Ion track doping


作者: D. Fink,   L.T. Chadderton,   S.A. Cruz,   W.R. Fahrner,   V. Hnatowicz,   E.H. Te Kaat,   A.A. Melnikov,   V.S. Varichenko,   A.M. Zaitsev,  


期刊: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids  (Taylor Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 132, issue 2  

页码: 81-90




年代: 1994




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: ion tracks;polymers;doping;diffusion;trapping.


数据来源: Taylor



Longitudinal dopant distribution along ion tracks in soft (polymers [1–5]) and hard (diamond [6,7]) condensed carbonaceous matter have been studied by neutron depth profiling and cathodoluminesence. Both in-diffusion from the aqueous phase and energetic ion implantation were used in primary track doping.In-situself-decoration of tracks and post-implantation with a secondary ion species were used in the specific case of ion implantation. Radial dopant distributions were also studied by means of a modified tomographic procedure. Decorative doping of ion bombarded solids is useful in probing track structure, and especially in pointing the way to potential development of nanometric-sized electronic devices.


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