9. nitramino-INDEX O F SUEJECTS. I731 Gunnidine, preparation of (HOFJIASF LECTURX), Y’., 715- H. Hawthorn blossom, colouring matter of white (PERKIN and H~JMMEL), T., 1570; P., 1896, 1%. HEAT :- Boiling points, apparatus for deter- mining (PERKIN), T., 1041; P., 1896, 122. of organic substances (PERKIN), T., 1247. Freezing points of sollitions of active ethylic diacetylglycerate in acetic acid and in benzene ( FRANKLAND and PICKARD), T., 134, 135; P., 1896, 11. of solutions of active and inactive methylic dibenzoylglpcerates in acetic acid, benzene, nitro-ben- zene, and ethylenic dibromide ( FRANKLAND and PICKARD), T., 125, 127, 129, 131, 132; Y., 1896, 11.Temperature of certain flames (BARTLEF), T., 844 ; P., 1896,98. Tcmperaturee, low (DEWAR), P., 1895, 221. Thermodpnsmics, applications of, to chemistry (FITZGERALD), T., 895 ; P., 1896, 25. GERALD), T., 885; P., 1896, 25. discussion on ( HARCOURT, LISTER, FRANKLAND, RAYLEIBH, ROSCOE, 26. Helmholtz memorial lecture (FITZ- ARMSTBONG, POTNTINB), r., 1896, Hemimellitic acid (1 : 2 : 3-benzeitetri- carhoxylic acid) from methylpur- puroxanthin (SCHUNCK and MAR- CHLEWSKI), T., 70; P., 1895, 203. IIemp, Indian, charas, the resin of (WOOD, SPIVEY, and EASTERFIELD), T., 539 ; P., 1896, 76. Heptane, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of ( PERKIN), T., 1063, 11’72,1236.Heptoic acid (cenanthoic acid) magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063, 1172,1236. ethylic salt, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063,1172, 1236. phenylic d t , magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PEBKIN), T , 1064, 1075, 1076,1078, 1180,1239. Hexabenzoylmyricetin, preparation and properties of (PERKIN and HUMMEL), T., 1291 ; P., 1896,145. Hexacetplmpricetin, preparation and properties of ( PERKIN and HUMMEL), T., 1291; P., 1896, 145. Hexamethoxjrosolic acid, constitution Hexamethylbenzene, preparation of Hexane, normal, from light petroleum (THOMAS and YOUNG), P., 1895, 172. (THOMAS and YOUNG), P., 1895, 174. HEXANETRICARBOXFLTC ACID :--a-iso- Propylpropane-aa~a~-tricarboKylic acid, and salts (PERKIN), T., 1492, 1493 ; P., 1896,17O,lfj4 ; (EIEINKE and YERHIN), T., 1507 ; Y., 1896, 155.action of heat on (PERKIN), T., 1495. ethylic salt (PERKX), T., 1490,1491 ; P., 1896,170,154; (HEINKE and PERKIN), T., 15U7; P., 1896, 155. (HEINKE and PERKIN), T., 1507; P., 1896, 155. eodio-, action of plienoxyethylic brom- ide on (PERKIN), T., 1504; P., 1896, 170. HEXENOIC ACIDS :- of ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 627. ( KOFMANN LECTURE), T., 721. normal, physical constants of action of nlcoliolic potash on iso-Propglacrylic acid and trimethyl- acrylic acid, preparation of the mixed ethereal snlts of (PERKIN), T., 1488; P., 1896, 170, 154. etliylic salt, action of ethylic sodio- malonat,e on (PERKIN), T., 1490 ; P., 1896, 170, 154. Trimethylacrylic acid (PERPIN), T., 1478; P., 1896, 170, 154 ; (PER- KIN and THORPE), T., 1495 ; P., 1896, 157.action of bromine on (PERKIN), T., 14.80; P., 1896, 154; (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896, 157. action of hydrobromicand hjdriodic acids on (PPRHIN), T., la81 ; P., 1896,154. action of phosphorus trichloride on (PERKIN), T., 1480. ethylic salt, action of ethylic mtllon- ate on (PERKIN), T., 1495. anilide of (PERKIN), T.. 1480. chloride of and action of aniline on (PERKIN), T., 1480. Hexethylethylenediphosphoniuin di- bromide, preparation of ( HOFYANN LECTURE), T., 678. dichloride, preparation of ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 680. diiodide and dihydrate, action of heat on (HOFMANN LECTU~E), T., 678.1732 INDEX OF SUB,JECTS. HEXOIC ACIDS :- a&3-Triinethylpropionic acid ( a - ~~zethyliso~rop.ylacetic acid, a- methylisovaleric acid) (PERKIN), T., 1476. action of heat on (PERKIN), T., 1477.action of bromine and phosphorus pentabromide on (PERKIN), T., 1478. a&3-Trimethylpropionic acid a-bromo-, ethylic salt (PERKIN), T., 14’78. action of alcoholic potash on (PERKIN), T., 1473, 1485, 1486 ; P., 1896,170. action of ethylic sodiomalonate on (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1485, 1498. action of quinoline on (PERKIN), T., 1489 ; P., 1896,170,154. B-bromo- (PERKIN), T., 1481; P., 1896,170,154 ; (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1484; P., 1896, 156. ethylic salt (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1484. action of alcoholic potash on (PERKIN), T., 1478, 1485, action of ethylic sodiomalonate on (PERKIN), T., 1485,1498. hydi*olysis of (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896,157. dibromo - (PERPIN), T., 1480 ; P., 1896, 170, 154; (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896, 157.P-iodo- (PERKIN), T., 1481; P., 1896,170, 154 ; (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1485; P., 1896, 157. 1486 ; P., 1896, 170. etliyiic salt {PERKIN and Hexose, clmnge of, to pentose deriva- tives in cereal cclluloses (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1609; P., 1896,175. formation of a pentose monoformal from, in plants (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 1610; P., 1896, 175. Hofmann memorial lectures (PLAYFAIR, ABEL, PERKIN, ARMSTRONQ), T., 575; P., 1893, 133. Hofmann-violet, green dye obtained €rom (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 632. Homopyrocatechol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1135, 1183,1239. Hy dracetplacetone, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PBR- KIN), T., 1063,1172, 1237.HSdrazine, formation of, by reduction THORPE), y., 1485. ot nitrososulphates (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1613 ; P., 1896, 179. Hydrnzobenzene, discovery of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 689. Hydrindene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), ‘I., 1083, 1144, 1153, 1196, 1197, 1229, 1242. Hydrindone, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1093, 1201, 1243. a-Hydrindone, action of bromine on (lbVIsar?dKIPPINcl), P., 1895,214. dibi*omo- ( REVIS and KIPPIN a), P., 1895, 214. actionof alcoholic potash on (REVIS and XIPPISG), Y . , 1895, 214. iso-Hydrobenzoin, from the electrol+s of potassium n-iandelate (WALKER), T., 1279. Hydrocarbon, C,,H,,, from santnlal (CHAPMAN and BUEQESS), P., 1896,140. C29H60, frQm Charas (WOOD, SPIVEY, and EASTERFIELD), T., 543; P., 1896, 76.Hydrocarbons in coalfar (HOFMANX Hydrogen, liquefaction of (DEWAR), P., 1895, 229; (RAMSAY), P., 1895, 231. direct union of, with cubon (BONE and JORDAN), P., 1896, 61. explosive mixtures of air and (C‘LOWES), P., 1895, 201. LECTURE), T., 693. Hydrogen peroxide, production of? dur- ing oxidation (DIXON), T., 779 ; P., 1896, 56. formation of, from ether by action of light (RICEARDSON and FOR- TEY), T., 1352; P., 1896, 165. formation of, from certain organic substances by action of light (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), T., 1349 ; P., 1896, 164, 165. reaction of furfuroids with (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMI~H), T., 1607; Y.. 1896, 174. oxidation of pentoees by (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 815; P., 1896, 96. Hydrolapachol, chlor- (HOOKER), T., 1361. l-Hydroxy-l’-acetony1-3 : 3’-dimeth~l- isoquinoline, hydrochloride, platino- chloride (COLLIE and WILSMORE), T., 301 ; P., 1896, 47.w- Hydroxy-cis-.rr-camphanic acid and its acetyl derivative (KIPPING), T., 947; P., 1896, 115. s-Ifydroxycamphoric acid, barium salt, acetyl derivative. of the anhydride (KIPPIPTG), T., 938; P., 1896,115.INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1733 a-Hydroxycamphoric wid, oxidation of (KIPPING), P., 1895, 211. 70 -H y droxycamphot ricarbosy lic acid, isomeric lactones, silver salt (KIP- PING), T., 961; P., 1896, 115. Hydroxyclibromocanipliorsulphonic acid : its bromide and lactone (LAP- WORTH and KIPPING), P., 1896, 78. aBB-Hydroxydiplienylbntgric acid (iso- phenefhylmnndelic acid) (JAPP and LANDEE), P., 1896, 108. y-Hydroxy-By-diplieiijlbntyric acid (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 110.1 -Hrdroxy- 1 : 2 -dipheny lcyclopentan - 4-one (JAPP and LANDER), P., 1896, 107. onylacetic acids, a- and p- (JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1896, 147. 2-Hyclroxy-2 : 3.diphenylcycZopenten- onylacetic acid, &lactone of (JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1896,147. Hy droxye thyltriethylpllosphoiiium hydroxide, preparation of (HOFMANX LECTURE), T., 678. B-Hydroxy -a&f3- triinethyl propionic 2-Hydroxy-2 : 3-diphenylc,yclopenten- IIPDROXYHEXOIC ACIDS :- acid (h~~~rox~~-a-inefhyl~.~ovuleric acid) (PBRKIX and THORPE), T., 1482,1486,1487; P., 1896, 156. action of hydriodic and hydrobrornic acids on (PERKIN), T., 1487; (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1454, 1485. salts of (PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1486, 1487. etliylic salt ( PERKIN and THORPE), T., 1482 ; P., 1896, 156.Hpdroxyhydrolapachol (HOOKER) , T., Hjdrosylamine, formatioil of, by reduc- tion of nitrites (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1612 ; P., 1896, 179. action of hydrogen iodide on (DUN- STAN and GOULDING), T., 840,841 ; P., 1896, 73. aniidosulphonate (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 164’7. comparison of hydriodides and hydro- clilorides of (DUNSTAN and GOUL- Ilyclroxylamine sulphate, preparation of (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1665 ; P., 1896, 178. action of metallic iodides on (DUN- STAN and GOULDING), T., 840. Hydroxy-iso-lapachol, preparation of Ilydroxy-a-lapachone, synthesis of 1361. DING), T., 841, 842. (HOOKER), T . , 1368,135’5. (HOOKER), T., 1370, 1372. Hydroxy-~-lapaclioiie, formation of pveparation of (HOOKER), T., 1368. 5 : 2-Hydroxymethylcoumslin (RUHE- NANN and WOLFF), T., 1388.5 : 1 -Hydroxy meth yldihy dro pyridone- 3 : 4-dicarboxylic acid, amide of mon- ethylic salt (RUHEXANN and TYLER), T., 533 ; P., 1896, 73. 2 : 3-Hydroxynaphthoic acid, constitu- (HOOKER), T., 1381. tion of, in relation t o colour (ARMSTRONG), P., 1896, 42. etherification of (ARNSTROXG), I?., 1896, 43. y-Hydroxy-~-pl~enoxyetliylbutyric acid (BENTLEY, HAWORTIT, and PERKIN), T., 1’70 ; P., 1896, 36. carbamide (DOXAS), T., 329; P., 1896, 74. B-Hydroxy-aap-trimethgladipic acid (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896, 156. 8-Hydroxy-aaB-trimethyladi~ic acid, lactone of PERKI INS^^ THORPE), P., 1896, 156. a-Hydroxy-aB8-trimethylglutaric acid, ethylic salt (PERKIN and TaoirP~), P., 1896, 156. 