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Some numerical results for the BGK model: Thermal creep and viscous slip problems with arbitrary accomodation at the surface


作者: S. K. Loyalka,   N. Petrellis,   T. S. Storvick,  


期刊: Physics of Fluids(00319171)  (AIP Available online 1975)
卷期: Volume 18, issue 9  

页码: 1094-1099




年代: 1975




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Numerically ’’exact’’ results for the thermal creep and viscous slip problems for the BGK model and Maxwellian diffuse specular reflection at the wall are obtained by using equations derived earlier by Cercignani, Loyalka, and Cipolla. Results obtained by the use of both the half range and the ’’full‐range’’ expansions are found to be in complete agreement and provide standards of comparison for various approximate methods.


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