Index of subjects




期刊: Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry  (RSC Available online 1955)
卷期: Volume 52, issue 1  

页码: 439-449




年代: 1955




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OB’ SUBJECTS.Absorptiometry, 365.Acetaldazine, photolysis of, 20.Acetaldehyde, photolysis of, 18.thermal decomposition of, 12.Acetone, photolysis of, 19, 22.Acetone cyanohydrin nitrate as a nitrat-ing agent, 161.Acetylene, acidity of, 43.polymerisation of, to cyclooctatetraene,161.Acetylenes, 161.Acetylenic compounds, natural, 162.Acid catalysts, reactions over, 55.Acids, cycloalkane, 308.hydroxy-, natural, 307.long-chain fatty, metabolism and func-tion of, 314.saturated, 302.unsaturated, 304.synthesis of, 305.natural acetylenic, 309.long-chain fatty, 296.Acidimetric and alkalimetric standards,349.Acridine, bromination of, 239.Acridizinium salts, preparation of, 239.Acridone, 2 : 3 : 4-trimethoxy-lO-rnethyl-,Acrylonitrile, polymerisation of, 33.Actinium, preparation of, 105.Activation analysis, 375.Absorbed molecules, spectra of, 87.Aerosols, 71.Affinin, 311.Agrocybin, structure of, 310.Ajmaline, structure of, 246.Alcohols, preparation of, 159.Aldehydes, preparation of, 158, 170.Aldosterone, total synthesis of, 215.Alicyclic compounds, 180.Aliphatic compounds, 161.Alkali metals, reduction by, 155.Alkaloids, 242.Alkyl radicals, reactions of, 21.Allenes, 163.Allotropy, 93.See also under Phosphorus and Sulphur.Aluniina-silica catalysts, 55.Aluminium, detection of, 345.determination of, 344, 368.Aluminium, triethyl-, uses of, 93.Aluminiums, trialkyl-, synthesis of, 93.occurrence of, 244.filtration of, 71.orp-unsaturated, electronic moments of,134.steroidal, 223.Aluminium alkyls, formation of, 104.preparation of, 155.Aluminium bromide, conductivity of, inethyl bromide, 104.Aluminium chloride in the graphitelattice, 106.Aluminium hydride, reaction of, withammonia, and with amines, 103.Aluminium hydrides, dialkyl-, prepara-tion of, 155.(&)-Ambreinolide, formation of, 187.Americium, separation of, from curium,Amides, conversion of, into nitriles, 160.Amines, preparation of, 160.a-Amino-acid anhydrides, N-carboxy-,polymerisation of, 40.Amino-acids, natural, 271.preparation of, from peptides and pro-teins, 275.synthetic, 273.122.Amino-nitrogen, determination of, 364.Ammonia, mercury-photosensitised de-composition of, 20.slow oxidation of, 13.Ammonia vapour, decomposition of, bysilent discharge, 45.Ammonium sulphamate, use of, in com-bustion analysis, 353.Amperometric methods of analysis, 359.u-Amyrin, 200.Analytical chemistry, 339.Androsterone, partial syntheses of, 21 1.Angiotonin.See Hypertensin.Anilines, 2 : 5- and 3 : 4-dinitro-, formationAnthracene, condensation of, with I-nitro-Antimony, determination of, 367.Antimony compounds, tervalent, pyrami-dal structure in, 17 1.Antimony pentachloride, compound of,with phosphorus oxychloride, 112.Antithyroid substances from vegetablesources, 291, 292.Apionic acid, formation of, 259.(f)-Apiose, formation of, 259.Aricine, structure of, 246.Aromatic compounds, 168.Arsenic, determination of, 356, 367.Arsenic trifluoride, complexes with , 1 13.Artemisin, 193.Ascorbic acid as a reducing titrant, 351.of, 168.naphthalene, 171.crystal spectra of, 78.trisulphide, amino- and imino-deriv-atives of, 113.1440 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Aspidospermine, structure of, 249.Association phenomena, 88.Atisine and isoatisine hydrochlorides,structure of, 254.Aureothricin, structure of, 239.Aurones, ring expansion of, to flavones,235.Azeotropes, theories of, 64.Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, occurr$nce of,Azobenzenes, o-carboxy-, fine structure of,Azomethane, photo-oxidation of, 20.cis-Azonaphthalenes, formation of, 169.Azulene, synthesis of, 178.Azulenes, 178.Bacitracin A, amino-acid sequence in,278.Baicalem, formation of, 237.Barium, determination of, 367.Barium dipotassium tetranitrate, 99.Basseol, heterogeneity of, 226.Benzamides, planar structure of, 134.&nzene, crystal spectra of, 78.Benzenes, o-halogenonitro-, absorptionBenzilic rearrangements, 150.Benzo[c]phenanthrenes, methyl-, methylaffinities of, 132.Benzoquinolizinium salts, dehydro-, pre-par?tion of, 239.Benzoquinone as inhibitor in polymeris-ation, 36.3enzoquinone, 2 : 5-dimethoxy-, as anatura!, product, 173.