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Waves in Elastic Tubes: Velocity of the Pulse Wave in Large Arteries


作者: Allen L. King,  


期刊: Journal of Applied Physics  (AIP Available online 1947)
卷期: Volume 18, issue 7  

页码: 595-600




年代: 1947




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



An equation for waves in elastic tubes is developed and applied to cylindrical tubes with Hookian and with elastomeric walls. The former application yields the Moens‐Korteweg formula, which has been found inadequate. The latter application leads to a rather complicated equation for the pulse‐wave velocity.Values of pulse‐wave velocities are computed for the thoracic aorta by means of the foregoing equation, and the results are compared with measured mean velocities for the entire aorta. Graphs and tables are given, so that a graphical analysis of this velocity equation can be applied to any large artery; and the method is illustrated by computing the pulse‐wave velocity in the left common carotid. The relationl÷∫0lds/v, for the mean velocity over a tube of lengthl, is shown to be valid for the aorta and large arteries.


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