6-Hydroxy-aaP-trimethylglutaric acid, action of the bromides of phos- phorus on (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896, 156.ethylic salt (PERKIN and TKORPE), P., 1896, 156. l-Hydrosy-1’ : 3’ : 3-trimethylisoquinol- ine : its hjdrochloride ; oxidation of (COLLIE and WILSMORE), T., 302; P., 1896, 4’7. ab-pHy droxyphen ylcarboxyethylthio- I. Indene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1083, 1144,1153,1196, 1197,1230,1242. Induline, discovery of (HOFXANN LEC- TURE), T., 622. Inversion, mechanism of (A~MSTRONG), P., 1896,46. Iodine, reaction of, with dilute ammo- nia solution (CHATTAX-AY), T., 1577 ; Y., 1896, 173. Iron, doubie sulphide of gold and (MACLAURIN), T., 1274 ; P., 1896, 149. Ferric ainidosulphonate (DIVERS and chloride, hydrated, absorption of moisture by (HAKE), P., 1896, 3 a. HAGA), ‘I!., 1647.1734 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. (HUMPHREYS), T., 250; P., 1896, 9.Lead alloys with tin and cadmium, solu- tion and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1681; P., 1896, 220. Lead salts, list of quadrivdent (HVT~II- IFSON and POLLARD), T., 225. Lead tetmchloricle (HUTCHINEON and POLLARD), l’., 218. HAGS), T., 1626. Red Iead, action of glacial aceti,: acid on (HUTCHINSON and POLLAED), T., 213; P., 1896, 31. Lead tetraphosphate (HUTCHri%oN and POLLARD), T., 221 ; P., 1896, 31. Lead, double sulphide of gold with (A~ACLAUILLN), T., 1273 ; P., 1896, 149. Lecture experiment : with ozone, appa- ratus for (XEWTH), T., 1298; P., 1896,139. Lectures, inelnorial : Helmholtz (FITZ- GERALD), ‘Y., 885 ; P., 1896, 26. Hofmann (ABXL, ARMSTRONG, PER- KIN, PLAYFAIR), T., 575 ; P., 1893, 133. Lothar Meyer (BEDSON), T., 1403; I?., 1898, 119.Leucaniline, preparation of (HOFXANN LECTURE) T., 613. imidosulphonates (DIVERS and Lead oxides :- Iron :- Ferrous amidosulphonat,es (DIVERS snd HAGA). T., 1647. aluminium sulphste, occurrence of, on bricks exposed to sulphurous :inhydride (PATERSOX), T., 66 ; P., 1895, 203. coesium sulphate, densit,y and opti- cal behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 396. potassium sulphate, densit,y and optical behaviow of (TUTTOJ), T., 387. rubidium sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTON), T.. 391. Isatin, action of nitrous acid on (HoF- nitration of ( HOFMANR LECTURE), Isomerism, position, influence of, on optical activity (FRANKLAND and WHARTON), T., 1563; P., 1896,186. effect of, on rot,atory power (FRANKLAND and WHARTON), T,, 7320 ; P., 1896, 148.Tsonitriles, alkylic, preparation of MANN LECTURE), T., 699. T., 647. (HOFXANN LECTURE) T., 663. K. Ketone-group of natural dye st,uffs (PERKIN), T., 1410; P., 1896, 16’7. Ketopinic acid, its methylic, barium, and calcium salts, hydrazone, and oxime (ARNSTRONG), P., 1896, 167; T., 1401. Kinoin, non-forination of acid com- pounds of (PERKIN), T., 1440; P., 1896, 16’7. Enaresborough dropping well, analysis of water of (BURRELL), T., 536 ; P., 1896, 73. L. Lactic acid, sodium salt, electrolysis of d-Lactic acid, conversion of, into locvo- lactic acid (PERDIE and WILLIAM- SON), T., 837; P., 1896, %’. specific rotation of the ethylic salt of (PURDIE and WILLIAMSON), T., 827; P., 1896, 97. Lactone, CIOHI4O3; from dibromocam- pholide, and its bromo-derivative (FORSTEP), T., 43 ; P., 1895, 208.Lactonic acid, C,H205, from dihydroxy- maleic acid and hydrogen kromide in (WALKER), T., 1278.ISDES OF SUBJECTS. 1735 L evulini c a cid (b - a cety lprop i o nic acid, aacetonayiacetic acid) , condensation of,with benzil(JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1896, 146. ethylic salt, action of ethylic brom- isobutymte on (PERKIN and THOBPE), P., 1896, 156. Levulose (fmcctose), reducing power of, on ammoniacal silver nitrate (HEN- DERSON), T., 152; P., 1896, 9. Light, action of, on mercurous acetate (HADA), T., 1674; P., 1896,183. dissociation of mercurous nitrate by (HADA), T., 1668; P., 1896, 153. action of, on merciirous sulphate (HADA), T., 1673 ; P., 1896,183. action of, on ethylic ether (RICHARD- SON and FORTEY), T., 1352; P., 1896,165. action of, on amvlic alcohol, &c.(RICHARDSON a”nd FOBTEY) , T., 1349; P., 1896,164. Colour, origin of (ARMSTRONG), P., 1896,42. Dispersion, molecular, of the double sulphatee of potassium, rubidium, and cesium (TUTTOX), T., 476; P., 1896, 70. Magnetic rotatory power, apparatus for determining ( PEBKIN), T., 1G27; P., 1896, 122. effect of temperature on (PERKIN), T., 1058; P., 1896,122. of organic substances, chiefly aro- matic (PERKIN), T., 10%; P., 1898,122. of mixtures (PERKIN), T., 1052; P., 1896, 122. Optical behaviour of the sulphates containing potassium, rubidium, and ceesium, in%uence of atomic LIGHT :- weight on the (TUTTON), T., 499; P., 1896, 71. Optically active compounds, inversion of (ARXSTRONQ), Y., 1896, 46. Phosphorescence produced by Ront- gen rays (JACKSON), P., 1898, 68.Refraction equivalents of acetylace- tone at different temperatures (PEBEIN), T., 2 ; P., 1895, 199. of o-toluidine at different tempera- tures (PEBKIN), T., 4; P., 1895, 199. of p-toluidine at different tempera- tures (PEBKIN), T., 4; P., 1895, 199. Refraction, molecular, of crystalline salts, additive nature of (POPE), T., 1530; P., 1896,178. V O I . LXIX. LIQHT :- Refraction, molecular, of substances in the solid and liquid states compared (POPE), T., 1533; P., 1896, 178. of the double sulphates of potas- rium, rubidium, and csesium (TUTTON), T., 476, 503; P., 1896,70. Refractive index, mean, of anisotropic cI*J‘.gstalS (POPE), T., 1530; P., 1896, 177. Refractive indices of the double sulphntes of potassium, rubidium, and coesium (TUTTON), T., 463; P., 1896, 69.Rontgen rays, methods of producing, and nature of (JACKSON), P., 1896, 58. influenco of the, on chemical changes (DIXON and BAKER), T., 1308 ; P., 1896,160. influence of the, on the combina- tion of carbonic oxide and oxygen (DIXON), T., 788; P., 1896, 56. Rotatory power of substances in the crystalline and amorphous con- dition POPE),^., 971 ; P., 1896, 116. influence of position isomerism on (FRANKLAND and WHARTON), T., 1583; P., 1896, 186. of aspartic acid (MARSHALL), T., 1022 ; P., 1896,146. of crystals of hydrated trans- camphotricarboxylic acid (POPE), T., 978 ; P., 1896, 116. of ethylic diacetylglycerate dis- solred in acetic acid (FRAXK- LAND and PICKAXD), T., 136; P., 1896, 11. of ethylic diacetylglycerate dis- eolved in benzene (FRANKLAND and PICKARD), T., 135; P., 1896, 11.of methylic and ethylic mono- benxoylglycerates a t different temperaturee ( FRANKLAND and MACGREQOR), T., 112; P., 1896,lO. of methylic dibenzoylglycerate aimolved in acetic acid (FRANK- LAND and PICKAXD), T., 133; of methylic dibenzoyl Iyceratc dissolved in benzene ~FBANK- LAXD and PICPARD), T., 127; P., 1898, 11. of methylic dibenzoylglycemt u dissolved in ethylene dibromide (FRANKLAND aud PICXABD), T., 130 ; P., 1896, 11. P., 1886,ll. C j AIi36 1SL)EX OF SUBJECTS. Lrc1r.r. .- Rotatory power of mctlij<lic clibenzojl- glycerate dissolved in nitrobenz- ene (FRANKLAND and PICKARD), T., 131 ; P., 1896, 11. of metliylic and etliylic dibenzogl- tartrates (FRANKLAND and WHARTOS), T., 1585 ; P., 1896, 186.of methylic d i ~ ~ e n ~ l a c e t ~ l g l y c ~ r - ate at different temperatures (FRAKKLAND and MACGXEGOB), of meth ylic dipropioii j-i,aljccrnte a t different temperatmes (FRANKLAKD and MAC~RCGOR), T., 116 ; P., 1896, 10. of niethglic, ethylic, and propylic dibcnzoylglycerates a t different NACGREGOR), T., 104; P., 1896, 9. of the incthglic and etlijlic salts of 0-, m-, and P-clitolnoSl(nrt:i1.ic scids (FXASI;LAND a:id ~VIIAR- TOK), T., 1309, 1s89; P., 1896, 14s. Specific rotatorj- power, influence of solrents on, and of ring formation on (FORSTEX), T., 40. and WILLIAXSON), l’., b28; P., 1896, 97. of ethllic acetglmnlate (PVRDIE arlcl WILLIANSON), T., S24 ; P., 1896, 97. of cthvlic bnt.rrS;lmdate (PI-RDIE anci ~YILLI~ATSON), T., 825. of etlivlic dextroctilorol~ropioiint e (PTGDIE and WILLIAMSOS), T., 829; r., 1896.9;. of ethjlic (?+lactate (PUXDTE and W r r m a ~ s o a ) , T., 827 ; I?., 1896,. 9i. of malie acid snd its potassinm salt (PCBDIE and WILLISMSOS), T., 822. of the meth~lic, etbylic, prop! lie, isopropj lie, normal butylic, and isobitt: lic salts of indie acid (PPRDIE am1 WILLISXSOS), T., 533; P., 1896, 97. Spectrum of the flame of rFtinogen (LEWES), T., 240; Y., 1896, 3. of ’ r ~ candle flame (HARTLET), T., 343. Velocity of light along tlio axes of the optical ellipsoid of‘ double Eiilpliates of potassium, rubidium, xnci cmium (TCTTON), T., 466 ; I’ , 1896, 69. l’., 111 ; P., 1896, 10. teUll3el*atlWeS (FRANK1,AX.D a1id of ethJ-llc l-d-1:~tatc (Prmm L;tliinm c+iiloricle, absorption of ii?oi*tui=e Lomatiol, constitution of (IIOOKER), Y... Lutcolm, tlie coleiiring m:itter of neld (PERKIX), 1 , 2 0 6 ; l’., 1896.37. 1wcparation of, from ~.;clcl extract (PERKIS), T., X O i . prcpnrntion mid proprytie? of rani- poiinds of’, 11 irh niincral ::r.i(!q (PERKIS), T., 308. constitutioii of (PI;RKIX), T., 218, 7% ; I’.. 1896, 37, 10.5. relation o f , t o c,iitwetin (PERGII), T., SO3 ; P., 1896, 105. cIecoin1)osition of, with I‘uwd nllinlis ( F E r t K r s ) , T., Y O , Sol; P.. 1896, t e t race! y 1 an (1 te t rn b m z q 1 tl orirn ! i cb by (HAKE), P , 1896, 31. 1360, 1351. 37, 105. of (PERKIS), T., 210; 37. P., 1896, triethyl ctlirr and i t s ncetjl dwi\ a- tiye (PEI<KIx),‘~., 800; l’.. 1896, 105. clccomp&tion of, TI itli nlcoliolie p o t a ~ l i (PERKIN), T , ,402; P., 1896, 10.5.11)-dr~oclitle, i l n d ~ s i s of (1’ERTiIS), T., Luteolin, hroxo-, prep‘iration aiitl pro- pcrtics of‘ (PEtiI<I>), T., X I ! ) ; P., 2442 ; P., 1896, 167. 1896, 37. 2113 ; l’., 1896, 3’7. :icrt!-l cltrirativc of (Pmiiis). T.,ISDES OF SUBJECTS. 1i37 Ndic acid and its potweimn salt, specific rotatiop of (P‘GI~DIE and WIL- LIAMSON), T., 822. action of isopropylic iodide on the ailver salt of (PURDIE and WIL- LIAMSON), T., 825. methylic, ethylic, propylic, iso- propylic, normal butylic, isobutylic, amylic, and octylic salts of, specific rotation of hhe (PUBDIE and WILLIAXSON), T., 823; P., 1806, 97. Jlalonic acid, absorption by Bilk of dilute (WALKER and APPLEYARD), T., 1346 ; Y., 1806,147. ethylic salt, molecular rolume of, in oi*ganic solvcnts (NICOL), T., 143 ; P., 1805, 237.action of sodium ethoxide and p- bromet>hyl phenyl ether on (BENT- LET, UAWOBTH, and PEEKIN), T., 167, 169 ; P . , 1809, 85, 36. Malonic acid, sodio-, ethylic salt, act.ion of ethylic isopropylacqlttte on action of ethylia ajWtrimethy1- propionate on (PEEE~N and “HORPE), T., 1485. Maltose, reducing power of, on nmmo- niacal silver nitrate (HEXDEESOS), T., 153 ; P., 1806, 9. Mandelic acid (pheagZgl.yeoElic~ acid), pohssium salt, elcctrolpis of (WALKER), T., 127% Mangaiiese nitrate, hydrated, absorp- tion of .moisture by (HAKE), P . , 1886, 34. coesium sulphate, density and optical beliariour of (TUTTOX), T., 413. iwbidium sulphute, density and opti- cal behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 309. Manures, effect of potash, on different 13.* increase of crop by potash, compared with available potash in soil (WOOD), T., 889 ; P.? 1806,13. Mauve, discovery of (HOFMANN LEC- Mauveine and its salts (HOFYANN LEC- action of ethylic iodide on (HOFMAXN Melamine, constitation of (HOFMAKS LECTIJXE), T., 717. Membrane, a perfect semi-permeable (FITZGEBALD), T., 905; P., 1806, 26. Membranes, semi-perwenblv, theory of (FXTZGERALD), T., 80’7; P., 1806, 25. (PERKIN), T., 1490. Soil8 (WOOD), T., 288 ; P . , 1896, TURE), T., 604; P., 1803,138. TURE), T., 613. LECTURE), T., 617. Memorial lectures : Helmholtz (FITZ- GERALD), T., 885; P., 1806,26. Hofmann (ABEL, ABMSTRONQ, PEE- EIN, PLAYFAIR), T., 675; P., 1803, 133. Lothar Meyer (BEDSON), T., 1403 ; P., 1806, 119. Menthol, crystalline modifbations of Mercury, solution and diffusion of metals and alloys in (HUMPHBEYS) , T., 250, 167‘3; P., 1806, 220; (ROBERTS-AUSTEN), P., .1806,9,219.Mercury, amidosulphonates (DIVEBS and iinidosulphonates (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1627 ; P.,~1806, 159. Mercurous nnd mercuric cbloridcs, mutunl conreraion of (HADA), T., 1675 ; Y., 1806,183. nitrates, mutual conversion of (HADA), T., 1667 ; P., 1806. 