THE ANALYST. 27 APPARATUS. Apparatus for the repeated Extraction of Liquids with Immiscible Solvents. (Ckem. Zeit., 1898, xxii., 868.)-The idea of this apparatus is to avoid the loss of material which often accompanies the use of a separating T. Posner.28 THE ANALYST. funnel when a solution has to be extracted more than once with the same liquid. It is essentially a combination of two separating-funnels joined together by means of the stop-cock p. The plug of the latter has two passages lying in the same plane : one serves to place A and B in connection, the other simultaneously allows the air in B to escape-the bulb shown in the enlarged section being intended to catch any splashes. The liquid to be extracted is placed in A ; if the solvent is specifically heavier, it is simply run off into B, which acts as a reservoir, while a fresh portion is brought into A and agitated once more.When the solvent is lighter than the liquid, extraction takes place in A , the aqueous portion is passed into E, A is emptied into a beaker or flask, the whole apparatus is inverted, and the liquid run back into A for treatment again. To prevent mistakes one end of the crutch handle of ,B is made of coloured glass. F. H. L. Apparatus for Determining the Consistency of Grease and Similar Articles. R. Kissling. (Chem. Zeit., 1898, xxii., 867.)-This is an improved form of the apparatus originally devised for estimating the viscosity of a grease by noting the W time occupied by a weighted rod to sink into the mass. A is an aluminium'rod weighing exactly 50 grammes, 300 mm.long, 9 mm. in diameter, and tapered from a point 55 mm. above its lower extremity to its end. ab is an X-shaped plate of brass fastened to the rod, having a pin t, on which three annular weights of 50, 100, and 200 grammes respectively can be dropped ; s is a stop that at the end of the test rests upon W. gh is a glass tube 150 mm. long and 9-5 mm. in internal diameter, supported vertically by the metal ring TV. C is filled with the material under examination to a height of 120 mm. When making a test, it is desirable so to arrange the apparatus that the rod shall fall in between 10 and 60 seconds ; if this be done, by adding the number of seconds to the total weight of A (irduding the brass weights, if one or more be employed), a '( consistency number " is ___. - given directly. But whenever the period of fall exceeds 100 seconds, if the weight of A is 50 8 Q ~- graninies the number of seconds must be divided by ten, and if the weight is 100 grammes divided by two before adding the time to the weight. I n this manner greases and gelatinous preparations can be valued simply and with fair accuracy, for the apparatus is capable of differentiating such bodies according to their viscosity into materials having " consistency numbers " ranging between 94 and 405. F. H. L.