# ' Benzyne intermediates, 160.Beryllium, detection of, 345.determination of, 342, 369.Beryllium-citrate system, 99.Beryllium boride, 98.Bifidns factor, 333.Bifidus-factor active substances of non-lacteal origin, 336.Biological chemistry, 285.Biopterin, isolation of, 240.Bismuth, determination of, 342, 351.Biscyclopentadienylrhenium hydride, 130." Blazed '* gratings, definition of, 73.Block copolymers, 38.Blood-group substances, 333, 336.Borazole, aromatic character of, 101,Boric acid, determination of, 361.Borohydrides, alkali-metal, reactions' of,Boron-sulphur compounds, 102.Boron trihalides. equilibria between, 102.Branching in polymerisation, 38.Bromides, organic, pyrolysis of, 10.Bromination, 168.Bromine trioxide as formula of alleged229, 273.169.phosphides, 11 2.sulphate, precipitation of, 347.intensities of, 135.Borate, detection of, 346.reduction by, 153.100."Br,O,, 123.Bromyl fluoride, preparation of, 123.Burning velocities, 14.Buta-1 : 3-diene, 2-vinyl-, synthesis of,%-Butane, slow oxidation of, 14.thermal decomposition of, 9.cycZoButane, 1 : 2-dimethylene-, prepara-cycZoButanone, thermal decomposition of,isoButylamides, natural, 311.Butyrosperm 01, 226.Cadmium, determination of, 361.Cafestol, structure of, 198.Calciferol and its isomers, 226.Calcium, micro-determination of, 350.Calcium hydrogen silicates, 107.Camphene, 189.Carbohydrates, 255.Carbon, determination of, 356.heat of sublimation of, 106.isotopic, determination of, 353.Carbon dioxide, detection of, 345.determination of, 352.Carbon monoxide, activation energy ofoxidation of, on metal oxide cata-adsorption of, on metals, 52.Carbon monoxide-oxygen mixtures,second explosion limit of, 16.Carbonyl sulphide, determination of,369.Carborundum, adsorption by, 66.Carissone, 190.Carrageenin, K- and X-, 267.Carvenone, formation of, 188.Carvone, enol acetate of, structure of,/I-Caryophyllene alcohol (caryolan-1-01).Caryophyllene oxide, 194.isocaryophyllene oxides, 194.Cassaic acid, 196.Catechin and epicatechin, structure of,236.Caulophylline, synthesis of, 243.Cedrol, 195.Cellulose, 260.Cerin, structure of, 207.Cerium, determination of, 369.Cerium(II1) ion, oxidation of, 29.Cerium(1v) ion, y-ray induced reductionCevine, oxidation of, 223.a-Chaconine, structure of, 258.Chamazulene, structure of, 180.Chamazulenecarboxylic acid, structureCharge-transfer spectra, 79.Chaulmoogric acid, synthesis of, 308.Chemisorption, 50.on metals, 50.on metal oxides, 52.Chloramine, reactions of, 110.Chloranil, copolymerisation of, 36.Chlorination by y-irradiated chlorine, 49.163.tion of, 181.11.lysts, 55.181.194.of, 47.of, 180.(f)-dihydro-, synthesis of, 309INDEX OF SUBJECTS.441Chlorination rates of C,-C, paraffins, 25.Chloride, determination of, 370.Chlorine, determination of, 355.Chloryl fluoride, preparation of, 123.5p-Cholanic acid , 3a-hydroxy-, pyrolysis5/?-Chol-S-enic acid, formation of, 212.Cholestan-3-one oxime, reduction of, 152.Cholest-5-en-38-yl benzoate, 7-bromo-,dehydrobromination of, 213.“ pseuddholesterol,” identity of, 213.Chromatography of amino-acids, 276.Chromium (111) , fluoropentammino-, saltsChromium , azidopentammino-, salts of,hydroxyaquocarbonyl complex of, 120.triamminotricarbonyl-, 120.Chromium acetylide, complexes of, 119.Chromium (VI) oxide, mechanism of oxid-Chromonols, formation of, 235.Cicutol, synthesis of, 163.Cladinose, structure of, 256.Clovene, 194.Cobalt, detection of, 345.determination of, 350.Cobalt, tetra(thionitrosy1)-, 116.Cobalt carbonyl, formation of, 125.hydride, structure of, 125.Dicobalt octacarbonyl, structure of, 125.Cobalt(II1) chloride, purpureo-, as re-agent for tungsten, 341.Cobalt (111) complexes, distinction betweencis- and trans-, 95.Cobalt(rI1) potassium nitride, 126.a- and fl-Codeimethines, structure of, 254.Colchicine, isomerisation of, 178.Collagens, structure of, 388.swelling of, 390.Colloid chemistry, 65.Colloids, lyophobic, stability of, 68.slow coagulation of, 69.Combination, distinction between, andCombustions, explosive, of hydrocarbons,Complexes, inorganic, 94.Compounds, densely branched, 167.Condensation polymerisation, 39.Conductometric titration, 362.Co-ordination complexes of transitionCopolymers, analysis of, 378.Copolymerisation, 37.Copper, detection of, 345.determination of, 342, 343, 351.Copper(1) carbonyl cyanide, 98.ion, atmospheric oxidation of, 29.Copper(I1) fluoride, non-existence of, 97.Coprostan-3-one oxime, reduction of, 152.(A)-Cordycepose, formation of, 259.Correllogenin, 223.Corresponding states, equations of, 60.Corticotropins, amino-acid sequence in,of, 212.ion-exchange, 276.of, 121.121.ation by, 120.disproportionation, 33.17.elements, electronic spectra of, 79.280.Coulometric titration, 363.Coumaran-3-ones, 2-acyl-, mechanism ofsynthesis of, 235.S-arylidene- (aurones) , formation of,235Crystallography, 380.Cuauchichicine, structure of, 253.Cumulene ester, structure and occurraence of a, 310.Cumulenes, 163.preparation of, 156.Curium, separation of, from americium,Cyanogen, para-, 106.paraCyclophanes, 184.a- and /3-Cyperone, 190.Cysteine, L-S-methyl-, sulphoxide, oc-(+) -Cytisine, synthesis of, 243.czs-czs-cycZoDeca- 1 : 3-diene, double bondsDecal-l-one, tram- and cis-9-methyl-,cycZoDecane, conformation of, 182.trans-cycZoDecene, isomerisation of, 183.bicycZo[5 : 3 : O]Dec-l(lO)-en-9-one, pre-paration of, 183.Decomposition in sealed tubes, factorsinfluencing, 354.cycZoDecylamine, reaction of, with nitrousacid, 182.Dehydrocyclisations, 182.Dehydroergosteryl acetate, rearrangementof, 214.Dehydrogenation, 166.Dendroketose, formation and degradationDeoxyribonucleic acid, crystal structureDepolymerisation equilibria, 41.Deserpidine, occurrence and structure of,Desmotroposantonins, acetates of, 192.