Annual General Meeting




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1919)
卷期: Volume 115, issue 1  

页码: 384-396




年代: 1919




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, THURSDAY MARCH Z ~ T H 1919 AT 4 P.M. SIR WILLIAM J. POPE K.B.E. F.R.S. President in the Chair. Dr. T. S. PRICE and Dr. C. K. TINKLER were elected Scrutators, and the ballot was opened for the election of Officers and Council. The Report of Council for 1917-1918 was formally presented t o the meeting by the PRESIDENT. After statements by one of the Secretaries as to the progress made in the revision of the Bye-laws and by the Treasurer as t o the financial position of the Society the adoption of the Report of Council together with the Statement of Acoounts for the year ending December 31st i918 was proposed by Professor G. BARGER seconded by Dr. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS, and carried unanimously. REPORX OF COUNCIL 1918-1919. The Council are gratified to report a substantial increase in the membership of the Society.On December 31st 1917 the number Qf Fellows was 3,270. During 1918 249 Fellows were elected and 13 reinstated making a gross total of 3,532. The Society has lost 62 Fellows by death; 16 have resigned; the elections of 6 have been declared void and 47 have been removed for non-payment of Annual Subscriptions. The total number of F0110ws therefore, a s a t December 31st 1918 was 3,401 showing an increase of 131, as compared with 72 in 1917. It is with regret they report that the following Fellows have died on Service: John Percy Bates (1913). Charlea William Dick (1917). Edward Frank Harrison (1894). Leonard Isoiz Pitt (1911) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. and that the death of the following has also occurred: 385 Richard Leburn Barnes (1875).James Bayne (1874). William Henry Elake (1890). Arthur Clegg Bowdler (1865). Joseph John Bowley (1896). Harry Broadbent (18891. William Edward Callister (1909). Thomas Charles Cloud (1878).-Jam- Mason Crafts (1870). William Adam Dixon (1862). John Ern& Dunstan (1917). Thomas Farries (1870). Charles Thomas Foreman (1907). Edward Francis (1879). Charles James Pemeller Fuller (1896). George Thomas Glover (1872). Walter Augustus Handcock (1900). Egerton Bargreaves (1909). Henry Jam@ Helm (1872). Richard Pendarves Hodges (1913). Henry Tylshton Hodgson (1873). William Lamond Howie (1876). Edward Lewis James (1912). David Smith Jardin (1902). Edgar Dingle Jones (1912). John Sydney Keel (1917).Douglas Rayment Keller (1913). William Joel Kemp (1882). Hassum Alidina Lakhani (1909). Edmund Albert Letts (1879). Thomas Stratford Logan (1902). Thomas Watson Lovibond (1882). Sydney Lupton (1872). George Cannon McRhhry (1889). Charles Stewart Maries (1918). Edward Matthey (1884). Elias Mendozn (1918). Alexander Milne (1885). Sir Alexander Pedler (1870). Mulgrave Daniel Penney (1870). George Frederick Tyler Phillips William Ping (1889). Joseph Price Remington (1886). Alfred Gordon Salamon (1880). John Scudamore Sellon (1875). Alfred Senier (1875). Walter Dalrymple Severn (1896). John William Shepherd (1899). Richard Spencer (1886). James Carter Spensley (1917). Henry Charles Stephens (1880). Edward Cumming Thompson (1894).John Bishop Tingle (1889). Thomas Tyrer (1876). Herbert William Milk Willett (1906). Christopher Wilson (1894). Reginald Cowdell Woodcock (1871). John Young (1874). (1904). Resignations have been received from : William James Bees (1905). Hugh Garner Bennett (1909). Kula Bhushan Bhaduri (1903). Frederick Raine Ennos (1914). Nagardas Punushottam Gandhi (1915). John Thomas Hall (1903). Herbert Edwin Macadam (1896). David James Morgan (1895). Frederick Filmer de Morgan (1897). Joseph Morris (1891). Malur Srinivasa Rnu (1910). Abhayacharan ,Sanyal (1891). Rabert Qreig Smith (1891). Thomas May Smith (1910). Alfred Tingle (1904). James Woodward (1888). The congratulations of the Society are offered to Professor William Odling Paslipresident elected a Fellow on January 17th, 1848 who has now completed seventy-one years as a Fellow.The Society's congratulations are also extended t o ; Dr. Augustus George Vernon Harcourt (Past-President) .. . ... John Spiller . . ....... ... ....... .. .. .... . . . .. ... . .. . .... . