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Simulation studies of conveyor-paced assembly lines with buffer capacity


作者: G. M. BUXEY,   D. SADJADI,  


期刊: International Journal of Production Research  (Taylor Available online 1976)
卷期: Volume 14, issue 5  

页码: 607-624




年代: 1976




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



A simulation, model has been developed to describe an assembly line where items are removed from a conveyor belt for processing and returned for transportation to subsequent work stations. Output characteristics are presented for the case where operator's work-time distributions can be approximated to a normal curve, and the analysis is made so as to generalize the results over a useful range of tolerance, feed interval and mean service times. In particular, the effect of buffer capacity on line performance, and its relevance to tolerance time, is studied.


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