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Note on a mixture experiment with process variables


作者: Veronica Czitrom,  


期刊: Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation  (Taylor Available online 1992)
卷期: Volume 21, issue 2  

页码: 493-498




年代: 1992




出版商: Marcel Dekker, Inc.


关键词: orthogonal;D-optimal


数据来源: Taylor



The experimental design to model the response of a mixture experiment in three blending components in the presence of process variables is considered. Czitrom (1988) gave an experimental design in two orthogonal blocks of blends that was "possibly" D-Optimal in the case of arbitrary restrictions on the blending component proportions. It will be shown that the design is indeed D-Optimal. The pair of orthogonal D-Optimal blocks of blends can be used with an arbitrary number of process variables and require a reduced number of observations


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