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . Josiah Wyckliff e Kynaston ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas William Salter ..................................................... Elected. Feb. 3rd 1850. Feb. 3rd 1859. Beb. lTith 1859. Feb. 17th 1859 386 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINQ. who have been Fellows for more than sixty ymrs9 and to the following who have attained their jubilee as Fellows : John Hnghes ..................................................................Edward Knowles Muspratt ............................................... Thomas Bolas ................................................................ Frank Clowes ................................................................ Elected. Dec. 17hh 1868. Jan. 21& 1869. Mar. 18th 1869. Mar. lab 1869. The volume of Transactions for 1918 contains which 849.pages are occupied by 89 memoirs the 995 pages of remaining 146 pages being devoted to the Obituary Notices three lectures on special subjects the Report of the Annual General Meeting and the Presidential Address. The volume fur the preceding year con-tained 95 memoirs occupying 960 pages. The Journal for 1918 contains also 2,436 abstracts occupying 1,032 pages whilst the abstracts for 1917 numbered 2,858 and occupied 1,308 pages.The great decrease in the number of. memoirs in journals devoted t o chemistry and allied subjects referred to in the Reports for 1916 and 1917 became as was expected still more marked in 1918; there is however some slight reason t o hope that the lowest point has been reached and that an increase in the number of papers abstracted may now be anticipated. Whilst most of the Continental journals have been obtained for abstraction no Russian journals have come to hand during the year. I n the last Report an account was given of the arrangements made by a Joint Committee of the Chemical Society and Society of Chemical Industry to minimise duplication in the abstracts pub-lished in the Journals of the two Societies.This arrangement has been in force during the year with satisfactory results. The abstracts may be classified as follows: PART I. No. of Pages. Abstracts. Organic Chemistry ..................................................... - 771 Physiological Chemistry ............................................. - 237 160 Chemistry of Vegetable Physiology and Agriculture ... -564 PART 11. General and Physical Chemistry .............................. -Inorganic Chemistry ................................................. -Mineralogical Chemistry ............................................. -Analytical Chemistry ................................................. -468 Total in Parts I. and I1 ....................................1,032 1,168 557 205 59 447 1,268 2,43 ANNUAL QENERAJ; MEETING 387 The scheme for supplying the abstracts of the Chemical Society and of the Society of Chemical Industry to the members of b&h Societies has been further considered but owing to many difficul-ties arising out of the war such as the greatly increased cost of production it has been postponed for the present. The Report on the progress of Radioactivity for 1917 which was omitted from the last volume of Annual Reports is included with that for 1918 in the current Volume XV; it has been decided t o postpone the Report on Crystallography and Mineralogy for 1918 and to combine this with the Report for 1919. Permission has been given for the publication of a French translation of Volume XV of the Annual Reports.The publication of the List of Fellows has been resumed but, owing to the need for economy the list has been issued only to those Fellows who made application. Following the scheme initiated three years ago arrangements have been made for the delivery of Lectures to the Society during the present session. The first entitled “The conception of the chemical dement as enlarged by the study of radioactive change,” was given by Professor F. Soddy on December 19th; on March 6th a lecture on ‘ I Emission spectra and ahmic structure” was delivered by Professor Nicholson whilst Professor Jeans will give a ldcture on May 1st dealing with “The quantum theory and new theories of atomic