182. phosphates, mutual conversion of a (hADA), T., 1673; P., 1806, 182. sulphates, mutual conrersion of (HADA), T., 1672; P., 1806, 182. acetates, perchlorates, and oxal- ates, iiiutual conversion of (HADA), T., 1674; I?., 1806, 183. Mercurous oxide and carbonate, decom- position of (HADA), T., 1677; 1’ , 1806,183. Mesidine, nitro-, preparation of (IIoP- MANN LECTURE), T., 694. Mesitylene, composition of (HOFMASX LECTURE), I!., 694.magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), ‘l’., 1064, 1130, 1193, 1241. Mesitylene, Iribromo-, discovery of (HOFMANN LEOTUBE), T., 694. dinitro-, prepnration of (~LOFXANN LECTUEE), T., 694. Mesitylenesulphonic acid, discovery of (HOFXANN LECTURE), ‘I., 694. Methane, synthesis of, from carhon and hydrogen (BOKE and JOBDAN), P., 1806, 61. (CLOWES), P., 1895, 201. (POPE), P., 1806, 143. HAGA), T., lG49; P . , 1806,180. explosive mixtures of air and combustion of, in presence of nitrogen (DUN8TAN nndCARR), P., 1806,4!8. Methenehydrazone, remurks on donati- tution of (WALEEM), T., 1286. Xethenyl-o-aminothiophcnol, prepara- tion of (HOXMANX LECTURE), T., amyloiodide, colouring mntter ob- 712,713. 6 A 2I738 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.tainad from (HOFXAXN LECTURE), T., 714. Melheny2-o-aminothiopheno1, chloro-, preparation of ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 712. o-Xethoxybenzaldebyde (methylsalicyl- a ZdehTde), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1128, 1200, 1243. o-Methoxybenzoic acid (methylsalicylic acid), magnetic rotstory power, &c., of the ethylic salt of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1128, 1130, 1160, 1176, 1231, 1238. m-Methoxybenzoic acid, magnetic rota- tory power, &c., of the ethylic salt of (PEEKIN), T., 1130, 1177, 1238. o-Methoxybenzylic alcohol (nzethylsali- cylic alcohoZ), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1128, 1198, 1242. p-Methoxypenthiazoline, y-bromo- (DIXON), 'J'.. 3 2 ; I?., 1895, 217. Methoxyphenylacrylic acids, 0-0- and B-o-, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of tbe methylic salts of (PERKIN), T., 1147,1228, 1247. Methylacetoacetic acid, ethylic salt, action of sodium ethoxide and bromethxl phenyl ether on (BENTLEY, HAWORTH, and PEB- KIN), T., 173; P., 1896, 36.condensation of, with ethylic chlorofumarate ( RUHEMANN and WOLFF), T., 1384 ; P., 1896,166. Methylallylthiocarbamide, action of bromine on (DIXON), T., 852. Methylamme, discovery of ( HOPMANN LECTURE), T., 656. hydrochloride (LUXMOORE), T., 184. Methylaniline ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 598. preparation of (HOFMAKN LECTURE), T., 624, 625. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1099, 1207, 1244. Methylaniline, bromonitro- (EVANS), P., 1895, 236. tribromo- (EVANS), P., 1895, 235. Methylanilines, colouring matters ob- tained from ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 623.Methylbenzaconine, formation of (DUN- STAN, TICKLE, and JACKSON), P., 1896, 159. ealts of, hydrolysis OE (DUNSTAN, TICKLE, and JACKSON), I?., 1896, 160. N-Methylbenzanlialdoxime and its hy- drobromide (LUXMOORE), T., 183; Y., 1895, 149. 'hylriodidc ( LLSXOORE), T , 185. R'-;Meth~lbenz.uynaldoxiin~ and its hy- dtobromide (LUXHOORE), T., 184, J 85 ; P., 1895,149. 1 : 3 : 4-Methylbenzenedicarboxylic acid. See a-Methglphthalic acid. a-Nethylbutyric acid. See Valeric acids. Met hy lbutryolactones. See Valerolact- Methyldiethylamine, preparation of Methyldiethylamylammonium bpdr- ones. (HOFMAXN LECrURE),T., 670. oxide, action of heat on (HOPXAKS LECTURE), T., 666. Methyldiethyl~isoamyla~~monium plat,- inochloride, crystalline form of (HOP- MANN LECTURE), T., 671.2-Methyldihydrof urfuran-3 : 4-dirarh- oxylamic acid, ethylic salt (RUHEMANN and WOLFF), T., 1393. 2-Methjldihydrof urfuran-3 : 4-dicarb- oxylic acid, ethylic salt of ( RIJIIEMANX and WOLFF), T., 1392. 2-Methyldihydrofurfuran-3 : 4 : 5- tricarboxylic acid, ethylic ealt (RUHEMANN and TYLER), T., 532; Y., 1896, 73. Metbyldiphenyl. See Phenyltoluene. Methyldiphenylamine, magnetic rota- tory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1101, 1157, 1208,1232,1244. Metlijlenic diiodide, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERPIN), T., 1063,1173, 1237. diiodide and dichloride, action of Podium phenoxide on ( BENTLEY, HAWORTH, and PEBKIN), T., 166, 167. Methylethylacetic acid. See Valeric acids. n-Methyletliylene-+thiourea, hydro- bromide of (DIXON), T., 23.Methyleugenol, synthesis of (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1321. Methylfurfurandicai*boxylic acid, etbylic salt of (RUHEYANN and WOLFF), T., 1388; P., 1896,166. &Methylhydroxylamine hydrochloride (LUXMOORE), T., 1.83. Methylic alcohol, actiun of light on (RICHARDSOX and FOBTEY), T., 1351 ; P., 1896,164. action of, on aconitine ( DUNSTAN, TICKLE, and JACKSON), P., 1898, 159. Methylic iodide, action of hydroxyl- amine on (DUNSTAN and GOULDING), T., 839 ; Y., 1896, 72. p-Methylimide zoline, act ion of pheny 1- thiocarbimide on ( DIXON), T., 31 ; P., 1895, 217. action of o- tolylthioctlrbimide on (DIXOX), T., 35; P., 1895, 217.ISDES OF p-Methy limidltzolj lplieny lthiouren (.DIxoN), T., 34; P., 1895, 217. action of alkaline lead tartrate on (DIXON), T., 35 ; P., 1895, 217.p-Mathylimidazolyl-o-tolplthioures (DIXON), T., 35; P., 1806, 217. 8-Methylketopentsmetliylene. See Jle- th ylcyclopentanone. Methylluteolin, preparation of (PER- KIN), T., 211 ; P., 1896, 37. Methylmalonic acid (iso-succinic acid), ethereal salts, action OF sodium ethoxide and ethylene dibroniide on (BENTLEY, HAWORTII, and PERKIN), T., 162. ijodio-, etbylic salt, action of bromo- or chloroethyl phenpl ether on ( BENTLEY, HAWOSTH, and PERKIN), T., 171; P., 1896, 36. behaviour of, towards ethylic a- bromisovalerate ( BENTLEY, PERKIN, and THORPE), T., 284; P., 1896, 65. action of i.wpropylic bromide on (PERKIN), T., 1477. p-Methylpenthiszoline, ybromo-, and its picrate ( DIXON), T., 853 ; P., 1806,100. action of siiver nitrate on (DIXON), T..853. hydrobromide ( PIXOK), T., 852 ; P., 1806, 100. action of caustic potash on (DIXON), T., 833; Y., 1896, 100. action of silver chloride on ( DIXON), T., 853. hydrochloride ( DIXON), T., 853. a-Methjlphthalic acid (L : 3 : 4-methyl- benzenedicarhoxylic acid), from di- me th yhaph th alen e (c0 LLIE and WILSMORE), T., 2:19; t'., 1896,47. 1 : 2 : 4-3leth~lisophtltalic acid and its methylic salt ( BENTLEY and PEBKIN), P., 1896, 79. aal-Methylisopropyladipic arid (BENT- LEY, HAWOBTH, and PEBKIN), T., 161. Meth yli.Topropylcyc*Zob ut anedicarb- oxjlic acid (HENTLEP, HAWORTR, and PEItKrN), T., 161. ethylic salt, T , 162. ~ethylis,,propylbut anetricarboxylic acid, ethylic salt (BENTLEY, HA- WORTH, and PEBKIN), T., 162. Meth jlisopropjlethanetricarbox ylic acid, ethylic salt, hydrolysis of (BENTLEY, PERKIN, and THORPE), T., 274; P., 1896,64.cis-Metbylisopropylsuccinic acid, silrer XJB JECTS. 1739 ealt, anil and anilic acid of (BENT, LEY, PEBKIN, and TIIORPE), 'I., 270,282 ; P., 1806. 64. tvans-3iethylisopropjlsuccinic acid and it(s silver salt, mil and ariilic acid (BENTLEY, PERKJY, ant1 THOBPE), T., 278, 283; P., 1896, 65. Metliylisopropylsuccinic anhydride, cis- and trans- forms of (BENTLET, PRR- KIN, and THOEPR), T., 278; P., 1896, 65. Meth y!purpuroxanthin from rn-dih yd r- oxybenzoic and o-tolnic acid8, di- acetyl deriratire of (SCHDNCP and MABCELEWSKI), T., 70; P., 1895, 202. Meth ylpurpuroxan t hins from In-di- hydroxybenzoic and m-toluic acids (SCHUNCK and MARCHLEWSKJ), T., 69; P., 1895, 202. Methylsalicylaldehyde.See o-Nethoxy- benzaldehyde. Metliplsalicylanilide. See o-Methoxy- benzanilide. Methylsalic~lic acid. See o-Methoxy- benzoic wid. Metliylsalicglic alcohol. See o-Meth- oxybenzjlic alcohol. Methylsuccinimide. See Pyrotartar- imide. Methylterephthalic acid, methylic salt of (BENTLEY and PERKIN), P., 1896, 79. Methylthiocarbimide, action of brom- ethjltlmine on ( DIXOX), T., 23. iMethylt~riet~hylaminonium chloride and hydroxide, action of heat on (HOF- MANN LECTWRE), T., 670. Methylt rietliylphosplionium chloride, chloro- (HOFMANN LECTUBE), T., 680. ligdroxicle (HOFMANX LECTURE), T., preparation of (HOFMANN LEC- iodide, discovery of ( KOFYANN LEC- Meyer, Lothar, memorial lecture (BED- SON), T., 1403; P., 1896,119. Modern theories of chemistry, t,he, L.Meyer (BEDSON), T., 1427; P., 1896, 119. Molybditartaric acid, sodium salt of (HENDERSON and BARR), T., 1455; Y., 1806, 169. Morin, the colouring matter of MacEura tinctovia, properties of ( L'ERKIN and BABLICH), T., 799 ; P., 1896, 106. constitution of, in reltltim to 680. TURE), T., 673. lURE), l'., 602.1’740 JXUEX OF SUBJECTS. querce tin, ch rjsiii ,’ and gent.isein (YERGIN and BAELIC~I), T., 798 ; P., 1896, 106. BIoriii, action of fusetl allidi on ( PERKIS and UACLICI~), T., 703 ; P., 1896, 106. Jlorin hvclriodidc, analysis of (PER- cliinebhyl ct.hcr, preparation :uid 1,ropcrties of (PERKIN and BAE- LICH), T., 798; P., 1896, 106. tctxmetliyl ether, preparation, anil acetyl c1eriv:itirc of (PEI~KIS and BABLICR), T., 796; P., 1896, 106. itccompoeit ion of, witJi slcoholic KI+ j, T., 14.43 ; P , 1896,167.pOt:LPIl ( P E R K I S alld BAULICH), T , 797; P., 1896,106. illorin, tetmbroiiio-, lwepzration of, and the pent:tcot,yl derirativc of (1’r:ur;~s and UABLIC~), T., 794 ; P., 1896, 106. non-formation of acid compounds of ( PCXKIX), T., 1343 ; P., 1896, 1G7. Mjric*a ~zo.yi, yellow colouring matt:lr of ( PERKIS and HUJIXEL), T., 1257 ; p., 1896, 145. djeing properties of, and tannin in ( P~nr;rx and 7 I n I m L ) , T., 1294; Y., 1896, 145. JIyricetin, tlic yellow colouring matter of ,?fysaicn mzgi (PERKIN and H t a r - >;EL), T., 1257 ; P., 1896,145. idcntity of the colouring innttei. oi sumach witli (PERKIX arid A L I . ~ : ~ ) , r-3 I., 1303; P., 1896, 157. prrpration, mid c.licmical a d clj cing properti.es of (PERKIN and I J (-31- UEL), T., 12S7; P., 1896, 145.?vljricetin, constitution of. :mcl its rela- tion to qriercctiii (PERKIN a n d HCMMET,)~ ‘l’., 1203; P., 1896, 14.5. i i ( a l ion of‘ i r i m 1 alkalis on ( PEUK I N a n G IIL-NMEL), ‘l‘., 129.2 ; l’., 1896, 145.. acctpl and benzoyl derirative of (PEJL KIN, and HEI~NEL), T., 1901 ; Y., 1896, 145. Myricetin, fetvabromo-, preparation :)lid properties of ( YERKIK and H t n ~ ~ r l : ~ ) , I., 1293,; P., 1896,145. N, N~phtliitlene, discovery of ( HOFJI AK-T LECTURE), T., 697. magnetic i*otatory power, Src., of (PERKIN), T , , 1064, 1088, 1089, 1195, 1242. Kaphthalene, 1 : 2-dicliioro-, from 2 : l-chloronaplitl~alci-,esulpllon- ainide ( AHMSTROXG and WYSXE), P., 1895, 238. . 