(f) -8-Desmotropo-+-santonin, 194.Desosamine, 256.Deuterium, exchange reactions of, 53.isoDextropimaric acid, structure of, 196.Dianthronylidene, overcrowding in, 132.Diaryliodonium salts as arylating agents,Diatomic molecules, electronic spectra of,2 : 3a-Diazaindenes, formation of, 239.Diazomethane, lithium derivative of,167.3 : 4-5 : 6-Dibenzophenanthrene, over-crowding in, 132.Diborane, reactions of, 100.Dichlorophosphorous nitride, polymeris-Dictamnic acid, structure of, 244.Dictamnine, structure of, 244.Dielectric effects on reactions, 31.Digitogenin, stereochemistry of, 217.122.currence of,, 183.equilibration of, steroid group, 208.of, 259.of, 397.247.169.74.dibu tyl-, 10 1.ation of, 39443 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Dihydromyrcene, retardation of poly-merisation by, 36.1 : 1’-Dinaphthyl derivatives, opticallyactive, racemisation of, 137.Dinaphthylenes, stability of, 175.2 : 4-Dinitrobenzenesulphonic acid,methyl ester, use of, 161.Dicyclopentadienylmetal compounds, 180.Diphenylene, stability of, 175.Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl, uses of, in poly-1 : 1’-Diisoquinoline, strain in, 133.Disaccharides, reduction of, by sodiumDisproportionation, distinction between,Distemonanthin, structure of, 236.Diterpenes, abietane-type, biogenesis of,1 : 2-Dithiole-3-thiones, preparation of,Dithionite, detection of, 346.Dosimeter, gas-phase, 45.Dosimetry, 44.( (Double bonds, skipped,” 301.Echinacein. See neoHerculin.a-Elaeostearic acid, synthesis of, 165,Electric discharge in gases, 45.Electrokinetic phenomena, 66.Electronic spectra, 72.E,lectrophoresis, 67.of polysaccharides, 260.Elemadienolic acid, epimers yf, 225.Elemane. See “ Tirucallane.Elemol. 189.merisation, 35, 36.borohydride, 255.and combination,, coagulation of, 70.End-groups in polypeptides and proteins,determination of.277.Equations of state, of pure and mixedL( -J-)-Ergothioneine, 285.gases, 59.analysis of, 286.functions of, 290.occurrence of, 287.origin of, 289.structure and synthesis of, 285.upoErysopine, structure of, 250.Erythrogenic (isanic) acid, synthesis of,a-Erythroidine, structure of, 249.Esters, fatty, estimation of small quan-tities of, 301.Ethane, thermal decomposition of, 11.Ethoxyl, determination of, in presence ofmethoxyl, 356.Ethyl bromide, thermal decompositionof, 10.Ethyl nitrate, pyrolysis of, in flames, 18,Ethylation, 168.Ethylene, dideutero-, cis-trans-isomeris-ation of, 25.Ethylene, photosensitised hydrogenationof, 22.Ethylene oxide, photosensitised decom-position of.19.311.Eth ylenediaminetetra-acetic acidEthyleneimine, polymerisation of, 39.Eudesmane, 191.Eudesmol, composition of, 190.Euphol, correlation of, with tirucallol, 225.rearrangement of, 146.Euphorbol, epimers of, 225.Europium, separation of, from samarium,Europium(I1) oxide, preparation of, 105.Evolatine, structure of, 244.(E.D.T.A.), uses of, 350.105.Fagarol. See (f)-Sesamin.Farnesic acid, 187.Farnesylacetic acid, cyclisation of, 187.Fats and waxes, analysis of componentFeist’s acid, structure of, 180.Ferrocene, metalation of, 180.Ferrous ion, atmospheric oxidation of,Ferrous sulphate dosimeter, 44.Flame photometry, 364.Flames supported by oxygen or air, 14.slow, velocities of, 14.Flavones, formation of, 235.Flavonoids, rearrangement of, 236.Flavonols, formation of, 235.Flindersine, structure of, 244.Fluoride, determination of, 370.Fluorine, determination of, 355, 356.Fluorine-hydrogen mixtures, burningFluorocurine, partial structure of, 246.Fluorosulphonic acid, ionisation of, 122.Formaldehyde, slow oxidation of, 13.Formaldehyde-oxygen mixtures, thermalinflammation of, 17.Formic acid, activation energy of de-composition of, 54.Fraxinol, formation of, 237,Friedelin, structure of, 205.Fructosans, 264.Fucoxanthin, allenic linkage in, 165.Fulvalene derivatives, 175.Fulvene, 1 : 2 : 3 : 4-tetraphenyl-, re-Furoxans, formation of, 232.Fuscin, structure of, 237.Galactans and galactoarabans, 263.Gallium, detection of, 345.determination of, 369.Gallium (I) chloride, decomposition of,Gallium (11) iodide, preparation of, 105.isoGalloflavin, structure of, 236.Garryfoline (new name for laurifoline),Gdrryine, structure of, 253.Gaseous decompositions, kinetics of, 9.Gaseous reactions, kinetics of, 7.Gases, behaviour of, a t very high pres-acids of, 312.28.mechanism of oxidation of, 47.velocity of, 18.thermal decomposition of, 12.action of, with piperidine, 175.105.254.sures, 58INDEX OF SUBJECTS.443General and physical chemistry, 7.Gentrogenin, 223.Germanium, detection of, 345.determination of, 348, 369.Germanium hydride (germane), decoin-position of, 54.oxychloride, 109.tetrachloride, hydrolysis of, 109." Germanoic acid, penta-," non-existenceof, 109.Germine, structure of, 224.Gitogenin, structure