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Preliminary evaluation of a new curriculum…incorporation of problem based learning (PBL) into the traditional format


作者: Pinto PereiraL. M.,   TelangB. V.,   ButlerK. A.,   JosephS. M.,  


期刊: Medical Teacher  (Taylor Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 15, issue 4  

页码: 351-364




年代: 1993




出版商: Taylor&Francis


数据来源: Taylor



An account of the establishment of a Problem Based Learning (PBL) curriculum at the Eric Williams Medical Science Complex Republic of Trinidad and Tobago provides the forum for a critical analysis of this process and for dialogue with current relevant literature on similar attempts elsewhere. Initial resistance to change and the assessment of the new system is discussed in the light of the fact that this is the first Caribbean territory to adopt Problem Based Learning as the major instrument to be employed in tertiary level medical education. The analysis uncovers a model of practitioner/researcher which provides a useful conceptual and operational framework for the articulation of the role of those engaged in effecting and studying the management of change.


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