1 : 3-tlic:hloro- (ARNSTROSO and 1 : 8’-dichloro- ( i\1t31sTitoNu- and 1 : 3 : 4’-tricltloro- (=\I?VSTROKG and a-nit.ro-, niagnetic rotatory pow^, &C., din i t ro - , red u c t i on of ( €10 F _\I .4 3 N WYSXK), l’., 1895, 241.W’Y.S.X?;E:), P., 1895, 24,l. of (PERKIS), T., 1096, l l & i , 1239. LECTUBII), T., 64.T. 1 : 2‘-Na~~lithnlenedisiil~~lionic acid, cliloride (A~\lLMSTRONG and WYSXE), l’., 1895, 240. 1-cIi101-o-, and its chloricle (ARM- STROSG and W P S ~ ) , I?., 1895, 241. l-~u~~lithaleiiesulphonic acid, nitration of the potsssinm salt ( ARMSTROSG and WTKXE), P., 1895, 239. 2-chloro-, barium, pot assi urn, sodiu in salts, cliloridc, iiinitle (ARMSTROSG xncl WYXNE), P., 1895, 238. 3-Saplit~lialenc~;ul~~~ioriic acid, l-chloro- (ARMSTRONG and WYXNE), P., 1895, 240. (ARXST~~OA-G aiicl ~ V Y K S E ) , P., 1895, 24.1.a - ~ : ~ p h t I i o i c acid, magnetic rotatory p o ~ ~ r , Bcc., of the etliylic salt of (L’E!~KIX), ‘l‘., 1137,1161, 1179,1234, 1238. fl- Naphbhoic acid, magnetic rota tory ]>ewer, &c., of the ethylic salt of (PERKIN), T., 1137, 1161,1179,1232, 1238. IT -Suplithol, dinitro-, discoi-ery of (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 621. S;ilrlit lionitrile, prepilrat ion of (HOF- JIASN LECTURE), ‘l‘., 705. ( I - and B-Naplitlionitriles, nitignetic rot.&- tory powers, &., of (i’EnKIx). T., 1697, 1.137, 1206, 1244. 3 : 4’-N~~~l1thulenetlis~ilplionic acid, sulplionation of potassium salt ~:tlilit.liothioamide, p*epaviItion of ~ - S a p h t l i y l ethyl oxide, magnetic rota- tory power, &c., of (PERKIK), T., 11.64, 1134, 1160, 1189, 123L, 1241.fi-Kiirphtliy1 ethyl oxide, magnetic rota- tory power, &., of (PHRKIN), T., 1134, 1160, 1190, 1231,1241. K:I plitlijl isocyanate, preynrat,ior. of (.HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 713. 0-1 aphthylamine,. composition of (EIOFJIAKY LECTLTitE), T., 795. (HOFMAXN LECTURE), T., GO3 ; P., 1893, 135. magnetic rotatory power, Bcc., ofINDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1741 Y., 1896, 173. (Perish), T., 106-1, 1107, 1134, a-Knplit liylaminc, action of cjanogen chloride on (IIomra;l-s LECTURE). T., Ij 601. fi-XaplithTiamine, niagnetic rotatory pc+ner, &c., of (PERXIK), T., 1107, '1154, 1155, ll@.l, 1212, 1233, 1245. Y : 1 : ~E'-Na~-'htliylaiiiine~is~il~~l~onic ecirl (ARMSTRONG and \\.TssE), P., 1895, 23s. wid, hydrogen potassium salt (ARx- STROY'C and M'YXue), p., 1895, 2-10.(y - naph,thylaw i 11 e.yu lph o I / ic acid) 1895, 239. ~CTXKE), P., 1895. 2-10. 2 : 1 -Saphtli~lamines dpho ti i c acid, sodium salt (AHMSTKOSC and \VTXNE), P., 1895,238. pa-Xstphtlij laniinopentlii~zoline, y- bromo-, and its picrate (DIBOS), T., 29 ; P., 1895,217. 1155,1160,1"1,1~4~. 4' : 1 : ~'-hTnplithylstmineclisi~lplioiiic 1 : 3-N~plitliylaminesul~lio~i1~ acid (-4RMSTROXG alld LVl-SXE), l'., snlphonation of (-iRJrSTRosii- and ~u,"-~~aplitliylaminopenthiazoli~ie, y- 'lir01110- (DIXOH), T., 28; I?., 1895, 2li. ainide (DORAN), T., 328; Y., 1896,74. ainide (DORAN), T., 369; P., 1896, 74. st-~~phthyldimetli~lainine, magnetic nAatoi*y power, hc., of (PERPIS). T., 1108, 1138, llS6, 1213, 1233, 1245. ~~-ll-ai~lith!.ldimetl~~ lamine, magnetic rotatory power, Be., of (PE~KIx), T., 1 : -l-Faplithylenediamiiie, preparation Xickel chloride, hjdrated, absorption of moisture by (HAKE), P., 1896, 34.ccwiuni sulphate, density and optical beliariour of (TU'ITOS), T., 415. potassium sulpbate, density and optical behavionr of (TUTTON), T., 407. optical beha1 iour of (TETTON), T., 411. Nicotioe, action of cyanogen on ( I ~ o F - Sitrilea, action of sulphuric acid on j.w-Kitriles, preparation of (HOFMASN Xitro-compounds, nature of (HOFMAXN theory of the reduction of ( M u - ab-a-'Naphthylcai~box~eth~lthiocarb- ah-fi-Naphthylcarboxyethjlthiocarb- 1108, 1138, 1156, 1212, 1234, 124.5. 0:' (HOFJfA" LECTVRE), 'f., 647. rubicliuni sdphate, density and NAN?: LECTUSE), T., 650. (HOFKANN LECTURE), T., 696. LECTURE), T., 706. LECTERE), T., 626.D O L ~ ) , T., 13. Xitric oxide, liquid and solid (DER-AR), Y., 1895, 225. Kitlogen, cstirnation of, by tlic absolute method (DL-KSTA-U aiid CARR), P., 1896, 48. o:itt.r skin of thc (PERKIN and HEM- MEL), T., 1295 ; P., 1896, 144. Osazoiies of furfuroids from barley-1742 INDEX OF 3UBJECTS. Orysulphazotic acid. See Sulphur- Ozone, absence of, in oxygen from man. ganese dioxide and potassium chlorate (McLEoD), T., 1015; P., 1806,104. apparatus for demonstrating the properties of (NE.wTH), T., 1298; P., 1806, 139. influence of, on the combustibility of dry carbonic oxide (DIXON), T., '185 ; P., 1806,56. nitrosodisulphonic acid. P. Palmitic acid, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), T., 1349. Palmitic chloride, action of lead thio- cyanate on (DIXON), T., 1594.a-Palmityl-v-phenylbenzylthiourea, and &ion of ailrer nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1598 ; P., 1806, 223. a-PHlmityl-b-phenylbenzyluren (DIXON), T., 1598 ; P., 1808,223. h-Prtlmityl- v-phenylmethylthiourea (DIXON), T., 159'1 ; P., 1806,223. ab-Palmi tylphenylthiocarbamide (DIXON), T., 1595; P., 1806, 223. Palmitylphenylurert (DIXON), T., 1696 ; P., 1806, 223. Palmityltl~iocarbamide, action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1596. Palmitylthiocarbimide (DIXON), T., 1594 ; P., 1896,223. action of aniline, o- and p-toluidine, methylaniline, and benzylaniline on (DIXON), T., 1595-1598. ab-Palmityl-o-tolylthiocarbamide, and action of silrer nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1596 ; P., 1806, 223. ah-Yalmityl-ptolylthiocarbarnide, and action of silrer nitrate on (DIXON), T,, 1597 ; P., 1806,223.ab-Palmityl-o-tolglurea (DIXON), T., 1596; P., 1896,223. ab-Palmityl-p-tolylurea (DIXON), T., 15W ; P., 1806, 223. Paraffin, CmHW, from Charas (WOOD, SPIVEY, and EASTERFIELD), l'., 543 ; P., 1806, 76. Paraniline, discovery of (HOPMANK LECTURE), T., 689. Pentacarbon rings, synthesis of (JAPP and MURRAY), P., 1806,146. Pentacetyltetrabromomorin. preparation of (PERKIN and BABLICH), T., 795 ; P., 1806,186. Pentamethylaniline, nitrile and iso- nitrile obtained from ( HOFIANN LBCTUBE), T., 710. Pentane-ayya- te tmcurboxylic acid (.HEINICE and PERKIN), T., 1509. action of heat on (HBINKE and PER KIN), T . , 1509. ethylic salt (HEINKE and PERKIN), T., 1509. *a-Pentane-ayal-tricarboxylic acid (HEINKE and PBRKIN), T., 1510. Dimethylpropane-ma,-tricarboxy lic acid, action of heat on (PERKIS and QOODWIN), T., 1474.and salts (PERKIN and GOODWIS), T., 1473. etliylic ealt (PERPIN and GOOD- WIN), l'.. 1452 ; P., 1896, 170. fiodio-, ethglic aalt, action of phenoxyethylic bromide on (PBR- KIN), T., 1500; P., 1896,170. d dim ethyl acrylic acid ( PERKIS and GOODWIN), T., 1469; P., 1806,170. ethylic salt (PERPIN and GOOD- WIN), T.', 1410, 1471. action of ethylic sodiomalonate on (PERKIS and GOODWIN), T, 1472 ; P., 1806,170. Penthiazoline, y-bromo-p-amido- (8- bronzotrimeth~Zene-1n-thiourea) and it8 constitution of (DIXON), T., 19, 23, 24; P., 1805, 216. action OE hydrochloric acid on (DIXOK), T., 20; P., 1806,216. nction of nascent hydrogen ON ( DISON), T., 24. nction of picric acid on (DIXOK), T., 21 ; P., 1805,216.action of hydrobromic acid on (DIXON). T., 20 ; P., 1895, 215. y-iodo-p-amido- (8-iodof.rimethyEene- #n-thiottren), piowate of, and action of sill-er nitrate ou (DIXON), T., 26; P., 1895, 216. Pcntose, change of hexose to, derivatives in cereal cellulose (CROSS, BEVAX, and SMITH), T., 1609; P., 1896, 175. Pentoee-monoformal, formation of, from a hexose in plants (CROSS, BEVAX, and SYITH), T., 1610; Y., 1806, 175. Pentoses, action of alkalis on (CROSS, BEVAN, and SXITH), T., 816; P., 1806, 96. origin of, in plants (CROSS, BEVAX, and SMITH), T., 805 ; P., 1896,96. oxidation of, by hydrogen peroxide (CROSS, BEVAN, and SXITB), T., 814 ; I?., 1806, 96. Periodic law, L. Meyer's contributisna PPNTANETRICARBOXYLIC ACIDS :- PENTENOIC ACID :-INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1743 to the ( BEDSON), T., 1414 ; P., 1896, 119.Periodic system, solubility and diffus- ivity of metals in mercury related to their position in the ( H ~ M - PHREYS), T., 3683 ; P., 1896, 220. " Perkin's green," discovery of ( HOF- MA" LECTURE), T., 618. Yhenanthrene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1088, 1151, 1196, 1242. Phenetoil (phenyl ethyl o d e ) , magnetic rotatory power, kc., of (PEBKIN), T., 1080,1081, 1186,1240. Phenol, isolation of, from coal-tar (HOF- MANN LECTUBE), T., 597. composition of (HOFMANR LECTURE), T., 644. properties of ( HOFMAKN LECTURE), T., 654. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1090, 1181, 3 239. Phenol, 2 : 4 : 6-bromodinitro- (MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1326 ; P., 1896,163. 4 : 6 : 2-dibromonitro- (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1329.2 : 4 : 6-bromonitramino-, and its acetyl derivative ( MELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAP), T., 1336; P., 1896, 163. 2 : 4 : 6-frichloro-, preparation of (EOFMANN LECTUBE), T., 641. 2-chloro-4-nitro-, and its benzoyl and acetyl derivatives ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAP), T., 1328 ; P., 1896,164, 2-chloro-5-nitro-, and i t e tenzoyl derivative ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAP), T., 1325; P., 1896, 163. 4-chloro-3-nitro-, and its benzoyl and acetjl derivatives ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1322 ; P., 1896, 163. chlorodinitro-derivaf ives of ( MEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAP), T., 1323. 2-chloro-4 : 6-dinitro- ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1328. 2 : 4 : 6-chloronitramino- (MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WEAY), T., 1328.o-nitro-, discovery of (HOFYANN 4-nitro-2-amino- (MELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAY), T., 1328; P., 1896,164. 5-nitro-2-amino- ( MELDOLA, WOOL- COTT, and WRAP), T., 1325; P., 1896,163. LECTURE), T., 698. Phenol, 4-5-dinitro-2-amino- ( HEL- DOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAP), T., 1325. 5-nitro-3 : 2-diazoxy- ( MELDOLA, WOOLCOTT, and WRAY), T., 1334; P., 1898, 164. y-Phenoxybutyric acid (y-phenoxyethyl- acetic acid) (BENTLEY. HAWOBTH, and PERKIN), T., 168; P., 1896, 35. action of hydrobromic acid on (BENT- LEY, HAWORTH, and PERHIN), T., 168 ; P., 1896, 36. y-Phenoxybutyric acid. y-Phenoxyethylacetic acid. See Phenoxyethylic bromide, astion of ethylic sodiodimethylpropanetri- carboxylate on (PERKIN), T., 1500 ; P., 1896,170. action of ethylic sodioisopmpylpro- panetricarboxpiate on (PERKIN), T..1504; P., 1896,170. Phenoxpethylic ethylic ether (PERKIN) y-Phenoxyethylmalonic acid (BENTLBP, HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 167 ; P., 1896, 35. action of heat, on (BENTLBY, HA- WORTH, and PEREIN), T , 168 ; P., 1896, 35. T., 1501, 1503. y-Phenoxyethyl-a-methylacetic acid. y-Phenoxpethg 1-a-methy lacetowet ic See Phenoxyraleric acid. acid, ethylic salt, and its hydrolysis (BENTLEY, HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 173. y-Phenoxjet h y 1-a-metb ylmalonic acid ( BENTLEY, HAWOYTH, and PEB- KIN), T., 171 ; P., 1898, 36. action of heat on (BENTLEY, HA- WORTH, and PERKIN), T., 172 ; P., 1896, 36. ethylic salt (BEXTLET, HAWORTB, and PBBKIN), T., 171; P., 1898, 36. a-Phenoxyisooctane-yyWrimrboxylic acid ( p henoxyethylisop~opylpropane- tricurboxylic acid), and the action of heat on it (PERKIN), T., 1502, 1505.