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Involuntary bioaccumulation of environmental pollutants in nonsmoking heterogeneous human population


作者: BoguslawK. Krotoszynski,   HughJ. O'Neill,  


期刊: Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering  (Taylor Available online 1982)
卷期: Volume 17, issue 6  

页码: 855-883




年代: 1982




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: ubiquitous and nonubiquitous environmental pollutants;chemical bioaccumulation;health hazards;expired air technique;nonsmoking heterogeneous population


数据来源: Taylor



Chemical bioaccumulation in nonsmoking heterogeneous human population was determined by a noninvasive expired air technique. Ubiquitous and nonubiquitous environmental pollutants were isolated and identified and the respective distribution and inhalation hazards were evaluated. Attempts were made to isolate and identify the state of health related expired air constituents.


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