structure.” The address delivered by the President a t the last Annual Meeting was by order of the Council widely circulated through-out the country The emphasis laid in t h i s address on the desirability of closer co-operation between the societies represent-ing the various branches of chemistry has given rise to a definite step in this direction by the promotion of “The Federal Council for Pure and Applied Chemistry.” The Federal Council consists of representatives appointed by the following eleven societies the Chemical Society the Society of Chemical Industry the Associa-tion of British Chemical Manufacturers the Institute of Chemistry, the Society of Public Analysts the Faraday Society the Bio-chemical Society the Iron and Steel Institute the Institute od Brewing the Society of Dyers and Colourists and the Society of Glass Technology.The delegates elected by the Council t o repre-sent the Society on this body are Professor H. E. Armstrong Sir William J. Pope and Sir William A. Tilden. The primary objects of the new body a m to consider and act upon all matters involving the common interests of the constituent societies and to deal with any question which these may place before it. The provision of a House adequate to the requirements of the chemical profession i 388 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. which a complete scientific and technical Library could be assembled is now under the consideration of the Federal Council. The Council have had under consideration the present conditions of chemical research and they have given particular attention to the question of the adequacy of the sums available for grants and to the restricted supply of pure chemicals.Since it appeared desirable that united action should be taken in these matters the Federal Council has been requested to consider them and has already taken action in both directions. The demobilisation of chemists has also had the earnest atten-tion of the Council and joint representlation with the Royal Society the Institute of Chemistry and the Chemical Warfare Department has been made to the proper authorities. The Council have recently received a valuable report from the General Committee of Chemical and Allied Societies on the pro-posed publication of chemical compendia in the English language. The report has also been placed before the Federd Council and the councils of other interested societies including those of the American and French Chemical Societies with the view of securing their co-operation.During the past year a Committee has been appointed to con-sider what changes it is desirable to make in the Bye-laws of the Society. I n their report the Committee have recommended *con-siderable changes but these are in several respects inconsistent with the terms of the present Charter and therefore cannot be made until a supplemental Charter has been obtained. The question whether application fur a supplemental Charter should be made will shortly be laid before an Extraordinary General Meeting. Sir William A. Tildm represented the Society on the Sectional Committee of the British Scientific Products Exhibition.Professor P. F. Frankland and Dr. A. Scott continue to act as the Society’s representatives on the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies whilst Sir William J. Pope has been appointed a delegate to the International Association of Chemical Societies in place of the late Sir William Ramsay. The Council are glad to report that as a result of the Confer-ence of Chemical and Allied Societies a scheme has been prepared and is now in operation for increasing the use of the Library and extending its technical equipment. The co-operation and financial assistance of the Assmiation of British Chemical Maauf acturers, the Biochemical Society the Faraday Society the Institute of Chemistry the Society of Chemical Industry the Society of Dyers and Colourists and the Society of Public Analysts have been obtained.The members of these societies are now able to use th BNNUAL GENERAL MEETIEG. 