(PERKIN), T., 1505. oxylic acid. See a-Phenoxy Gooctane- yyJ- tricarboxylic acid. methylbutyric acid (y-phenozy- ethyl-a-methylacetic acrd) (BENT- LEY, HAWORTH. and PEBKIN), T, 172,173 ; P., 1896.36. action of mineral acids on (BEXTLET, Phenoxyetliylioopropjlglutaric wid Phenoxpthylisopmpylpropmetricarb- Phenoxyraleric acid : 6-Phenoxy-a-I744 IKDEX O F SUBJECTS. HAWORTH, and PERKIS), T., 173; and the action of silver ]?itrate on I?., 1896, 36. (DIXON), T., 866, 867; P., 1896, Phe‘nyl ally1 oxide, magnetic rotatory 101. Phenjl isobutyl oxicle, magnetic rota- 1 Phenyl ethrl ketone, magneti:: rotatory ’ nb-Plieiiplscetyl-Lp-tolvlurea (DIXOX), power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1091, ’ 1093,1201, 1243. l Pli~nyI~llyltl:iocarbainiclc, action of Ylienjl methyl oxide.Bee ailisoil. bromine on (DIXON), T., 832; P., Plienyl octyl oxide, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERICIN), T., 1080, Plienylnzoimicle, magnetic rotator>* 1OS1, 1156, 1240. I power, &c., of (PEBKIX), T., 1O9S, Phenpl propy1 oxide, magnztic rotatory I 1154, 1209, 1232, 12-15. power, Bc , of (PEEKIN), T., 1080, , Phenylbenzylcarboxyethylthiourea 1081, 1186, 1240. (DoR~s), T., 332 ; P., 1896, 75. Pheiiyl iso-proyyl oxide, mrignetic rota- Phenylbutylene (iso-b~~ter~yZbe,zrelte), torr poner, &c., of (PmLIK), T., magnetic rotatory powor, &c., o f 1080, 1081, 1186, 1240. (PERKIS), T., 1143, 1224, 122!), 1246. Phen jlacetamide, from plienacetylthio- Phenylcarbainine, preparation of carbiimide and ammonia (DIXON), (COHEN and AECHDEACOX), T., 92 ; T., 863.( HOFMAXX LECTURE), T., 652. milgnetic rot,atorp power. &c., of Phenylcarbimide (phei)yIic isocyanate), (PERKIN), T., 1114, 1216, 1246. discovery of (HOE i1-n N LEC- Plienylncetic acid (a-tolziic acid), mag- netic. rotatory power and relatirc preparation of (HOFXASX LECTURE), deneitr of (PERKIS), T., 1079, T., ‘710, 714. properties of (IIOFMANN LECTUBE), power, k c . , of (PE~KIN), T., 1064, n8-Plienjlacetyl-p-tolyltliiocar~amidc, 1141,1225, 1247. 1 and the action of silver nitrate 011 tory ponw, k c . , of (PERPIX), T., j Ybenylncetyl-o-tolylurea (DIXON), T., 1080, 1081,1186, 1240. ’ 867 ; P., 1896,101. ( D i x o ~ ) , T., 867 ; P., 1896, 101. T., 868; P,, 1896, 101. 1896, 93. TURE). T., 653.1094, iis5, i m . ’ action of pliosphorue pentacliloride on (DIXON), T., 865. ethylic salt, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIS), T., 1077, 1175, 1238. Phenylacetic chloride (DIXON), T., 865; P., 1896,100. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1122, 1205, 1244. action of lead thiocyanate on (DTXOK), T., 865; P., 1896, 100. plieiiylacetonitrile (a-tdtzio.lzitrize, henzyylic , cyaizide), Qccurrence of (HOPMANN LECTURE), T., 719. magnetic rotatory pouw, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1097, 1205, 1244. o~-Phenylacet~l-~-plienylbe~izyl thiourea (QIXOX),, T., 868; Y., 1896,101. ;rb-Plieii y lacety lphenplthiocarbamide, and the action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 866 ; P., 1896, 101. aA-Phenylacetylphenylurca (DIXON), T., 866 ; P., 1896, 101. l?henylacetglthiocart~in~ide, and the action of ammonia, aniline, benzyl- aniline, and 0- and p-toluidine on (DIXON), T., 865-868; P., 1806, 101.Phenylacetylthioctirbimide, action of czb -Phenjlacetyl-o- tolylthiocarbamide, water on (DIXOK), T., 865. .. 5, 654. . Phenrlcarbosyetli~-lsemithiocarbazide (D~RAN), T., 333; P., 1896, 75. ah-P hen ylca rbox y e thy1 thiocarbarnicle (DOEAN), T., 326 ; P., 1896, 74. Phenylcarboxyethgltliiourea, probable non-existence of (DORAN), T., 3-3.1, 334 ; P., 1896, 75. acid, triethylic salt, action of am- monia and of potassium hydroxide on (RUHEMANN and WOLFF), T., 1384; P., 1896,166. Phenpldimetliylaiiiine, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 670. 0- Pb eny lenediaminc, magnetic rotatory power. &c., of (PERXIN), T., 1104, 1109,1131,1214, 1245.hydrochloride, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1112, 1132,1223,1246. ~n-Phenyleiiediamine, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 688. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1109, 1131, 1156, 1214,1232, 1245. hydrochloride, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PELLXIR), T., 1112, 1132,1223,1246. p-Phenylenediamine, preparabion of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 689. hydrochloride, magnetic rotatory Phenyldili y drof UP f urantricarboxylicISLES OF -3UBJECTS. (DIXOX), T., 29; P”., 1895, 217. 1745 R~etapliosplioric ;~cirl, rapour density of (TILDEN and BARNETT), T., 158 ; P., 1896, 30. powt~l’s, &c., of ( P E I K l S j , T., 1112, 1132, 128.3, 1246. p-Phcn~lenediriiet~iylili~~iiine, impnrtic rottitory poww, AT., of (PE~KI> j, T., 1109,1215, 1246.Plienylhpdrazinc, magnetic, rotatory power! &c., of (PERKIS), T., 1104, 1209, 1245. 3’licn-j-lic @brometh)*iic etlrer ( BEXT- LEY, HAWORTII, nncl PEL{I~:<), T., 165, 166. chloride, ’isocpno-, discnrerp of (Hommx LE(~T~RE), 1’ , 712. 0 chlorethylic ether (HESTLET, I I A - 1% oxTIr, and PERKIS), T., 165. i v o c ~ mate. See P1ien;vlcarhimide. fi-ct1iorr.i etlij-lie ether (BESTLET, HAW OX TI^, n1;d Y ~ a i ; r s ) , l’., 171. inercaptan (thzol) hetzol) o-amino-, p*e- paratiou of (HGFJUF?; LEC- TURE), T., 712, 713. c~inpound obtained from, by action of CJ sno,rreii (HOFXANX LECTURE), T., 718. sulpliide, magnetic rotntorp power, At’., of (PCRPlT), T., 1064, 1124, 1204,1243. f*-Yhcnyliiietliyianiinopenthiszoline~ y- br.~iiio-, and livdiobromide of P1ieii-j-ltliiocarbimide, action of phos- phorus pentachloride on ( HOF- JIALVX LECTURE), T., 712.action of, on qninol (SNAPE), T., 99 ; F., 1896, 13. action of, on resorcinol (SNAPE), T., 99; P., 1896, 13. Phenjltliiourea (DIXON), T., 857. Phenyltolylaminc, diqcovery of (HOF- YANN LECTTTRE), T., 61 5. Plienyltrietliylammonium liydroxicle, action of lieat, on (HOFMANX LEC- TURE), T., 666. Phenyltriinetliylami~ionium chloride, action of heat on (HOPMAXN LEC- TTTRE), T., 6TO. iodide, action of heat on (HOFMAXN LECTURE), T., ’721. “ Phospliine,” preparation of (HOF- NANN LECTURE), T., 616. Pliospliines. See under Pliosphorus. Yliosphow s gentoxide, vapour density of (‘YILI)ES and BARXETT), T., 154 ; Y., 1896, 30. Pliosplioric acid, estimntion of, in eoils (WOOD), T , 291; p., 1896, 13.‘I., 1064, 1077, ic178, 1175, 1238. Phen? Ipropionitrile, occurrence of (HOFJIANN LECTURE): T., 719. Plienylrosmiline, preparation of (HOF- NISN LECTUBE), T., 615. Plienyltli~cnlloplianic acid, ethylic salt. See’ Phenylcarboupt hylthioures. iso-P!iengltliioalloplianic acid, ethjlic salt, identity of, with plienylcarbosy- etli-, It tiiocarbamide (DORIS), T., 342, 344; I?., 1896,75. Phen? ltliiocarbamic acid, rn-phenplenc salt of (SNAPE), ‘l‘., 101; P., 1896, 13. p-phenjlcnc salt of (%APE), T., 101 ; P., 1896, 13. ~-Pliciiplthiocarbsmic mid, phenylic E d t of (SNIPE), T., 99; P., 1806, 13. Phen~ltJiiocarbamide, action of ethylic cliloi*ocaPbonate on, and its acetyl derivative (DORAN), T., 342. Pheriylthiocarbimide, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 710.action of benzoic chloride on (HOF- NANN LECTURE), T., ’712. action of, 0x1 glycol (SXAPE), T., 100; P., 1896, 13. action of, on phenol (SNAPE), T., 38 ; P., 1896, 12. ’ Pliospliines, primary and secondary, preparation of (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 681, 682. Phthalic acid, ethylic salt, magnetic ro- tntory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1132,11’77,1238. Phthalic chloride, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PPERKILV), T., 1205, 1244. Phthnlic acid, ethylic salt, imgiietic rotatory power, &c., of (l’exms), T., 1132, 1177,123s. Physiological action of nmidosulphonic acid (LoEw), T., 1662; P., 1896, 182. of cinnamic acid (HOPMAYN Lxc- TURE), T., 698. Picric acid, preparation of (IIOFXANN LECTURE), T., 641. absorption of, by silk (WALKER and APPLEPARD), T., 1339, 1343; P., Picric chloride, action of mercuric and lead thiocyanates on (DIXOW), T., 868 ; P., 1896, 101.Picrylthiocarbimide, attempted prepara- tion of (DIXON), T., 868; P., 1896, 101. 1896, 147.1746 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Pinene, constitution of (ARMSTRONG), T., 1399 ; P., 1896, 4.4 ; (TELDEX), l'., 1009; P., 1896, 137. relation of, to citrene (ARMSTBONG), P., 1896, 44. capacity of, for bromine (TILDEN), T., 1009 ; Y., 1896,137. Pinene dibromide, from the tetmbro- mide (TILDEN and NICHOLLS), P., 1896, 138. hydrochloride, activity of (ARM- STBONQ), T., 1398. behariour of, towards nitric acid (ARXSTRONO), T., 1401. Pinole, constitution of (TILDEN), T., Pinonic acid, constitution of (TILDEN), T., 1014. Piper ovatum, preparation of piperova- tine, the active principle of (DUN- STAN and CARR), k'., 1896, 177.Piperazine, composition of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 688. Piperidine, constitution of (HOFMANN thiocyanate (DIXON), T., 860. T., 332; P., 1896, 75. oxide, action of heat on (HOWMANIT LECTURE), T., 723. p-Piperidylpenthiazoline, y-bromo- (DIXON), Y., 30 ; P., 1895, 217. Piperovatine, preparation of (DIJNSTAN and CARR), P., 1896,177. Plants, colouring matters of Tarious British (PERKIN and HITMMEL), T., 1566 ; P., 1896,185. Platinum, effect of carbon on the melt- ing point of (HA~TLEY), T., 846; P., 1886, 98. influence of, in promoting the com- bination of carbonic oxide and oxygen (DIXON), T., 788 ; P., 1896, 56. Chlorplatinic acid, hydrated, absorp- tion of moisture by (HAKE), I?., 1896, 34.Platinocyanides, phosphorescence of the ealts of (JACKSON), P., 1896, 58. Potash manure, increase of crop by, in comparison with the available potasli in soils (WOOD), T., 289 ; Y., 1896, 13. Potassium amalpam. reduction by means of (HOPMANX LECTURE), T., 649. cblorate, liberation of chlorine on heating manganese dioxide with (McLEoD), T , 1015; P., 1896, 141. 1014. LECTURE), T., 723. Piperidglcarboxyethylthidurea( OORAN), Piperidyldimethjlammonium hydr- Potassinm barium imidosuIphonates (DIVERS and HAQA), T., 1622. mercury irnidosulphonate ( DIVESS and HAQA), T., 1629. nitrite, reduction of (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1612 ; P., 1896,179. nitrososulphate, preparation and re- duction of (DIVERS and HAQA), T., 1611 ; P., 1896,179. sulphate, constitution of double salts containing ( I'UTTOX), T., 519 ; P., 1896, 71.cobalt sulphate, density and o p t i d behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 419. copper sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TurToN), T., 431. ferrous sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 387. magnesium sulphate, density of optical behariour of (TUTTON), T., nickel sulphnte, densitv and optical behaviour of (TuTTo;), T., 407. zinc eulphate, density and optical behaviour of' (TUTTON), T., 374. platinocyaiiide, phosphorescence of (JACKSON), P., 1896,59. tungstitartrate (HENDERSON and BARR), T., 1456; P., 1896,169. estimation of available, in soils (WOOD), T., 287 ; P., 1896,13. Presidential add-ress (HARCOURT), T., 563 ; P., 1896,SO. Propiork acid, magnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063, 1172,1236.Propionic acid, Lead tetrapropionate (HUTCHINSON and POLLARD), T., 224; P., 1896, 31. power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1075, 1076, 1078,1179,1238. Propionic acid, a-bromo-, ethylic salt, action of acetone on (PEBKTN and TEORPE), T., 1482. dextrochloro-, ethylic salt, rotatory power of (PURDIE and WILLIAM- SON), T., 829; P., 1896, 97. @-iodo-, ethylic ertlt, actmion of ethylic sodioacetoacetate on (BENTLET and PERKIN), T., 1511. action of ethylic sodioisopropyl- malonate 011 (HEINKE and PEBKIN), T., 1506; P., 1898, 155. Propionic chloride, action of lead thio- cyanate on (DIXON), T., 856; P., 1896, 100. (TUTTON), T., 355. 