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Ultrasonic Stroboscopes for the Study of Ultrasonic Fields


作者: W. L. Gessert,   E. A. Hiedemann,  


期刊: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  (AIP Available online 1956)
卷期: Volume 28, issue 5  

页码: 944-950




年代: 1956




出版商: Acoustical Society of America


数据来源: AIP



The possibilities and limitations of different ultrasonic stroboscopes described by Bär for the special purpose of studying ultrasonic phenomena were investigated in greater detail. One type is appropriate for the measurement of the velocity of propagation of progressive ultrasonic waves. A modified setup offers special advantages for the precise determination of the sound velocity in a liquid relative to a standard liquid. Another optical arrangement is best suited for the study of ultrasonic fields; it was used for direct measurements of the Rayleigh phase shift at a liquid‐liquid interface and for photography of the phase field before an ultrasonic tranducer.


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