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Light and electron microscopic studies of nodule structure of alfalfa


作者: J. J. Patel,   A. F. Yang,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Microbiology  (NRC Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 27, issue 1  

页码: 36-43




年代: 1981




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Light and electron microscopy was used to establish the structural organisation of the developing nodule of alfalfa. In these nodules three distinct regions were noted: (1) the base region, site of original infection where the nodule is attached to the root and now composed of degenerating nodule tissue, (2) the central region, or active region composed of nodule cells containing tightly packed bacteroids surrounding a central vacuole, and (3) the meristematic region, a site of new growth, behind which newly formed cells are continually invaded. The ongoing infection process accompanying continued nodule development provided the opportunity to study the release ofRhizobiumcells from the infection threads.In the nodules of alfalfa it would appear that theRhizobiumcells are released from infection thread into the nodule tissue in two different ways: (i) release with infection thread membrane and (ii) release in thin-walled vesicular structures. Thus it is concluded thatRhizobiumcells are surrounded by the infection thread membrane when they are released from the infection thread into nodule tissue.


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