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Vacuum field emission from a Si‐TaSi2semiconductor‐metal eutectic composite


作者: D. A. Kirkpatrick,   G. L. Bergeron,   M. A. Czarnaski,   J. J. Hickman,   M. Levinson,   Q. V. Nguyen,   B. M. Ditchek,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 59, issue 17  

页码: 2094-2096




年代: 1991




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



We report on measurements of vacuum field emission from ungated field emission cathode arrays fabricated from Si‐TaSi2eutectic composite wafers. The Si‐TaSi2material is an ideal candidate for large area field emission array cathodes due to the large density of TaSi2fibers incorporated into the Si matrix, the high melting point of the TaSi2material, the ease with which single‐crystal large diameter (2.5 cm) material can be fabricated, and the promise of integrability of the field emission array with conventional Si technology through the use of epitaxial Si layers grown on the cathode backplane.


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