of, 21 1, 217.Gluconapin, 295.Glucosans, 264.D-Glucose, 3-0-methanesulphonyl-, re-action of, with alkali, 258.2 : 3 : 6-trimethyl-, separation from2 : 3 : 6-tri-O-methyl-~-mannose, 256.p-D-Glucose, 2 : 3 : 4 : 6-tetra-O-acetyl-l-0-(2 : 4 : 6-trimethylbenzoyl)-, fissionof, 258.Glucose phenylhydrazone, modificationsof, 257.Glucose phenylosazone, structure of, 257.Glutamic acid, DL-yhydroxy-, prepara-tion of, 273.y-methylene-, occurrence of, 273.preparation of, 274.Glutamine, y-methylene-, occurrence of,273.L-isoGlutamine, synthesis of, 274.Glycogen, 265.Glycopyranosides, relative reactivity ofGlycosides, reaction a t position 1 of, 147.Glycyrrhetic acid, configuration of, 204.Glyoxaline derivatives, preparation of,232.Glyoxalinothiazolium salts, dihydro-, pre-paration of, 239.Gorlic acid, configuration of, 309.Graft copolymers, 38.Haemocorin, structure of, 172.Haemoglobins, 391.Hafnium, solubility of, in acids, 108.Halides, precipitation of, by silver nitrate,Halogen atoms, reactions of, 23.Helices in polypeptide chains, 382.Hemicelluloses, 260.Heptacene, formation of, 172.bicycZo[2 : 2 : lIHeptadiene, isomerisationcis-Hept-3-en-Z-one, 167.Herculin, incorrectness of assigned struc-neoHerculin, possible identity of, withHeterocyclic compounds, 229.Heterogeneous catalysis , 50.Heterogeneous reactions, kinetics andmechanisms of, 53.6-Heteropoly-anions, structure of, 121.Hexacene, formation of, 172.cycloHexadecanone, preparation of, 183.Hexafluoroazomethane, photolysis of, 20.u- and p-, 147.360.of, 184.ture of, 311.echinacein, 312.cycZoHexanecarboxylic acid, cis-( -J-)-3-amino-, conformation of, 185.cycZoHexanecarboxylic acids, stereoiso-meric monosubstituted, strengths of,140.e-Hexanolactam, polymerisation of, 40.cycZoHexene, bond angles in, 184.cycZoHexene, 4 : 5-dimethylene-, 181.Hieracifoline, heterogeneity of, 253.High-frequency titration, 362.Histidine, ~-3-methyl-, occurrence of,Holarrhimine, structure of, 224.Homolycorine, structure of, 251.DL-Homomethionine, preparation of, 273.Homopseudopelletierine methiodide, de-composition, of, 182.D-Homosteroids, 221.Hydnocarpic acid, (f)-dihydro-, syn-thesis of, 309.Hydrazinesulphinic acid, calcium salt,110.Hydrazinesulphonic acid, 11 1.Hydrocarbon radicals, reactions of withnitrogen dioxide, 13.Hydrocortisone, synthesis of, 157.Hydrogen, heats of adsorption of, onmetals, 51.Hydrogen, thermal reaction of, withnitrogen dioxide, 12.Hydrogen-air mixtures, burning velocitiesof, 14.Hydrogen-fluorine mixtures, burning ve-locity of, 18.Hydrogen-oxygen mixtures, ignitions in,16.Hydrogen atoms, reactions of, 21.Hydrogen halide monohydrates, structureof, 115.Hydrogen isotopes, exchange of, in gaseoushydrogen on irradiation, 45.Hydrogen peroxide, determination of, 369.reactions of, with iron salts, 28.use of, in alkaline hydrolysis ofHydrogenation, catalytic, 151,Hydroperoxides, production of, by irradi-ation, 47.6-Hydroxycyclodecanone oxime, trans-annular hydrogen transfer in reduc-tion of, 182.Hydroxyl groups in steroids, llp-, 17a-,and 21-, order of introduction of,324.Hydroxylation of steroids, the 6-position, 325.7-position, 330.ll-position, 316.12-position, 330.16-position, 326.17a-position, 323.18- and 19-positions, 328.2 1 -position, 323.other positions, 331.Hypertensin, preparation of, 279.Hypochlorous acid, decomposition of, 31.272.nitriles, 150.mechanism of chlorination by, 31444 INDEX OF SUBJECTS,Hypophosphite, determination of, 362,370.Hypophosphorous acid, tautomeric formsof, 32.Ignitions, kinetics of, 16.Indicators, 347.Indium, determination of, 348.Indium(r) chloride, preparation of, 105.Indoles, ring scission of, 238.Inhibition of polymerisation, 36.Initiation of polymerisation, 35.Inorganic chemistry, 93.Inorganic gravimetric analysis, 346.Inorganic qualitative analysis, 343.Inorganic titrimetric analysis, 347.Inositols, 257.Insulin, crystal structure of, 394.Insulin molecule, grouping of, 380.Integerrimine, structure of, 253.Intermolecular forces in gases, 57.Iodine atoms, recombination of, 23.Iodine in biological material, determina-Iodyl fluoride, preparation of, 123.Periodyl fluoride, preparation of, 123.Ionic polymerisation, 38.Ionisation potentials, 77.Ions, adsorption of, from solution, 65.Iresin, structure of, 191.Iron, determination of, 351.Iron(IIx), determination of, 343.Iron, thionitrosyl-, 124.Iron pentacarbonyl, ionisation of, 124.Iron surface, adsorption of sulphate ionsIrradiation of aqueous media, yields ofhydrogen and hydrogen peroxide in,45.Isanic acid.See Erythrogenic acid.Isanolic acid, 311.Isotactic(al), definition of, 38.Isotope effects, 31.Isotopes as accessories in analysis, 371.Isotopic dilution analysis, 372.Isotopic exchange reactions, 24, 30.Isotopic exchanges in presence of nitricJuniperol, identity of, with macrocarpol,tion of, 372.of substituted benzyl ions,, 66.Ferric ions, hydrolysis of, 124.oxide, 10.189.Kamlolenic acids, u- and 8-, stereo-chemistry of, 308.Ketones, preparation of, 169.Kinetics of chemical change, 7.Kinetin, synthesis of, 240.Kokusaginine, structure of, 245.