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Corporatist Control and Organizational Commitment among Professionals: The Case of Lawyers Working in Law Firms*


作者: Jean E. Wallace,  


期刊: Social Forces  (OUP Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 73, issue 3  

页码: 811-840




年代: 1995




出版商: The University of North Carolina Press


数据来源: OUP



A prevailing concern in the sociology of professions is the degree to which professional workers are committed to their employing organization. Corporatist organizations strive to maximize employees' commitment to the organization by enhancing employee integration, upward mobility, participation in decision making, and the legitimacy of the authority system. It is argued here that these corporatist properties act as incentives that are highly valued by professional workers and that they should increase their organizational commitment. On the basis of a sample of lawyers working in law firms the findings support this argument. The most significant variables appear to contribute to lawyers' professionalism and professional careers in that they provide a sense of collegiality, contribute to professional career opportunities within the firm, and allow for individual discretion and control.


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