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Increased Gastric Absorption of Polyethylene Glycols in Atrophic Gastritis


作者: Johan D. Söderholm,   Gunnar Olaison,   Lennart Franzén,   Kurt Borch,  


期刊: Digestion  (Karger Available online 1996)
卷期: Volume 57, issue 3  

页码: 191-195




年代: 1996




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Gastric mucosa;Gastritis;atrophic;Intestinal absorption;Polyethylene glycols


数据来源: Karger



Atrophic gastritis increases the risk of developing gastro-intestinal tumours. An impaired barrier function of the gastric mucosa could contribute to this risk. The absorption of polyethylene glycols (molecular weights 414-766), expressed as recovery in 6-hour urine, was studied both after oral and duodenal loads in patients with atrophic gastritis (n = 18) and compared with controls without gastritis (n = 9). The patients had a higher absorption after oral than after duodenal load for molecular weights 502-546. The differences in absorption after oral and duodenal loads were correlated with the severity of the atrophy in the antrum. No differences were found in the controls. Absorption after the duodenal load did not differ between the study groups. The increased gastric absoφtion of polyethylene glycols in patients with atrophic gastritis may be caused by a permeability disturbance of the gastric mucosa


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