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Residual normal force after cessation of squeezing flow of liquid crystalline polymers


作者: Alejandro D. Rey,  


期刊: Journal of Rheology  (AIP Available online 1996)
卷期: Volume 40, issue 6  

页码: 1233-1237




年代: 1996




出版商: The Society of Rheology


关键词: Liquid crystalline polymers;Normal force, residual;Residual normal force;Squeezing flow


数据来源: AIP



Classical liquid crystal theories are used to develop a model to compute the normal forces and shear torques for liquid crystalline polymers. The model is applied to the parallel disk geometry and the normal forces from three representative average molecular orientations are computed. It is found that a positive normal force tending to separate the parallel disks will always be present whenever the orientation is subjected to a twisting deformation. For typical parameter values and geometries, the model predicts that normal forces are six orders of magnitude larger than shear torques. The model predictions are validated with the experimental data presented by Langelaan and Gotsis (1996).


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