389 Library on the same terms as Fellows and their representatives have heen added to the Library Committee. As already announced the Library is now open to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays and to 5 o’clock on Saturdays in addition to those evenings on which the Society meets. The number of books borrowed from the Library during 1918 was 2,905 as against 2,157 in the previous year and 1,610 in 1916. The additions to the Library comprise 126 books 255 volumes of periodicals and 31 pamphlets compared with 155 books 282 volumes of periodicals and 54 pamphlets in 1917. The Council have the pleasure to report that a valuable gift of handsomely bound volumes of periodicals and systematic works has been received as a bequest from the late Mr.Sydney Lupton. The accounts for the year 1918 show a balance of income over expenditure amounting t o 22,489 4s. 4d. as against 321,652 9s. l l d . reported last March for the previous year. Whilst the income from all sources has been $10,082 14s. l l d . and is thus greater than that recorded for 1917 by $1,552 16s. Od. the expenditure has exceeded that of 1917 by $716 1s. 7d. reaching the sum of $7,593 10s. 7d. Thus although the increased expenditure exceeds the similar increase on the outlay for 1916 indicated by the Report of last year it has been amply covered by the larger revenue. The latter factor is composed of additional life compositions, $102 and admission fees 2352 whilst the subscriptions account reveals an improvement by X381 10s.Od. To these are added increases of 289 12s. 7d. from interest on investments 2262 9s. 10d. from the sale of publications and 292 15s. l l d . from advertise-ments in the Journal although the net gain to the Society from this source is only $32 5s. 4d. owing t o increased cost of printing. Donations to the Library amounting t o $280 5s. Od. and not having a corresponding reference in the Report for 1917 cannot properly be regarded as increased revenue as more than this sum will be expended by the Society during the current year in augmenting the usefulness of the Library to members of the sub-scribing bodies. As was anticipated from the conditions prevailing during 1918, expenses in producing the various publications have been greater than the corresponding costs for 1917 the total increase being S390 19s.7d. of which 3128 5s. 2d. is due to the list of Fellows, a publication suspended in 1917. The fact that this compilation cost &73 1s. 6d. in 1914 273 6s. 7d. in 1915 and 273 16s. 4d. in 1916 throws an interesting light on the increase in printing charges and on the period of the War a t which this became acute. Administrative expenditure has also increased from $1,472 4s. 56 VOL. cxv. 390 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. to $1,681 6s. 5d. the principal items on this account being €161 14s. 10d. in staff salaries and war bonus whilst miscel!aneous printing stationery and postages have together increased by €85 18s.8d. On the other hand the exceptional outlay in library furniture required in 1917 has not been repeated and is reflected in a saving of 261 9s. 9d. in the year under review. The War has continued to affect the volume of TransactiQns and Abstracts as indicated by the following synopsis : Number of Pagea. Trans. Abstr. Total: 1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,909 2,068 4,977 1915 1,862 1,944 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,806 2,900 1916 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,368 1,532 1917 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,128 2,436 2,027 1918 . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 Nevertheless the cost of printing the Journal has been E2,750 8s. 3d. instead of ;E2,543 79. 9d. in 1917 so that a reduc-tion of 409 pages corresponds to an increase of &207 0s. 6d. in expenditure; this is owing to further appreciation in the cost of paper and to the necessity of raising the bonus paid to the printers, which now stands a t 72h per cent.on the pre-war rates. €2,000 National War Bonds were purchased during the year ascl the estimated value of the Society’s other investments has improved by $414 so that having regard to the fact that on December 31st, 1918 the cash account was about 2420 higher than on the last day of 1917 the assets of the Society show an increase of 22,831 or a total increase of &3,640 if the Research Fund a t its present estimated value is included. The