356. phenylic salt, magnetic rotatory a-Propionyl- v-plienylbenzylthiourea, and the action of alkalis arid s i h rINDEX OF SUBJECTS.1747 nitrate on (DIXON), T., 859, 860 ; Y., 1898, 101. action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), (DIXON), T., 856 ; P., 1898, 100. action of csustic potash on ( DIXON), T., 857. action of silver nitmte on (DIXON), T., 857 ; P., 1898,100. a-Propion yl-B-phenylthiosemicarbazide (DIXON), T., 860 ; P., 1896, 101. Propionylphenylurea (D~xos), T., 557. Propionylthiocarbimide (DIXOX), T., 836; P., 1896, 100. action of amnionia, aniline, methyl- aniline, piperidine, and 0-, m-, and p-toluidines on ( DIXON), T., 856- 862. (DIXON), T., 862. T., 862. T., 860; P., 1898,101. a-Propiongl- v-phenylbenzyl thiourea, d- Pro pioriylph eny Ithiocarbam ide T., 859 ; P., 1898, 100. action of aldehyde-ammonia on action of benzylic alcohol on (DIXON), action of phenj lhrdrazine on ( DIXON), (DIXON), T., 858 ; P., 1896, 100.action of caustic potash on (Drxox), T., 858. (DIXON), T., 858; P., 1896, 100. action of alkali and of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 858. ah-Propionyl-p-tolylthiocaybamide, and nction of alkali and of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 859 ; P., 1896,100. $6-Propoxypenthiazoline, y-bromo- (DIXON), T., 33; P., 1895,217. Propylamine, B-bromo-, action of methyl- and allyl-thiocRrbiniides on (DIXON), T., 24; Y., 1895,216. fropylenediumine, discovery of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 687. iso-Propylethanetricarboxylic acid, ethylic salt, nnii, and anilic acid ol ( BENTLEY, PEEKIN, and THORPE), T., 213. iso-Propylfuran-a-naplithaquinone, pre- paration of (HOOKER), T., 1350, 1372. iso-Propylfuran-B-napl~tl~aquinone, pre- paration of (HOOKER), T., 1369, 1376.azine obtained from, by the action of o-tolylenediamine (HOOKER), T., 1378. 180 .Propy lglutaranilic acid ( PBRKIN), T., 1497; P., 1898, 170; (HEINKE and PEBLIN), T., 1508. nb-Propionyl-o-tolylthiocarbamide ob-Propiony I-m-tolylthiorarbamide iso-Propylglutaric acid (HEINPB and PERKIN), T., 1507; P., 1896, 155. and it,s salts (PRBKIN), T., 1495; P, 1898,154, 170. action of acetic anhFdride on (PER- oxidation of (PKBKIN), T., 1497. ethylic salt (PERKIN), T., 1496. KIN), T., 1496. iso-Propylglutaric anhydride (PERKIN), T., 1496 ; P., 1896,170 ; (HEINKE and PERKIN), T., 150R. action of aniline on (PERKIN), T., 1497. Propplic alcohol, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), T., 1351; P., 1898, 164. bromide, inagnetic rotatory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063.1173. 1237. iso-Propylic alcohol, action of light on (RICHARDSON and FORTEY), T., 1352; P., 1896, 164. iso-Propjlmalonic acid, alkylic salts of, action of sodium ethoxide and ethylenic bromide on (BENTLEY, HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 162. sodio-, ethylic ealt, action of ethylic j3-iodopropionate on (HEINKE and PERKIN), T., 1506; P., 1896, 155. Propjl-+nifrole. See Propane, p-nitro- Propylthiocarbimide, j3y-dibromo- p-nitroso-. (DIXON), T., 17; P., 1895, 215. action of alcoholic ammonia on (DIXOS), T., 18, 22; P., 1895, 215, 216. action of aniline on (DIXON), T., 17. action of organic bases on (Drxo~), T., 26 ; P., 1895, 216. action of methylic, ethylic, and propyvlic alcohols on (Drxo~), T., 31-33 ; P., 1895, 217.action of methylamine on (DIXON), T., 83% ; P., 1898, 100. action of silver chloride on (DIXON), Propylthiourea, dibromo- (DIXON), T., Purpuroxanthin, acid compound of (PERKIN), T., 1441; P., 1896, 167. 5-Pg~zolone-3.carboxylic acid (RUHE- MANN), T., 1396. ethylic salt (RUHEMANX), T., 1394 ; Y., 1898, 166. Pyridine, constitution of (HOFMANX LECTURE), T., 723. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1115, 1214,1245. fr., 20 ; P., 1895,215. 18, 23; P., 1895, 215.1748 ISDES G F Pyridine, dlbromo-, prepration of Pyrogallol, magnetic rotatory power, (HOFJIATS LECTLXLE), T., 723. &c., of (PE12KIZT), T., 1127, 1185, 1240. Pyrotartarir mhydride, magnetic rota- tory power and relative density of (PERKIN), T., 1063,1173, 1237. Vyrroline, i,;olation of, from coal-tar P p i v i c acid, ethylic salt, action of ethTlic P-broniisoralerate on (PER- KIX and THORPB), Y., 1898, 156.(H0FJfAh.X LECTURE), T., 5%'. Q* Quer6racho colorado, the colouring matter and other constituents of (PERKIN and GUNNELL), T., 1303; P., 1896, 158. Quercetin, colouring matter of Cra- tagus oxyncniatha ( P E R K X and HUMMEL), T., 1570; P., 1896, 186. existence of, in Cheiranthus rheiri (PERKIN and HUMXEL), T., 1568; P., 1896, 185. occurrence of, in outer skins of the bulb of the onion (PERKIX and HUMNEL), T., 1295; I?., 1896, constitution of acid compoiinds of (PERKIX), T., 1444; P., 1896, 167. Quercetin hydrochloride, analysis of (PEEKIN), T., 1442; P., 1896, 167. monometh~-l ether (i~or7~~~.?itiieti/,), ex- stence of, ill Cheiranthzrs cheiri, and its acetjl derivatives (PERKIN and HUXMEL), T., 1569 ; P., 1896, 186.tetramethyl ether, acid compound of (PERKIN), T., 1443; P., 1896, 167. Quercetin, dibromo-, n on -for ni at ion of acid componiids of (PERKIS), T., 1443; P., 1896, 167. Quercetin-group of: natural yellow rolouring matters (PERKIX), Y'., 1441 ; P , 1896, 167. means of distinguishing members of, of natnral yellow dye-etuffs (PEL EIN), T., 1445; P., 1896, 168. Quinine, attempts to sgnthesise (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 603; P., 1893, 138. Quinol, ditliio-, preparation of (SNAPE), T., 100. 1441. Quinoline, isolation of, from coal-tar magnetic rotatory power, &., of (PERKIN), T., 1115, 1117, 1214, 1245. action of cpnogen on (IIOFMASS LECTURE), T., 650. Quinoline-red, prepar:itaion of (iroc- Quinoline-blue, coml)ositicn of ( HOF- Quinone, preparation of (Ilosxixx (H0FJfAN.N LECTURE), T., 597.MANX LECTVRE), T., 627. . NANN LECTTTRE). T., 610. LRCTL-RE), T., '700. R. Resedcc lziteoln, luteolin, the colouring matter of (P~itii~s), T., 206; P., 1896, 37. Resorciuol, magnetic. rotatory power, &c., of ( P E I ~ ~ I A ) , T., 1034, 1127, 1130,1239. condensation of. n it11 c h l o r ~ ~ l (HEWITT and POPE), T., 1265 ; 1896, 150. condensation of, \\ i t 11 cl1lor:il hydrate (HEWITT and POPE), T., 1268; I)., 1896,150. ditliio-, preparation of (SFAPE), T.. 100. Rhamnazin, acid coinl-ound of (E'ER- iso- R1i aiiinc t iii , t 11 c J e I low col our i n g mattel. 111 C%ei~aiit!~us d e k L (Pi:nrtm a n d ~I~'JINEL), T., 15G9 ; P., 1896, 186. R727t.s coriaria, tlic colouring mntter of (PERKIN and ALLES), T., 1299; P., 1896,157.Rosaniline, discox-ery of (I~OP~L.ZNN constitution of (HOPXAFX LCCTL-EE), action of alkyl iodides oil ( I T o ~ v . ~ s s Royal College of Cheinistr~, lri*tory of (HOFMAKK LCCTVRC), T., 5SO. Rubiclium eulp?iate, constitutio.1 of double salts containing ( T u r r o ~ ) . T., 519 ; P., 1&96, 71. caclminm sulpliat~, density and opti- cal behaviour of (l't-TTOX), T., 4&5. cobalt sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TI-TTOS), T., 424. copper sulpliate, density and opticnl behaviour of ( T ~ T T o N ) , T., 437. ferrous ealpliate, density and optical beliaviour of' (TUTTOS), T., 391. magnesium a~ilpllatc, density and optical bchc:zl-ionr of (TTTTOS), T.. 362. KIIC), T., 1441; P., 1896, 167.IIECTURE), T., 609 ; P., 1893, 13s. T., 613, 659. LECTURE), T.. 616.INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1749 Eubidiutn nianganons sulphate, density and optical behsriour of (TUTTOS), nickel sniphate, density and optical behriour of (TTTTOW), Y., 411. zinc sdphate, (lensit? and optical behui ioqi* of (Trrros), T., 379. T., 390. S. Safraninc, discovery of (IJonrmx L E c - iso-Safrole, synthesis of (MELDOLA, Sitlicylnldehyde, magnetic rotatory TERE), T., 625. WOOZCOTT, iind MrRbT), T., 1321. pomer, CFrc., of (PERKIS), T., 1126, 1200, 121.3. Snlicylamirle, prepnralioii of anilinc from (HOFXANX LECTTRE), T., 647. Sa'!icylic wid, absorption by silk of di- lute (WA LT;CR n nd -5 PPLEYARD), T., 1346: P., 1896, 147. etlijlic m l ~ , rotatory power. &c., of (PWXKIS), T., 1126, 1127, 1176, 123s.molcc1~la:. 1-olnine of, in organic tO1\-<>1lt+ (XTICOL), T., 143 ; P., 1895, '73'. methyli~- sal:, mngnctic rotatory poncr*, S-c., oE the (PERKIN), T., 1126, 1127,1176, 1238. Santalenic arid (C€1A13IAN and Bun- GESS), ?., 1896, 14.0. Santnlal, oxidation of (CRAPNAN and EGRGESS), P., 1896, 140. B esquitcfpen e, C,,H,, , froin C1: m a s (Woon, SPITEY, and EASTERFIELD), T., 519 ; Y., 1896, '76. Silk, abGorption of eilute acids by ( WSLTiER and APPLEYARD), T., 1334 ; P., 1896, 147. Silvcr, diffusion of, in mercury (ROBERTS-BUSTEN), P., 1896, 219. solubility and rate of diffusion of, in mercury ( H n ~ \ l r I * ~ E r s ) , T., 247; P., 1896, 9. Silver'al!o>s n i t h gold, solubility of, in potassinin cyanide solutions (MAC- LATRIR), T., 12i6 ; P., 1896, 149.Silvcr nmidosulphonatc (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1647 ; P., 1896, 181. sodiutn i~nidosulphonates (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1626. clonble sulpliide of gold and (MAC- LACL'KIN), T., 1271 ; P., 1898.149. $obrerol, constitution of (TILDEN), T., 1014. Sodium amidosulphonate, preparation of, frcm sodium nitrite (DIVERS and MAG-\), T., 1646. SocIium mnidosulphonnt~, electrolgtic conductivity 'of (SAPPR-\I), T., 1657; P., 1896, 181. irnidosulphonates (DITERS nncl HAGA), T., 1621; P., 1896, 179. barium i:niclosuiphona?es (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1622. calcinm imiclosulplio~iate (DIVERS nncl HAGA), T., 1626 ; P,, 1896.179. mercury iniicios u I 13 h onat e3 ( D I VER s and HAGA),T.. 1629; P., 1896,179. silver imidosulphonate (DIT-ERS and HAGA), T.. 1626.strontium imido~ulplionate (DIVERS and 1 T - 4 ~ I), T., 1625; P., 1896,179. sulphate, viscosity of aqueous solu- tions of (D'ARcY), T., 999; Y., 1896,104. condition of, in solution (D'ARcY), T., 993 ; P., 1896,104. double salt of ainidosulphonic ncitl and (DIT-ERS and HAGA), T., 1646. Sodium n 1 1 t iinoniornucate (HESDERSOX and BARR), T., 1453; P.,1896,168. moly b d I t 'irtrat e and CARR), T., 1455; P., 1896, 169. tungstil:irtrate (HEXDERSOX and B-~RR), T., 1436: ; P., 1896, 169. Soil:, analpis of diflerent (WOOD), T., 2S9; P., 1896, 13. estimation of available potash and phosphoric acid in, T., 287; P., 1896, 13. Solubility of metals