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Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1904)
卷期: Volume 29, issue December  

页码: 345-345




年代: 1904




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST. DECEMBER, 1904. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS. THE monthly meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday evening, November 2, in the Chemical Society’s Rooms, Burlington House. The President (Mr. Thomas Fairley) occupied the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Certificates of proposal for election to membership in favour of Messrs. Percy Edgerton, 61, Cornhill, E.C., Analytical and Consulting Chemist, Gas Examiner to the London County Council and to the District Councils of Sunbury and Hampton; James McLeod, F.I.C., The Laboratory, Govan G-as Works, Glasgow, Senior Chemist to the Glasgow Gas Trust; George Arthur Pingstone, P.O. Box 445, Bulawayo, Analyst to the Bulawayo Municipal Council, Assayer to the Bank of Africa, Ltd., and to the African Banking Corporation, Ltd., etc.; and Arthur William Thorp, 2, Crofton Park, Yeovil, Analyst to Messrs. Aplin and Barrett, Yeovil, were read for the first time. Mr. H. S. Hammond was elected a member of the Society. The PRESIDENT said that he had to perform the sad duty of announcing that since the last meeting the deaths had occurred of two members of the Society, Mr. Alfred H. Allen and Mr. William Chattaway. Mr. Allen had been one of the founders of the Society, and had taken a very active part in its work and proceedings during the quarter of a century of its existence. He had been the Society’s President, had served almost continuously as a member of its Council, and had been an active worker on many of its committees, the Editorial Committee especially. Over and above and independently of all this, Mr. Allen’s book on “Commercial Organic Analysis ” had a world-wide reputation, and would have been quite sufficient to earn for him the highest approbation. Mr. Chattaway, at the beginning of his career, had been Mr. Allen’s assistant. He also had been an active worker on the Society’s Council and committees. The Honorary. Secretaries had been requested by the Council to write to Mrs. Allen and to Mrs. Chattaway, expressing the Society’s sorrow and sincere sympathy with them in their bereavement. The following papers were read : “The Detection and Estimation of Small Quantities of Maltose in the Presence of Dextrose,’’ by Julian L. Baker and W. D. Dick ; and ‘‘ The Use of Palladium-Hydrogen as a Reducing Agent in Quantitative Bnalysis, ” by Alfred C. Chapman. A double surface condenser was shown by Mr. Herbert E. Burgess.


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