“ Labelled ” reagents, 374.trans-Lachnophyllum ester, synthesis of,Lactobacillic acid, occurrence of, 308.Lactobacillus bifidus from avian sources,309.338.LactobaciZlus bifidus var Penn.prepara-tions, enzyme activities of, 336.Lactones, 230.Lactose, 2-0-a-~-fucopyranosyl-, as aconstituent of human milk, 258.aZZoLactose question, the, 338.Lanosterol, epimers of, 225.formatioqpf, 186.Lanthanon bisulphite ” solutions, 105.Laurifoline, structure of, 254.See also Garryfoline.Lead tetra-acetate, oxidation of carbo-hydrates by, 256.Lead, tetraethyl-, synthesis of, 104.isoleucines, configurations of, 275.“ Lichenin,” nature of, 264.(&)-Limonene, isomerisation of, 168.Linalool, preparation of, 188.Linocinnamarin, structure of, 170.Linolenic acid, synthesis of, 306.Lipids, 165.a-Lipoic (6-thioctic) acid, synthesis of,231.Lipoxidase, 31 6.Liquids, theory of, 62.Liquid solutions, theories of, 64.Lithium, determination of, 346.Lithium as reducing agent, 168.Lithium aluminium hydride, uses of,Lithium hydroxide, criticism of use of,Lithium silicides, 97.Longifolene, 195.Lumicolchicines, 178.Lupeol, stereochemistry of, 186.Lupin alkaloids, 243.(-J-)-epiLupinine N-oxide, occurrence of,Lycorenine, structure of, 252.Lycorine, structure of, 250.DL-Lysine, synthesis of, 274.Lysozyme, crystal structure of, 395.Lyxose, formation of, from xylose, 268.Machaerinic acid, structure of, 203.Macrocarpol.See Juniperol.Maculine, structure of, 245.Magnesium, detection of, 346.determination of, 368.micro-determination of, 350.Magnesium bromides, alkenyl-, use of, 167.Magnesium carbide, 99.Magnesium hydride, 99.Manganese, determination of, 351.Manganese dioxide, oxidation by, 157.Mannans, 263.D-Mannose, 2 : 3 : 6-tri-O-methyl-, separ-ation from 2 : 3 : 6-tri-O-methyL~-glucose, 256.Markogenin, structure of, 223.Marrubiin, configuration of, 198.Matricaria ester, dehydro-, 310.Matricaria esters, 309.separation of, from sodium, 97.152, 153.344.243.nitride, preparation of, 124.gluco- and galacto-, 263INDEX OFMavacurine, partial structure of, 246.Mellein (ochracin), structure of, 236.p-Menth-l(7)-ene, formation of, 188.Mercury, determination of, 366.Mercury(1).determination of, 342.Mercury, dimethyl-, pyrolysis of, 11.Mercuric oxide, new form of, 100.“ Mesoionic,” use of the term, 233.Metal catalysts, reactions on, 53.Metal halides, anhydrous, preparation of,Metal oxide catalysts, reactions on, 55.Metalation, reagent for, 168,Metallic ions, oxidation by, 27.Methane, di+nitrophenyl-, brominationMethane-air mixtures, lean, combustionMethionine, isolation of, 276.Methoxyl, determination of, in presenceMethylation of carbohydrates, quantit-Methyl borate, rotational isomerism in,Methyl nitrate, rotational isomerism in,123.of, 168.of, 16.of ethoxyl, 356.ative, 255.87.87.pyrolysis of, in flames, 18.nitrite, pyrolysis of, in flames, 18.Methyl neopentytketone, photolysis of, 20.‘‘ Methyl-purple, nature of, 347.Methylsulphonium analogue of methionine,Mexogenin, structure of, 223.Mills-Nixon effect, 136.Mirene, structure of, 196.Molybdenum, determination of, 352.Monosaccharides, 255.Monoterpenes, 187.Morin, use of, in complexometric titration,(-)-Morphine, stereochemistry of, 254.apoMorphine dimethyl ether, synthesis of,250.Mycamhose, 256.Mycarose, 256.Mycobactin, 166.Mycomycin, 310.Myoglobins, 391.Myosimine, structure of, 244.Naphthalene, electronic spectra of, 78.Naphthalene, 1-nitro-, condensation of,2-Naphthol, l-ethylthiomethyl-, as anNemotinic acid, structure of, 311.Neptunium-(v) and -(vI), complexes of,Nickel, determination of, 342, 356.Nickel, tetrathionitrosyl-, 94.Nickel carbonyl, formation of, 125.Nickel hydrides, 126.Nickel-acetylene complexes, 126.isoNicotinic acid, preparation of, 234.Niobium, determination of, 369.Niobium, lower valency states of, 116.272, 276.348.with anthracene, 171.alkylating agent, 161.122.SUBJECTS.446Niobium carbides, 114.Niobium (v)-tantalum (v) oxides, 1 16.Nitramide, base-catalysed decompositionNitrogen, active,” nature of, 110.chemisorption of, on metals, 52.determination of, 355, 369.micro-determination of, 364.Nitrogen atoms, reactions of, 23.Nitrogen molecule, ground-state dis-sociation energy of, 74.Nitrous oxide, activation energy ofdecomposition of, 54.thermal decomposition of, 9.Nitric oxide, oxidation of, by oxygen, 8.thermal decomposition of, 12.Nitrogen dioxide, thermal reaction of,Dinitrogen tetroxide, oxidation by,156, 170.Dinitrogen pentoxide, thermal de-composition of, 9.Nitric acid, thermal decomposition of,32.Nitric acid vapour, thermal decom-position of, 12.Nitriles, alkaline hydrolysis of, 160.formation of, from amides, 160.Nitrite, determination of, 370.reaction of, in acid solution, 29.Nitro-compounds, determination of, 354.Nitrososulphuryl fluoride, 11 8.Nitrosyl hexafluoroiodate, 11 9.Non-benzenoid compounds, 