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Technical Memorandum: Scattering from two-layer FSS with dissimilar lattice geometries


作者: J.C.Vardaxoglou,   A.Hossainzadeh,   A.Stylianou,  


期刊: IEE Proceedings H (Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation)  (IET Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 140, issue 1  

页码: 59-61


年代: 1993




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



An integral equation formulation for analysing frequency selective surfaces (FSS) in cascade with dissimilar lattice geometries is described. The tangential field vectors are expanded by defining their Floquet modes according to the convolution theorem. The plane wave transmission coefficient of a multiresonant structure which has triangular and square lattices, with noninteger multiple ratios of their sides, has been computed.


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