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Las cerradicas tracksite (Berriasian, Galve, Spain): Growing evidence for quadrupedal ornithopods


作者: Félix Pérez‐Lorente,   Gloria Cuenca‐Bescós,   Marcos Aurell,   JoseI. Canudo,   AnaR. Soria,   JoseI. Ruiz‐Omeñaca,  


期刊: Ichnos  (Taylor Available online 1997)
卷期: Volume 5, issue 2  

页码: 109-120




年代: 1997




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Footprints;dinosaurs;Ornithopoda;early Cretaceous;Spain


数据来源: Taylor



Dinosaur footprints occur in shallow marine sedimentary units of the Berriasian Villar del Arzobispo Formation in the Aliaga basin, NE Spain. Las Cerradicas is a small outcrop (25 m2), near Galve, with four dinosaur trackways. Three tridactyl trackways indicate bipedal animals, and have parallel orientation. A fourth or‐nithopod trackway indicates a quadrupedal animal and is the smallest among any reported in the literature (L = 23 cm, W = 23 cm of pes tracks). It has manus prints that are oval‐shaped impressions. These and other recent discoveries shed much light on the abundance of quadrupedal ornithopods during the early Cretaceous.


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