174.trans-cycZoNonene, isomerisation of, 183.Norcaradiene, carboxy-, as source of(A) - and ( -) -1 2-Norsantonin , synthesisNucleic acids, crystallography of, 380, 395.0-0 bond, energy of, in peroxides, 11.Ochracin.See Mellein.cycZoOctadecanone, preparation of, 183.Octadec-12-enoic acid, 9-hydroxy-, occur-rence of, 308.Octadec-trans-1 l-en-9-ynoic acid, 8-hydr-oxy-, occurrence of, 308.A1(Q)-Octalin, 10-ethoxycarbony1-2-oxo-,hydrogenation of, 183.trans-A2-Octalin, stability of, 184.16-epioestriol, occurrence of, 218.Oleic acid, hydrogenation of, 302,synthesis of, 305.Oligosaccharides, 258.of milk, 333.a-Onocerin (a-onocsradienediol), structureof, 199.Oosoporein, structure of, 173.Organic analysis, 353.Organic chemistry, 131.theoretical, 13 1.Orthobenzoic acid derivatives, 259.Osazones, structure of, 257.Oxadiazoles, 1 : 2 : 4- and 1 : 3 : 4-, pre-of, 26;,with hydrocarbon radicals, 13.with hydrogen, 12.tropylium salts, 176.of, 192.paration of, 233446 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.1 : 3 : 4-Oxadiazol-2-ones, preparation of,233.2-Oxaindane-5 : 6-diol hexahydro-, cis-and tvans-, conformation of, 185.Oxalate, oxidation of, by bromine, 29.Oxamycin (cycloserine), structure of,1 : 3-Oxazolidine, ( -)-2-thio-5-vinyl-, syn-1 : 3-OxazolidinesJ 2-thio-, as antithyroidOxazolid-2-ones, preparation of, 232.Oxazolines, 2-aryl-, preparation of, 232.As-1 : 3-OxazolinesJ 2-mercapto-, as anti-Oxetan-3-one, 2 : 2 : 4 : 4-tetraphenyl-,Oxidation, metallic ions, 27.Oxidations, photochemical, 20.Oximes, N-alkyl, reduction of, 152.O-alkyl, reduction of, 152.Oxygen, atomic, production of, 115.chemisorption of, on metals, 51.determination of, combined, 354, 378.Oxygenations, reactions of, 21.Oxygen-carbon monoxide mixtures,Oxygen-formaldehyde mixtures, thermalOxygen-hydrogen mixtures, ignitions in,Oxygen in slow oxidations, 13.Oxygen molecule, ground-state dissocia-Ozone, production of, in silent discharge,232.thesis of, 293, 294.substances, 291.thyroid substances, 291.preparation of,, 351.second explosion limits of, 16.inflammation of, 17.16.tion energy of, 74.45.Palladium, chloro-complexes of, 128.determination of, 369.thionitrosyl-, 124.Palladium chloride complexes with ethyl-ene and styrene, structure of, 127.Pantetheine cycle, 314.Pellitorine, disproof of structure of, 312.Pentacene, formation of, 172.cycZoPentadienyls, nitrosyl derivatives of,cycZoPentadienyls and related compounds,cycZoPentadienyliron dicarbonyl, structuren-Pentane, thermal decomposition of, 9.cyclopentanone, thermal decompositionPeptides, biologically active , 2 78.Peroxytrifluoroacetic acid, oxidation by,Persulphate, decomposition of, 29.(f)-Phellandral, synthesis of, 187.Phenanthrene, perhydro-1 : 4-dioxo-, iso-Phenanthrenes, perhydro-1 : 4-dioxo-,heterogeneity of, 166.130.128.of, 129.of, 11.’synthetic, 280.158.meric forms of, 184.stability sequence in, 135.Phenanthro (3’ : 4’-3 : 4)phenanthrene, op-Phenol, 2 : 5-dinitro-, formation of, 168Phenols, polyhydric, reactions of, 170.Phenylsodium-phenyl-lithium, stability ofPhosphides, poly-, 112.Phosphine oxide, tristrifluoromethyl-, 11 3.Phosphinic acid, bistrifluoromethyl-, 11 3.Phosphite, determination of, 352.Phosphonous acid, trifluoromethyl-, 113.Phosphorus, black, preparation of, 11 1.Phosphorus, determination of, 356, 369.Phosphorus hexa-azide, 112.Phosphorus oxychloride, compound of,with antimony pentachloride, 112.Photochemical decompositions, 18.Photometric titration, 363.Photoneutron methods of analysis, 377.Phthalic anhydride, 3-nitro-, use of, 160.Phthiocerol, structure of, 166.Phyllocladene, biogenesis and stereo-Physical properties of gases, liquids, andPimelic acid, a-amino- and a-amino-y-Pinonic acid, rearrangement of, 189.Pipentone, formation of, 188.Plant goitrogens, 291.heterocyclic, origin of, 294.Plant gums and mucilages, 267.Plant viruses, crystal structure of, 399.Platinum, determination of, 369.Platinum(r1) complexes, 128.Platinum electrode, change of potential of,Platinum metals, fluoro-complexes of, 127.Platynecine, structure of, 253.Platyphylline, structure of, 253.Plutonium, isolation of, 122.Plutonium hydrides and deuteride, 122.Polarography, 357.Polonium and its salts, properties of, 119.Polyacenes, electronic structure of, 77.Polyatomic molecules, simple, electronicPolycyclic compounds, 171 , 183.Polyenes, 163.Polymerisation, radical, 33.Polymerisation in solution, 34.Polymers, solid, radiation-induced changesin, 49.Polymethylene chains, conformation of,135.Polysaccharides, 259.algal, 266.muco-, 270.Polysaccharides synthesised by micro-Porphyrins, 240.Potassium, detection of, 345.determination of, 346, 359.Potassium hexafluororhenate, preparationPotassium nitrosodisulphonate, oxidationtically active, 171solutions of, 161.chemistry of,, 56.hydroxy-, occurrence of, 272.with pH, 361.spectra of, 75.organisms, 269.of,, 173XNDEX OF SUBJECTS.417Potassium tetracyanonickel(I), formationPotassium t e traphen ylboron , evaluationPotentiometric titration, 360.Proline, hydroxymethyl-, occurrence of,L-Proline, synthesis of, 152.cycZoPropanes, monoalkyl-, preparationisoPropy1 alcohol, oxidation of, 29.Proteins, crystallography of, 380.of, 127.of, 363.precipitation of, 346.272.of, 180.fibrous, artificial and natural, 385.globular, 391.isolation and purification of, 282.structure of, 283.Protoanemonin, preparation of, 230.Pteridines, 240.Pterophine, heterogeneity of, 253.Purpurogenone, structure of, 237.Pyrazoles, nitration of, 232.Pyridine, 4-amino-, as acidimetric stand-3-chloro-, formation of, from pyrrole,3-hydroxy-, preparation of, 230.Pyridines, substituted, preparation of, 234.Pyridine-aldehydes and -carboxylic acids,Pyridinium cyclopentadienylide, 175.Pyridocoline, octahydro-, dehydrogenationPyridoxine, preparation of, 231.2-2’-Pyridylethylamines, preparation of,2-Pyridylmercuric chloride, preparationPyrimidines, 2- and 4-hydroxy-, lactamPyrophosphate, determination of, 370.separation of, from triphosphate, 342.Pyrophosphate anions, 113.Pyrosulphuryl fluoride, 11 8.Pyrrocoline system, reactions of, 239.Pyrrole-2-carboxylates, substituted, syn-Pyrrolidines, preparation of, 232.Pyrrolidones, N-alkyl-, preparation of,reactions of, 232.ard, 349.234.preparation of, 234.of, 156.234.of, 234.form of, 235.thesis of, 231.231.Queretaroic acid, structure of, 204.Quinol, reaction of, with maleic anhydrideQuinoline, nitration of, 238.isoQuinoline, dihydro-, isolation of, 238.1-2’-pyridyl-, strain in, 133.Quinones, 173.Quinovic acid, structure of, 202.Radiation chemistry, 42.Radiochemical methods of analysis, 370.Rare-earth ions, paramagnetic, catalys-Reactants, association of, 149.Reactions, acid-base, very rapid, 26.184.ation by, 31.Reactions, exchange, involving net electrontransfer, 26.ionisation, very rapid, 25.neutralisation, very rapid, 25.Reactions in solution, 25.Reorientation by sulphuric acid,.168.Reserpic acid, structure of, 247.Reserpine, stereochemistry and structureResonance, nuclear magnetic, 89.nuclear quadrupole, 91.paramagnetic (electron), 90.Retardation of polymerisation, 36.Rhenium hydride, biscplopentadienyl-,Rhenium(vI1) oxyfluorides, 124.Rhodosamine, 256.Rhombifoline, synthesis of, 243.Ribose, formation of, from arabinose,258.D- and DL-Ribose, 2-deoxy-, formation of,259.j3-D-Ribofuranosyl bromide, tri-U-benzo yl-,hydrolysis of, 259.Ribonuclease, crystal structure of, 394.Ricinoleic acid, (+)-, configuration of, 308.(f)-, synthesis of, 367.Rimuene, structure of, 196.Ring polymerisation, 39.“ Roseonine,” structure of, 272.Rosmarinecine, structure of, 252.Rosmarinine, structure of, 253.Rotational isomerism, 86.Ruscogenin, 223.Ruthenium, use of, as Fischer-Tropschcatalyst, 55.Sagittol, 190.Salicylic acid, 6-methyl-, 170.Samandarine, 224.Samarium, separation of, from europium,Samogenin, structure of, 211, 223.ekaSantalic acid, 195.Santalenes, 195.4-Santonic acid, structure of, 193.Santonin (a-santonin), 191.j3-, a mixtutre, 192.of, 248.130.105.tetrahydro-, a- and y-, 192.9-, 193.Sapogenms, stereochemistry of, 222.Scandium oxalate, hydrates of, 104.Sebum waxes, 304.Selenium, determination of, 368.Selenions acid, rate of oxidation of, byhydrogen peroxide, 29.Senecionine, structure of, 253.Sequence of amino-acids in polypeptidesand proteins, determination of, 277.cycloserine. See Oxamycin.(f)-Sesamin, identity of, with fagarol,237.Sesamolin, structure of, 237.Sesquiterpenes, 189.Silica, fused, adsorption by, 66.Silica-alumina catalysts, 55.Silicic acid, polymerisation of, 39448 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Silicon monosulphide, formation of, 107.monoxide, formation of, 107.tetrachloride, reaction of, with hydrogensulphide, 107.tetrafluoride, preparation of, 107.Silyl compounds, 106.Silylphosphine, 106.Silks, water-soluble, structure of, 387.spiroSiloxanes, 10 7.Silver, isobut-I-enyl-, 98.Silver azide, complex ions of, 98.Silver complexes, 3-co-ordinate, 96.Silver electrode, response of, to pH, 360.Silver iodide, complex ions of, 98.Silver iodide sols, adsorption by, 60.Silver silicates, 108.Silver sulphate, y-ray induced reductionSkimmianine, structure of, 245,Skimmianinic acid, methyl ester, structureSkimmiol, identity of, with taraxerol, 205.Sodium, determination of, 369.Sodium aluminium hydride, use of, 152.Sodium amalgam, reaction of, with carbonSodium-atom reactions, 17.Sodium formatoborohydride, 100.Sodium manganate, preparation of, 124.Sodium peroxide, commercial, nature of,Solasodine, configuration of, 224.Sols, stability of, 71.Spectra, pure rotation, 81.vibration, 83.vibration-ro tation, 82.Spectra of flames and discharges, 89.Spectral intensities, 86.Spectroscopy and molecular structure,Spermostrychnine, structure of, 248.Standardisation of volumetric solutions,349.Starch, 265.Stearic acids, monohydroxy-, preparationof, 302.Stellatogenin, structure of, 203.Sterculic acid, constitution of, 165, 308.Stereochemistry in alicyclic