and alloys in mey- cnry (HUIIPHRETS), T., 1679 ; P., 1896, 220. of silver and copper in iiiercurp (HT-XPHREYS), T., 247; P., 1896, 9.Solution, cl~namicsl condition of mole- cules in (FITZGERALD), T., 90'2. Solution theory of dyeing (WALKER and APPLEY~RD), T.; 1348; P., 1896, 147. Solutions, changes of volume during the formation af dilute (JOXE~), P., 1895, 179. condition of socliuiii snlpliate in aqueous (D'ARcY), T., 993; P., 1896, 104. of organic substances, magnetic rota- tory power of (PELIKIS), T., 1052; P., 1896, 122. Sorbic acid, discowry of ( I I o ~ x a ~ s LECTL-RE), T., 69s. Starch, reducing p o w r of, 011 aimno- niacal silver nitrate (HEKDERSON), T., 151 ; P., 1896,9. Stearamicle (DIYON), T., 1609. Steuric acid, action of light on (RICH- (HE ND ER SO N ARDSON FORTEY), T., 1349.I150 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. &emic chloride, action oE lead thio- cyanate on (DIXON), T., 1399.Stearylbenzidide (DIXON), T., 1602, 1603. ab-Stearyl-a-naphthylthiocarbamide, and the action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1601 ; P., 1896, 223. Stearyl-a-naphtliyluree (DIXOY), T., 1601 ; P., 1896, 223. o~-Stear~1-~-phei~yIbenzylthiourea, and action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1602 ; Y., 1896, 223. a-Stearyl-b-phenylbenzylurea (DIXON), T., 1602 ; P., 1896, 223. Y tearylthiocarbimide (DIXOX), T., 1599. action of aniuionia, benzylamine, benzylaniline, a-naphthylamine, phenylhydi-azine, piperidine, o-toln- idine, and m-xylidine on (DIXON), T., 1601,1602. ab-Stearyl-o-tolylthiocarbamide, and the action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1600; P., 1896, 223. Stearyl-o-tolylurea (DIXON), T., 1600 ; P., 1896, 223. ah-Stearyl-m-xylylthiocarbamide, and the action of silver nitrate on (DIXON), T., 1600 ; P., 1896, 233.ah-Stearyl-m-xplplurea (DIXON), T., 1601 ; P., 1806, 223. Stilbene (diphegyletirylene), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1150,1225,1246. Straw, carbohydrates of barlcy- (CROSS, BETAN, and SXITH), T., 1604, P., 1896,174. Straws, existence of xvlose-formrtl in the cellulose of cereal: (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 815 ; Y., 1896, 96. dtrontium, imidosulphonates (DrrEas and HAOA), T., 1622; P., 1896,179. Strychnine, sulphur compound of (HOF- estimation of nitrogen in, by the absolute method (DUNSTAN and CARR), P., 1896, 48. Stjrene (ciwnameiae), magnetic rotatorv power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1143, 1149,1224,1246. Styryl methyl ketone (bemglideneacet- one), magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PEBKIN), T., 1245, 1229,1247.Subs tan ce, C4 H8N,SBr2, from the action oE bromine on allylthiourea (.DIxoN), T., 19; P., 1896, 215. action of caustic alkali on (DIXON), T., 19. C4H8N,Ylz, from allylthiourea and iodine (DIXON), T., 25; P., 1896, 216. action of caustic potash on (DIXOS), T., 26 ; P., 1895, 216. MANN LECTUBE), T., 719. Hubstmce, C4H8N2SIS, action of silver chloride on (DISON), T., 25. C4HsNISClI, from C,H,N2S12 and silver chloride (DIXON), T., 25. C;H8N,, from formaldehyde and ex- cess of phenylhydrazine ( W 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) , T., 1282. action of sodium ethoxide and sodium on (WAZKER), T., 1283. action of excess of formaldehyde on (WALKER), T., 1284. C8H1009, from dihydroxrmaleic acid and hydrogen bromide in presence of acetic acid (FENTON), T., 559.C,0HldN06, from tram-wcamphanic acid (KIprm@), T., 961. C1,1-f?,0,, from diacekylacetone, oxime, converrion of, into dihydr- oxyacetyldimetbylnaphthalene, and behaviour of, toward8 ammonia (COLLIE and WILSMORE), T., 300 ; P., 1896, 47. CI4HI6N4, ?om methenehydrazone and ethylic acetate (WALKER), T., 1286,1287. Cl5HI6N,, preparation of two isomeric forms of, from formalciehyde and phenylhjdrazine (WALKER), T., 1280, 1281. Cl6HISN40, from C7H,N2 and form- aldehyde (WALKhR), 'l'., 1284. C18H1203, from a-Iiydrindone and bromine (REYIS and XIPYINQ), P., 1896,214. CI8Hl3BrO2, from monobromohpdrin- done (REVIS and KIPPINQ), P., 1896, 214. CI9Hl2N2O3, from o-chlorobenzene- azosalicylic acid (HEWITT and STEVENSON), T, 1261; P., 1896, 149. CWHM02, from ar-dibromocamphor ( REVIS and KIPPINO), P., 1896,77.C23Hn4N40, from acetoplienonehydr- 8ZOIie and formaldehyde (WALKER), T., 1286. C25Hl;N30?, from o-chlorobenzene- azosalicylic acid (HEWITT and STEVENSON), T., 1260 ; P., 1896, 149. C,;H,,N,, from benzylidenehydrazoiie and formaldehjde (WALKER), T., 1285. C2sH220, from substance C,Hz202 on reduction (JAPP and LANDER), T., 7M. C,,EI,O, from anhydracetoneditenzil on reduction (JAPP and LANDER), T., 745. ethylic anhvdrodibenxilacetoacetate ( ~ A P P and LANDER), T., 744. Crs€€aOf, from the reduction ofINDEX OF SUBJECTS. 17 51 of ethylic anhydrodiliCtnzilacetoace- tate (JAPP and LANDLX), T., 744; Y., 1895, 146. matter of (PERKIN and ALLEN), T., 1299; P., 1896, 157. Systematic chemistry, L. Mejer’s Sulphur :- Amidosulphonic acid, preparation of (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 163’7; P., 1896, 180.formation of, by reduction of ni- trososulphates (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1615; P., 1896, 179. electrolytic conductivity of (SA- KUBAI), T., 1656; P., 1896, 181. and its Palts, effect of heat on (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1650 ; P., 1896, 181. action’ of, on plants and aninials (LoEw), L., 1662; P., 1896, 182. Imidosulplionic acid, salts of (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1620; P., 1896, 179. Nitrososulphuric acid, reduction by wogium of the salts of (DIVERS and HAGA), T., 1610; P., 1896, 179. Sulphurous anhydride (sulphur di- oxide), oxidation of, in presence of water (DIXON), ‘T., 779. Sulphuric acid, absorption of mois- ture by (HAKE), P., 1896,34. absorption by silk of dilut 3 (WALKER and APPLEYARD), T., 1346; P., 1896,147.use of, in nitration (HOFYANN LECTUXE), T., 695. VOL. LXlX. camphene (MARSH and GARDNER), ethylic salt, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., .1132, 1178, Terpene, C10H16, from Cliaras (WOOD, SPIVEY, and EASTERFIELD), T , 541 ; P., 1896, 76. Tetraberizoylfisetin (PEBKIN and GUN. NELL), T., 1305; P., 1896, 158. Tetrabenzoylluteolin (PERKIN), T., 210 ; P., 1896, 37. Tetracetylaconine, preparation and hydrolysis of (DUNSTAN and CAER), P., 1895, 1’78. Tetracetyldibromoluteolin (PERKIN), T., 210; P., 1896, 37. ‘retracetylfi.setin (PERKIN and GUN- Tetracetyllateoliu (PERKIN), T., 210 ; P., 1896, 37. ar-Tetrahydro-a-naplit~~laruine, mag- netic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1104, 1106, 1213, 1245. ac-Tetrahydro-p-naphtliyiamine, mag- netic rotatory power, &c., of (PEPKIN), T., 1104, 1106, 1213, 1245.T., 84; P., 1895, 206. 1238. HELL), T., 1305; P., 1896, 158. Tetrahydroquinoline, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1117, 1214,1245. 2 : 4 : 2’ : 4‘-Tetrahydroxydjphenyl- acetic acid (HEWITT and POPE), T., 1268,1269; P., 1896,151. lactone of, and its triacetyl deriva- 6 s1752 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. tive (HEWITT and POPE), T., 1267, 1269 ; P., 1896, 151. action of heat on (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 666. iodide, preparation of (HOFFMAN LECTURE), T., 666. Tetrametliylaniline, nitrile and iso- nitrile obtained from (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 710. Tetramines, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 687. Tetramylammoninm hydroxide, action of heat on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 666. iodide ( HOFYANN LECTURE), T., 666.Tetraphenylmelamine, preparation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 716. Tetrethylammonium hydroxide, dis- covery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 665. action of heat on (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 666. action of ethylic iodide on (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 666. iodide, discovery of (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 664. Tetrethylphosphonium hydroxide, pre- paration of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 672. iodide, discovery of ( ROFMANN LEC- preparation of (HOFMANN LEC- Thallium, solution and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1681 ; P., 1896, 220. Theobromine periodides, preparation and properties of (SHAW), T., 102 ; P., 1895, 177. Thiocarbanil, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1121, 1204, 1244. Thiocarbamides, symmetrical disubsti- tuted, action of alkali on (DIXON), T., 857 ; P., 1896, 100. Thiocarbimides, ethereal, synthesis of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 711.Thiophen, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1117, 1204, 1244. Thiosemicarbazides and thiocarbazides, suggestions as to the nomenclature of (DIXON), T., 861. bromo-” (DIXON), T., 21. Tetramethylammonium hydroxide, TURE), T., 602. TURE, T., 6’72. ‘‘ Thiosinnammoniumoxydhydrat, Thymol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1132,1183, 1239. cryatdline form of (POPE), P., 1896, 142, Tin, rate of diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHBEYS), T., 251; P., 1896, 9. Tin-alloyT-s, solution and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPRREYS), T., 1682 ; I?., 1896, 220. with lead, solution and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHBEYS), l’., 1681 ; P., 1896, 220.Tissue, formation of, in plants (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITR), T., 1605; P., 1896, 174. Tolane. See Diphenylacetylene. Toluene, discovery of, in coal-tar (SOF- separation of, from coal-tar naphtha (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 598. magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1082-1085, 1125,1191,1241. Toluene, 0- and p-bromo-, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1064, 1131, 1203, 1243. 0- and p-chloro-, magnetic rotator3 power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1131, 1203, 1243. 