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Solid phase epitaxial growth of GaAs on Si substrates


作者: K. I. Cho,   W. K. Choo,   S. C. Park,   T. Nishinaga,   B.‐T. Lee,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1990)
卷期: Volume 56, issue 5  

页码: 448-450




年代: 1990




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Thin films of GaAs on Si were grown by molecular beam epitaxy, which involves the solid phase epitaxial (SPE) growth of the amorphous GaAs buffer layer. A Rutherford backscattering minimum channeling yield of ∼9.4% has been obtained for a 0.8‐&mgr;m‐thick GaAs film. Cross‐sectional transmission electron micrographs and reflection high‐energy electron diffraction results have revealed that misfit dislocations are mostly confined to what used to be the buffer layer of ∼300 nm in thickness, and that the microtwins (and/or stacking faults) are mostly originated from the GaAs/Si interface and are generated during SPE growth.


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