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Relationships between seed set and fruit weight and shape of nashi (Pyrus serotinaRehder varcultaRehder)


作者: B.H. Rohitha,   D.J. Klinac,  


期刊: New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science  (Taylor Available online 1990)
卷期: Volume 18, issue 2-3  

页码: 133-136




年代: 1990




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: nashi;Asian pear;seed set;pollination;fruit weight;fruit shape;Waikato;fruit quality;seed weight


数据来源: Taylor



The relationships between seed set and fruit weight and shape were studied on four nashi (Pyrus serotinaRehder varcultaRehder) cultivars Hosui, Kosui, Nijisseiki, and Shinsui. The carpel number ranged between four and eight per fruit with each carpel having the capacity to carry two seeds. The number of seeds per fruit was significantly correlated with fruit weight with ‘Nijisseiki’ showing the highest fruit-weight increase per seed. The seed number per carpel and the total weight of seeds per carpel were related to fruit shape. Even seed distribution around the fruit core was related to evenly shaped fruit. On the basis of the levels of seed set observed, considerable potential exists for raising the nashi quality by optimising pollination and seed set.


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