0- and p-nitro-, magnetic rotatory powers, &,of (PERKIN), T., 1095, 1131,1162,1181,1239. o-Toluic acid, ethylic salts, magnetic rotatory power of (PERKIN), T., 1096, 1097, 1130, 1177, 1238. p-Toluic acid, ethylic ealt, magnetic rotatory power of (PERKIN), T., 1096,1097, 1130, 11’77,1238.o-Toluidine, refraction equivalents of, a t different temperatures (PER- KIN), T., 4 ; P., 1895, 199. magnetic rotatory power of (PEBKIN), T., 1104, 1131, 1155, 1159, 1210, 1245. m-Toluidine, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1131, 1210, 1245. p-Toluidine, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 646. preparation of (HOFMANN LECTUBE) , T., 597. refraction equivalents of, a t different temperatures (PERKIN), T., 4 ; P., 1895, 199. magnetic rotatory power of (PER- KIN), T., 1131, 1155, 1159, 1209, 1245. action of cyanogen on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 590, 649. colouring matter obtained by oxida- tion of (HOFMAKN LECTURE), T., 605. o-Toluonitrile, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1096, 1137, 1206, 1244. MANN LECTURE), T., 693.INDEX OF SUBJECTS.1753 p-Toluonitrile, preparation of (HOF- magnetic rotatory power of (PERKIN), o-Tolylallylthiocarbnmide, action of bromine on (DIXON), T., 852; P., 1896.93. u-o-Tolylaminopenthiazoliae, y-bromo- (DIXON), T., 28; P., 1895, 216. u-p-Tolylaminopenthiazoline, y-bromo- (DIXOX), T., 27 ; P., 1895, 216. Tolylcarbimide, preparation of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 715. ah-o-Tolylcarboxyethy lthiocar bamide (D~$AN), T., 327; P., 1896, 74. ab-p- lolylcarboxyethglthiocarbamide (DORAN), T., 328; P., 1896, 74. Tolylenediamine, discovery of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 688. o-'l'olylic methylic ether, magnetic rotatory power of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1128, 1130, 1159, llw, 1240. m-Tolylic methylic ether, magnetic rotatory power of (PERPIN), T., 1127, 1128, 1130, 1159, 1187, 1240.p - Tolylic allylic ether, magnetic rota- tory power, &c., of (PERPIN), T., 1141, 1226, 124'7. metliylic ether, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1127, 1128,1130, 1159,1187, 1240. o-Toljlthiourea (DIXON), T., 858. Triacetoxjhydroxydiphenjlacetic acid (HEWITT and POPE), T., 1267; P., 1896,151. Triethylamine, discovery of (HOFMANN action of ethylic bromide on (HOP- action of ethylic iodide on (HOFMANN MA" LECTURE), T., 705. l'., 1096, 1137, 1206, 1244. LECTURE), T., 661. MANN LECTURE), T., 663. LECTURE), T., 664. Triethylaniylammonium hydroxide, action of heat on (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 666. Triethglchrysaniline, discovery of ( HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 622. Triethyldiethylenetriainine, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 687.Triethylenediamine (HOFMANN LEG- TURE), l'., 684. Triethylenetriamine, discovery of, and its salts (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 686. Triethylmelamine, preparation of (HOP- MANN LKCTURE), T., 716. Triethylphosphine, preparation of (.HOPMANN LECTURE), T., 602, 671. action of carbon tetrachloride on (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 680. action of ethylic chloracetate on (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 681. Triethylphosphine, action of ethylenic dibromide on (HOFMANN h c - TURE), T., 6'78. action of iodoform on (HOFYANN LECTURE), T., 680. action of sulphur compounds on (HOPMANN LECTURE), T., 674. compound of, with carbon bisulphide, and its derivatives (HOPMANN LEC- TURE), T., 675. compound of, with phenylthiocarb- imide, and its derivatives (HOP- Triethylphosphine oxide, preparation of (KOFMANN LECTURE), T., 672.compound of, with platinic chloride (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 674. compouud of, with zinc iodide (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 6741. oxychloride, preparation of (HOF- sulphide, preparation of (HOFMANN Triethylrosaniline, compound of, wlitli ethylic iodide (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 617. Triethyltriethylenetrianiine, discovery of ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 687. Triethylviiiylphosphoniuni hydroxide, preparation of ( HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 678. Trihydroxylamine, hydriodidc of, and the action of heat on (DUNSTAN and GOCLDINQ), T., 840; P., 1896, 73. Trimellitic acid Pron: methj lpurpuro- xanthin (SCRUNCK and MARCH- LEWSKI), T., 7 0 ; P., 1895, 203. Triniethylallylanimonium chloride, ac- tion of heat on (HOFNANN LECTURE), T., 670. Trimethylbromethylanimoninm brom- ide, preparation of (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 680.Trimethylisobutylanimoniuni platino- chloride, crystalline form of (HOF- MANN LECTURE), T., 671. Trimethylchrysaniline, discovery of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 622. aS13-Trimethylglittaric acid ( PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896, 156. ethylic salt (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1896, 156. aaS-Trimethylglur aric acid, fi-brotuo-, ethylic salt, and action of alcoholic potassium cyanide on (PERKIN and THORPE), P., 1895, 156. 'I'ritnethylhydroxylamine, hydriodide of (DUNSTAN and GOULDING), T., 839 ; P., 1896, 72. (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., 671. MANN LECTURE), 676. MANN LECTURE), 674. LECTURE), 675. Trimethylphosphine, preparation of 6 s 2I754 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Trimethylpropylammonium platino- chloride, cqstalline form of (HOF- MA” LECTURE), T., 671. Trirnethj 1 isopropy lammonium chloride, action of heat on (HOFMANN LEC- TURE), T., 670. Trimethylpyrogallol, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of, (PEREIN), T., 1064, 2-127, 1189,1241. Trimetliylrosaniline metliocl~loride (HOFMANN IIRCTURE), T., 625. TriphenFlguanidine, discovery of (HOF- action of cyanogen on (HOFMANN T r iphen y l m e l ~ m in c, preparation of (HOFMANB JJECTUBE), T., 716. T~~iplienylmethane, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1085, 1086, 1152, 1195, 1230, 1242. I’ripbenylpliosphine and its chloride (HOFMANN LECTURE). T., 683. T~.iplien~I~~osnniliiie, constitution of Tnphen~l~osanilinesulplionic acids, dip. MAEN LECTURE), T., 686. LECTURE), T., ’715. (HOFiMANN LFCTUHE), T., 614. (’OT’el’y Of (HOFMANN IJECTURE), T., 616. Triplienyl&ibine : its cliloride and hydroxide (HOPILIANN ZECTURE), T., 683. Triphosphoniuni triiodjde, preparation of (HOFMAKN LECTURE), T., 680. Tungstitartaric acid, salts of (HENDER- SON and BARR), T., 1456; P., 1896, 169. U. Urea, estimation of, by the hypobromite procces (ALLEN), P., 1896, 31. Urinc, estimation of urea in, by the Iiypobrnmite process (ALLEN), P., 1896, 31. v. iso-Valeraldehgdc, condensation of, with 8-li;ydi.oxS-a-naphtliaquiiione (HOOKEB), T., 1356. Valerie acid, formation of, by the action of light on aiiiylic alcohol ( R~CHARDSON and FORTEY), T., Valeric acid, absorption hy silk of dilute (WALKER and APPLB- YARD), T., 1346; P., 1896, 147. ethylic and aniTlic salts, molecular volume of, in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. VALERIC ACIDS :- 1351 ; l’., 1896, 165. VALERIC ACIDS :- Valerie acid, a-bromo-, ethylic salt, action of alcoholic potash on PERKIN and GOODWIN), T., 1470. action of quinoline on (PERKIN and GOODWIN), T., 1470. Mcthylethylacetic acid (a-methyl- butyric acid ; Hydrotiglic acid), y-brorno- ENTLET, HAWORTH, ethylic salt) (BENTLEY ,HAWORTH, and PERKIN), T., 1’74 ; P., 1896, 36 action of ethylic sodioisopro- pylmnlnnate on (BENTLEY, HAWOI~TH, and PEBEIN), T., lG2. y-chloro-, anilide of ( BENTLEY, HAWO~LTH, and PERKIW), T., and ‘P 1 ERKIN), T., 174. 175 ; P., 1896, 37. VALERIC CHLORIDE :- Methjlethglacetic chloride, y-chloro- (BENTLEY, HAWOHTH, and PER- KIN), T., 1’75; P., 1896, 37. VALEROLACTORE :- a-~~ethglbutyrolact oiie ( BEWTLEY, HAWORTR, and PERKIN), T., action of liydrobromic acid on (BENTLEY, HAWORTH, and PER- KIR’), T., 174; P., 1896, 36. action of phosphorus pentachloricle on (UENTLEY, HAWORTH, and YEREIN), T., 174 ; P., 1896, 37. Valeroiiitrile, preparation of (HOFXANN LECJTRE), T., 696. Velocity of change of alkyl ammoniuni cyanatcs into t h e corresponding c~~rbaiiiiclea ( WdLKER and APPLE- PARD), T., 193; P., 1896, 12. Viiiplic bromide (BENTLEY, HAWORTR, aid PERKIK), T., 165; HAWORTH and PERKIN), T., 1’75. Violaniline, discovery of (HOFMAKN LECT~RI.:), T., 610. Viscosity of aqueous solutions of sodium sulphate (D’hck-), T., 999 ; P., 1896, 104. Volume changes during the formation of dilute solutions (JONES), P., 1895, 179. Volume of sulphates of potassium, rubidium, and caesiuln in combina- tion with other sulpliates (TUTTON), T., 497 ; P., 1896, ‘71. Volumes, nioleciilar, of gases, L. iVIeye2s investigatipnu on (BED- SON), T., 1423; l’., 1896, 119. of the double sulphates of potassium, rubidinm, and cesium (TUITON), T., 457 ; Y., 1896, 68. 173; P., 1896, 36.INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1755 Volumes, molecular, of ethylic arid amylic benzoakes in organic sol- vents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. of ethFlic butyrate in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895,237. of ethylic and amylic formatee in or- ganic solvents (NICOL), T., 143 ; P., 1895,237. of ethylin malonate in organic sol- vents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. of ethylic oxalate in organic solvents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. of ethylic salicplate in organic sol- vents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. of ethylic succinate in organic 601- vents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. of etliylic and amylic valerates in or- ganic solvents (NICOL), T., 143; P., 1895, 237. of methylic, butylic, and amylic acetates in organic solvents ( NICOL), T., 143 j P., 1895, 237. Vortex atnnis (FITZGCERALD), T., 889 ; P., 1896, 25. W, Wallflower, yellow, calouring mattera of the (PERKIN and HUMHEL), T., 1566; P., 1896, 185. Water, influence of temperature on the magnetic rotatory power of (PER- KIN), T., 1060 ; ?., 1896, 122. influence of, on the combination of carbonic oxide and oxygen ( DIXON), T., 7’76; P., 1896, 65. Water, mineral, from Landeck, L. Meyer’s invest,igation of (BEDSON), T., 1413. of the Knaresborough dropping well (BURRELL), T., 536; P., 1896, 73. Water-gas, explosive mixtures of air Weld, luteolin, the colourinp matter of and (CLOWES), P., 1895, 201. (PERKIN), T., 206 ; P., 1896, 37. X. Xanthone group of yellow colouring matters (PERKIN), T., 1440; P., 1896, 16’7. o-Xylene, magnetic rotatoi-y powers, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1130, 1159, 1192, 1193, 1229, 1241. m-Xylene, magnetic rotatory powers, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1130, 1159, 1192,1193, 1829, 1241. p-Xylene, magnetic rotatory power, &c., of (PERKIN), T., 1130, 1159, 1192, 1193, 1229, 1241. p-Xylic acid (3 : 4-dimethylbenzoic acid), reduction of (BENTLEY and PERKIN), P., 1896, 79. 1 : 3 : 4-Xylidine, colouring matter ob- tained by oxidation of (HOFMANN LECTURE), T., FO5. Xylidine-red, discovery of ( HOFNANN LECTCRE), T., 620. Xyloec, existsnce of formal derivatives of, in cered celluloseR (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 804; P., 1896, Y6. identification OF, in solublo products of the acid hydrolysis of cellulose (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., Xylylcarbimide, preparation of (HOF- MANN LXCTURE), T., 715. nb -m- Xply lcarboxyethylthiocarbamide (DORAN), T., 329; P., 1896, 74. 811; P., 1896, 96. P. Yeast, ferinentation of furfuroids by (CROSS, BEVAN, and SMITH), T., 816 ; Y., 1896,96. Z. Zinc, rate of diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 251 ; P., 1896, 9. Ziuc alloys with cadmium, solution and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPH- REPS), T., 1681 ; P., 1896,220. with copper, solution and diffusion of, in mercury (HUMPHREYS), T., 1682 ; P., 1896, 220. Zinc cesium sulphate, density and optical behaviour of (TITTTON), T., 383. potassium sulphate, density and opti- cal behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 374. rubidium sulphate, density and opti- cal behaviour of (TUTTON), T., 379.


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