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Grain Boundary and Crystallographic Orientation Effects on Friction


作者: BrianL. Weick,   Bharat Bhushan,  


期刊: Tribology Transactions  (Taylor Available online 2000)
卷期: Volume 43, issue 1  

页码: 33-38




年代: 2000




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Grain Boundaries;Crystal Structure;Polysilicon;Polycrystalline Tungsten;MEMS


数据来源: Taylor



Experimental results are presented that show relationships between grain structure and friction. In particular, grain boundaries cause changes in friction during single pass experiments using a diamond rip sliding on polycrystalline tungsten (polytungsten) and polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon). For polysilicon, the crystallographic orientation of individual grains is also shown to have n pronounced effect on friction. Since polysilicon is the major material used for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), inter- and intragranular friction measurements are needed by scientists and engineers who hope to design and fabricate microminiature motors and other devicevs using polysilicon. For this reason, friction measurements were also made using an Atomic Force/Friction Force Microscope (AFM/FFM) which allows for measurements on a microscope.Presented as a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Paper at the STLE/ASME Tribology Conference in Orlando, Florida, October 11–13, 1999


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