following grants have been made from the Research Fund during the year: Organic derivatives of bismuth. F. Challenger. . . . . . . An investigation of the phthalein series.M. Copisarow. ... The velocity of reaction between the alkyl iodides and sodium methoxide. H. E. Cox. . . . . . . . . . . . . Formation of heterocyclic ring systems by the condensation of chlorocarbamic esters and alcohols. R. L. Datta. ... The action of alcohols on urea nitrate. P. K. Dutt. ... Influence of the nitro-group on the mobility of the sub-ahituents in the benzene nucleus. J. Kenner. ... The composition and structure of soaps. J. W. McBain. ... Melting points of the substituted amides of thc normal fatty acids. P. W. Robertson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syntheeis of /3-phenyl-B-hydroxymethylethylamine from cin-namic acid or ethyl cinnamate. E. H. Todd. . . . . . . The space formuls of diphenyl and its derivatives (con-tinued). E. E. Turner.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rE15 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 6 6 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Total . . . . . . 296 6 I BALANCE SHEET.-THE CHEBllCAL SOCIhTY, Liabiiities. i x. d . E 8. d . To Llubncriptions received in advance ............... 231 0 0 1 1 0 0 235 10 0 , Bundry Creditors$ ........................... 841 5 4 - - - - - --, Research Fund :-As per last Ba:ance Sheet .................. 14357 3 4 Add Excess of lncorne over Expenditure for the year 539 13 9 Chemical Society Excess of Assets over Liabilities :-As per last Balance Sheet ..................... 24758 7 5 Add Excessof Income over Expenditure for the year 2169 J 4 14896 17 1 -27247 11 0 / i-/ / 24.7211 4 2 By Inveatnients (value L8730 Metropolitan €1050 London cent.Debenture f1520 148. 3d. &1400 India 2) E2400 Bristol Corporation S434l Midland €1200 Leeds Corporation f1500 Transvaal3 41200 North British Stock ................................. S700 Canada 3+ €2100 5 per cent $3100 5 per cent: (Estimated )) Sundry Debtors , Bubscriytions in Arrear , Cash a t Bank-Deposit ,) Current Account ) Cash iu hand . . , Research Fand :-Investiiieuts (value 52000 North British A4400 Metropolitan El034 Great Western , Insurance paid in Preference Stock ture Stock €1121 MetroDolitan e l 1 4 2 166. NG Stock ... 1. €1305 Midland E4498 114. Od. 5 &806 Victoria 3 (Estiriiated present Fund Investiuents. , Cash a t Bank ............................. lo N in accordance therewith.I have examined the ahove Balance Sheet 'and acconipanying Income and Expenditare Accounts with I hare also verified the Balancekt the Bankers and the Investiuents. Chartered drcountanl. W. B. KEES, 23. QVLRN V r m o ~ l r 8 T R EKT F,.C. Mwclr 5th 1919 392 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING . INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUN'l' IrLcomc . E .? . d . To Life Compositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Adinission Pees ....................................... .. Annunl Subscriptions-Roceived in advance. on account of 191s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 3 4 .. during 191s .. l!17 .................... 4729 1 6 5 ..................... 392 0 0 .. . . . . .. 1916 and previous ............ G2 0 0 9 99 .. . . 5323 0 0 Arrears as per last Balance Sheet ........................ 400 0 0 Lexa atnnunt included in last year's Incoiue. being valuation of 4923 0 0 Add Arrears a t dato 191s. iG'70; 1917 and previous. €524. estimated to realise as per Balance Sheet .................. .I ... 460 0 0 .. Lady Subscrihers ..................... ._ ............... Dividends on 66730 Metropolitan Consolidated 34 per cent . Stock €1520 14s . 3d . Cardiff Corporation 3 per cent . Stock Investments :- ... .. El050 London and North Western Hailway 3 per cent . Debenture Stock ........................... .. &1400 India 24 per cent . Stock .................. .. E2400 Brktol Corporation 24 per cent . Debenture Stock .. $4341 Midland Railway 24 per cent . Prefmenca Stock &1200 Leeds Corporation 3 per cent .Debenture Stock ... .. $3500 Transvaal 3 per cent . Guaranteed Stock l923/53 .. €1200 North British Railway 3 per cent . Dhentura Stock ................................. .. €700 Canada 3& per cent . Stock 1930/50 . . . . . . . . . . . &5200 5 per cent . War Stock and War Bonds ......... .. Income Tax Recovered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Interest on Deposit Account .. ... .. .. ............................. li0 15 s 23 4 7 33 1 6 25 T 6 42 0 0 7s 7 2 26 2 0 31 10 0 25 18 1 2 0 0 t; 205 8 3 150 0 1 27 7 2 .. Publication Sales :-Journals ........................ Proceedings ..................... Collective Index .................. Library Catdoglie . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomic Weight Tables ............... Annnal Reports on Progress of Clienrktrg Memorial Lectiires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jubilee Voluines .................. .................. l7%8 6 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 6 .................. 33 1 7 2 .................. 1 1 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10g .................. 245 9 6 .................. 3 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 7 6 2015 8 0 Less Publishers' Commission ........................... 194 1 2 1 1 .. Proceeds of Advertisements in Journal ....................... €403 5 0 Lee8 Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5 4 .. Miscellaneous Receipts ................................. .. Suharriptionx from other Societies ..........................Donations to Lihrary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5383 0 0 9 0 0 850 8 0 1S20 15 1 373 19 8 562 2'2 1 0 280 5 0 f10. 082 14 11 ANNUAL UENERAL MEETING . 393 Expenditure . J? 8 . d . E 1 . d . 'B) Expenees on account of Journal :-Salary of Editor. including Indexing Salary of Sub-Editor and Assistant Editorial Postages ............ Abstractors' Fees ............ Printing of Journal ........... Banding ..................... Printing of Advertisements ...... Wrappers and Addressing ...... Distribution of Journal ......... Authors' Copiea ............... Insurance of Stock ............ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ......... ......... .................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .. Autlual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry .. Purchase of back nnmberg of JoiimRl .. List of Fellows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. ........................ 620 n 0 250 0 0 21 1s 5 240 12 1 2750 8 3 S J 'L 6 164 13 2 . 4 5 4 398 19 4 111 11 1 14 11 8 46.59 1 10 460 '1 9 6 4 3 125 5 '2 .. Library Expenses :-Salary of Librarian and Assistant ........................... 3 i 1 17 0 Books and Periodicals ................................. 199 1 8 Binding .............................................42 4 6 613 3 2 .. Indexing for International Catalogue ............ ... .. Donation to internationul Commission oik'udiication OF Annual Thles of Constants and Numerical Data. Chemical. Physical and Teohno-logical ............................................. .. Donation to Board of ScientiRc Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Jalarv of Staff ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . War Bonus ....................................... Wages (CommisRionaire. Hoiisekeeper. and Charwornanj" ......... Coal and Lighting .................................... House Expemses and Repairs ........................... Furniture .......................................... Tea Expenses .......................................Insurances ....................................... Accountants"Charges ................................. Coinmisaion on Recovery of Income Tax ..................... Law COBtS .......................................... Miscellaneous Printing ................................. Stationery .......................................... POEtageS ........................................... Miscellaneous Expenses .............................. . Administrative Expeuses :-539 15 254 6 215 I n 61 IS 87 2 8 3 35 3 39 6 21 0 s 10 11) 10 129 4 129 17 10.5 19 34 11 30 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 5 u 0 7 0 1 4 0 7 6 0 0 0 6 4 8 2 . 1681 6 5 Ralance; being excess of Income over Expenditure carried to Balartce Sheet ............................................24S9 4 4 f10. 