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Cancer nursingAn international perspective


作者: Carol Ash,  


期刊: Cancer Nursing  (OVID Available online 1986)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 4  

页码: 172-177




年代: 1986


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



This article addresses the development of cancer nursing as a specialty. It highlights the efforts of nurses around the world as they seek to understand the disease called cancer and the complexity of the treatments used. It emphasizes the role of nurses in the international community as they respond to the common challenge to obtain more cancer information and learn how to provide the care, teaching, and support that patients and their families need. As cancer nursing has evolved as a specialty in the United States, so has it also begun to evolve as a specialty in various parts of the world. What it means to be international, a historical overview of events that occurred in response to the need and demand for more information, and future directions for cancer nurses everywhere are presented.


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