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Maturity and temperature influence ethylene‐promoted organ abscission inCamellia


作者: AllanB. Woolf,   JulieA. Plummer,   John Clemens,  


期刊: New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science  (Taylor Available online 1999)
卷期: Volume 27, issue 1  

页码: 33-41




年代: 1999




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: plant growth regulators;floriculture;plant export;sensitivity;responsiveness


数据来源: Taylor



The influence of temperature (1–25°C) and maturity on organ abscission promoted by a range of ethylene concentrations (0.3–100 μl litre‐1) was examined on stem explants of twoCamelliacultivars ('Anticipation’ and ‘Donation';C. salue‐nensis × C. japonica). Time to abscission of 50% of leaf and floral buds was measured. Leaves were most responsive during stem elongation following vegetative budbreak. In contrast, ethylene‐responsiveness of floral buds gradually increased with maturity. Low temperatures (1–5°C) reduced the rate of abscission response to ethylene at all concentrations, but with greatest effect at low concentrations (<2 μl litre‐1). Floral buds of bothCamelliacultivars were more sensitive to ethylene than leaves. Application of a high ethylene concentration correctly determined relative abscission differences for maturity effects, but inter‐organ differences required a range of ethylene concentrations. It is proposed that “responsiveness” be defined as differences in abscission response to a high ethylene concentration (e.g. 10 μl litre‐1), whereas differences in abscission response to low ethylene concentrations (<1 μl litre‐1) be defined as “sensitivity” differences.


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