series, 184.of, 48.of, 245.separation of, from lithium, 97.vapour pressure of, 97.dioxide, 97.115.72.of amino-acids, 274.of steroids and terpenes, 185.of steroids, 207.Steric effects, intramolecular, 142.Steric strain, 132.Steroids, 207.a-5, 11-0x0-, bromination of, 214.9 : 10-seco-, 226.enzymic hydroxylation of, 316.stereochemistry of, 207.trimethyl-, 224.Stevioside, structure of, 268.Stilbene, 2 : 3’ : 4 : 5‘-tetrahydroxy-, oc-Stillingic acid, structure of, 305.Strain, intermolecular, 137.currence of, 170.Strontium hyponitrite, decomposition of,Strychnospermine, structure of, 248.Styrene, polymerisation of, 34.Sulphur, allotropy of, 116.determination of, 354, 355.Sulphur compounds, exchange reactionsSulphur-boron compounds, 102.Sulphur dioxide, determination of, in111.nitrite, decomposition of, 11 1.of, 29.atmosphere, 369.oxidation of, by nitrous oxide, 12.photochemical oxidation of, 21.Sulphur fluoronitrides, 11 7.halides, lower, preparation of, 117.oxyfluorides, 11 8.oxynitride, S,N,O,, 116.tetrafluoride, 11 7.Sulphate, determination of, 350.Sulphides, lower, of metals, 116.Sulphuric acid solutions, y-irradiationSumaresinolic acid , stereochemistry of,Sydnone, 3-3’-pyridyl-, phototropy of,of, 47 .203.234.Talomethylose, formation of, from fucose,Tantalum, determination of, 369.Tantalum alkoxides, 116.Tantalium(v)-niobium (v) oxides, 11 5.Taraxerene, structure of, 205.Taraxerol, identity of, with skimmiol, 205.Tariric acid, 311.Tazettine methine, structure of, 251.Tellurium, determination of, 368.Tellurium(1v) alkoxides, 119.Tellurium(rI) dibromide, 119.Terpenes, 185.Terphenyl, y-ray induced luminescence ofTetra-alkoxyborates of alkaline-earthTetraethylammonium diphenylamide, 1 10.Tetramminosodium ion, stability of, 97.1 : 2 : 11 : 12-TetraphenylcycZoeicosane,Tetraphyllin, structure of, 248.cycZoTetrasiloxane, octamethyl-, polymer-Tetrasulphur nitride, S,N,, 11 6.Tetrazan, 110.Thiadiazoles, 1 : 2 : 4- and 1 : 2 : 3-, pre-Triazole, 2-amino-, preparation of hydro-Thiazol-5-ones, preparation of, 232.Thioacetamide, use of, instead of hydrogenrhiocyanates, antithyroid activity of,I’hiolutin, structure of, 239.rhionitrosyl salts of various metals, 116.rhionyl chloride as an ionisirrg solvent, of, 49.metals, 102.preparation of, 183.isation of, 40.paration af, 233.chloride of, 232.sulphide, 343.292.118INDEX OF SUBJECTS.449Thorium, amides and imides of, 108.behaviour of, towards acids, 108.determination of, 342, 343.nitrate, dehydration of, 109.oxalate, dehydration of, 109.D-Threose, 4 : 4-di-C-hydroxymethyl-, pre-Thurberogenin, structure of, 203.Thymonucleic acid , structure of, 396;‘Tirucallaze,” use of, instead of ele-Tirucallol, correlation of, with euphol,Titanium, behaviour of, towards acids,paration of, 259.mane, 226.225.epimers of, 225.determination of, 368.di- and tetra-chlorides, 108.oxyfluoride, 108.tetrakistrimethylsilyloxy-, 10 8.Titanium alloys, analysis of, 358.Toluene, mercury-photosensitised de-Tomatidine, configuration of, 224.Total synthesis of steroids, 227.Transfer in polymerisation, 37.Triazines, 1 : 2 : 4- and 1 : 3 : 5-, prepara-Trichloromethyl polysulphides, 11 6.Tricyclene, 189.Trifluoroacetamido-acids, preparation of,Trifluoromethanesulphonic acid , 11 7.Trifluoromethyl fluorodithioformate, 11 7.Trimethylene oxide, thermal decom-Triphosphate, separation from pyrophos-Triplet states, 79.Triterpenes, 199.Tropinone methiodide, decomposition of,Tropolones, 176.reactions of, with organometallic com-pounds, 177.Tropone, 4-hydroxy-, 177.Tropones, 176.Tropylium cation, the, 174.Tungsten, determination of, 341.108.composition of, 19.tion of, 235.281.trithiocarbonate, 11 7.position of, 11.phate, 342.181.Tungsten, heats of adsorptbn on, 52.Tungstic oxide, use of, in combustionanalyses, 353.Uranium sulphides, 122.Uranyl amide, 122.Urothione, structure of, 240.Usnic acid, synthesis of, 237.(&)-Usnic acid, synthesis of, 173.“ Vaccenic acid,” heterogeneity of, 165,Valeric acid, (+)-y-amino-, formation of,Vanadium, detection of, 345.lower oxides and hydroxides of, 114.Vanadium(1v) , complex chlorides, of, 114.Vanadometry, 352.. Veatchine, structure of, 253.Vernolic acid, structure of, 308.Vinyl acetate, polymerisation of, 33.Vinylene carbonate, use of, 181.4-VinylpyridineJ homopolymerisation of,Virial coefficients, measurements of second ,Viruses, crystallography of, 380.Vitamin B,,, assay of, 372.crystal structure of, 403.structure of, 242.Voacangine, structure of, 245.Vouacapenic acid, methyl ester, structureWater, radiolysis of, 49.Waxes, natural, structural relations in,Weights, coating of, 339.Wool wax, nature of acids of, 302.upuXanthoxyletin, formation of, 237.Ximenynic acid, synthesis of, 308.Xylans, 261.D-Xylose, 2-C-hydroxymethyl-, prepara-305.275.33.59.of, 197.304.tion of, 259.Yohimbine skeleton, formation of, 239.Zirconium, determination of, 369.solubility of, in acids, 108


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