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Early biopsy versus empiric treatment with delayed biopsy of non‐responders in suspected HIV‐associated cerebral toxoplasmosisa decision analysis


作者: Christopher Mathews,   David Barba,   Steven Fullerton,  


期刊: AIDS  (OVID Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 11  

页码: 1243-1250




年代: 1995


出版商: OVID


关键词: HIV infection;cerebral mass lesions;decision analysis;decision modeling;toxoplasmosis


数据来源: OVID



ObjectiveTo construct, and evaluate a decision analytic model of proposed management strategies for HIV-infected patients presenting with cerebral mass lesions, radiographically compatible with toxoplasmosis, lymphoma, or other etiologies, assuming knowledge ofToxoplasmaantibody status in serum.MethodsUsing decision analysis, we evaluated two management strategies, for patients found to be eitherToxoplasma-seropositive or -negative, for whom an initial choice was made for early brain biopsy (EB) or for empiric therapy with delayed biopsy (ETDB) of non-responders. The outcome to be optimized was the percentage of patients alive at 12 months. Model variables included predictive value of toxoplasmosis serology, probabilities of treatment response, and death within 14–21 days conditional on correct diagnosis, probability of operative death, probabilities of non-diagnostic brain biopsy conditional both on correct diagnosis, and prior treatment.ResultsOne, and two-way sensitivity analyses, byToxoplasmaserostatus, led to the following conclusions (1) forToxoplasma-seropositive patients, ETDB gives nearly equivalent outcomes to EB of all patients; (2) forToxoplasma-seronegative patients, although both strategies have equivalent outcomes under baseline assumptions, EB is preferred if there are even small survival advantages for early versus delayed diagnosis of lymphoma or other conditions, or if risk of death within 14–21 days of ET exceeds 10% when correct diagnosis is not toxoplasmosis.ConclusionUnder plausible assumptions,Toxoplasma-seronegative patients will benefit from an early biopsy strategy.


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