082 14 11 KESEARCH FUND INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOB THE YEAR Income. To Dividends on :- B 1. a. E 8 . d . SlonO North British Railway4 per cont. No. 1 Preference 84400 Metropolitan Consolidated 3) per cent. Stock ... 111 13 0 E.1034 Great Western Railway 2) per cent. Debenture Stock 10 1 3 El122 Metropolitan Water Board 3 per cent. “B” Stock 24 11 5 61365 Midland Rsilway 24 per cent. Debenture Stock ... 25 3 4 Stock ................................ 29 10 6 81152 16s. New South Wales 3 per cent. Stock... ...... 24 17 2 8808 Victoria 3 per cent. Stock .................. 17 10 7 E4498 11s. OJ. 5 per cent. War Loan ............... 217 0 0 469 7 3 Repayment of CQst of Apparatus .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712 0 s1 10 1 Income Tax Recovered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 19 11 I Repayments of Research.Qrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Grants . . . . . , Bankrrs’ Charges , Advertisements , Do. do. Commission on Recovery Longstaff Mednl Balance being carribd to Bslunce f665 9 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 395 Although one disbursement (SlO) only was made in 1917 the balance of income over expenditure for 1918 is S539 13s. 9d. as against f.553 2s. Od. for the previous year. This is explained by an increase of &50 11s. 3d. in the proceeds from investments of &20 8s. 3d. in repayments of research grants and of $14 0s. 3d. in the amount of income-tax recovered. 2816 19s. 9d. Five Per Cent.War Loan was purchased for this account during 1918. A vote of thanks to the Auditors proposed by the TREASURER was seconded by Mr. R. G. DURRANT Dr. G. SENTER making acknowledgment. On the motion of Mr. W. BARLOW seconded by Mr. W. F. REID, a vote of thanks was proposed to the Treasurer Secretaries Foreign Secretary and Council for their services during the past year. Acknowledgment was made by Dr. F. L. PPMAN. The ballot was then declared closed. The PRESIDENT delivered his Address entitled (‘ Chemistry in the National Service.” A vote of thanks to the President for his services in the Chair and for his Address coupled with the request that he would allow the Address t o bs printed in the Transactions, was moved by Professor H. E. ARMSTRONG.Col. C. T. HEYCOCK seconded the motion which was carried with acclamation the PRESIDENT making brief acknowledgment. The report of the Scrutators was presented and the PRESIDENT announced that the following had been elected as Officers and Council for the ensuing year: President.-Sir James Johnston Dobbie M.A. D.Sc. F.R.S. IGce-Presidents who have filled the Oflice of President .-Henry Edward Armstrong Ph.D. LL.D. F.R.S. ; Alexander Crum Brown, D.Sc. LL.D. F.R.S.; Sir William Crookes O.M. D.Sc. F.R.S.; Sir James Dewar M.A. LL.D. F.R.S.; Harold Baily Dixon, C.B.E. M.A. Ph.D. F.R.S. ; Percy Faraday Frankland Ph.D., LL.D. F.R.S. ; Augustus George Vernon Harcourt M.A. D.C.L., F.R.S. ; William Odling M.A. M.B. F.R.S. ; William Henry Perkin Sc.D. LL.D. F.R.S. ; Sir William Jackson Pope,* K.B.E., M.A. D.Sc. F.R.S.; James Emerson Reynolds Sc.D. M.D., F.R.S. ; Alexander Scott M.A. D.S’c. F.R.S. ; Sir Edward Thorpe, C.B. LL.D. F.R.S.; Sir William Augustus Tilden D.Sc. LL.D., F.R.S. Vice-Presidents.-Frederick George Donnan M.A. Ph.D., F.R.S. ; Henry John Horstman Fenton M.A. Sc.D. F.R.S. ; Arthur Smithells C.M.G. F.R.S.; James Walker D.Sc. LL.D,, F.R.S. ; William Palmer Wynne D.Sc. F.R.S. ; Sydney Young, D.Sc. F.R.S 396 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Treasz4rer.-Martin Onslow Forster D.Sc. Ph.D . F.R.S. Secretaries.-Samuel Smiles O.B.E. D.Sc. F.R.S. ; James Charleq Philip O.B.E. M.A. D.Sc. Ph.D. Foreign Secretary.-Arthur William Crossley C.M.G. D .Sc., F.R.S. Ordinarg Members of CozinciZ.-Julian Levett. Baker ; Alexander Findlay M.A. D.Sc. Ph.D. ; Francis Ernest Francis D.Sc. Ph.D. ; John Addyman ‘Gardner M.A. ; Arthur Harden D.Sc. Ph.D., F.R.S. ; Thomas Anderson Henry D.Sc. ; Charles Alexander Hill, B.Sc. ; James Colquhoun Irvine D.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.S. ; Charles Alexander Keane D.Sc. Ph.D. ; Robert Howson Pickard D.Sc., Ph.D. F.R.S.; Sir Robert Robertson K.B.E. M.A. D.Sc. F.R.S. ; Edward William Voelcker


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