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Syntheses and Physical Properties of Ferrocene Derivatives (XIV) Dynamic Viscoelastic Property of Liquid Crystalline Ferrocene Derivatives Containing Cholesteryl Group as a Mesogenic One


作者: Naotake Nakamura,   Hisashi Maekawahara,   Tomonori Hanasaki,   Takanari Yamaguchi,  


期刊: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals  (Taylor Available online 2000)
卷期: Volume 352, issue 1  

页码: 125-132




年代: 2000




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: ferrocene derivative;liquid crystal;metallomesogen;dynamic viscoelastic property;phase transition


数据来源: Taylor



The dynamic viscoelastic properties for [4-[ω-(cholesteryloxy carbonyl)alkoxycarbonyl]phenyl]ferrocenes with hexyloxy and octyloxy groups as an alkoxyl group were measured as functions of temperature and frequency. These samples showed liquid crystallinity. The results obtained here suggest that a kind of molecular order exists in the temperature range from the clearing point to about 20 degrees above it, in the liquid phase. Furthermore, the values of apparent activation energy in the liquid crystalline phase are as large as those of a primary dispersion of polymers, and its activation energy is not affected by the structural change at the clearing point.


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