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Pseudo-emulation facilities for the ferranti FDS-10 development system


作者: N.F.Grant,   G.J.Pollock,   A.D.McPhee,  


期刊: Software & Microsystems  (IET Available online 1984)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 5-6  

页码: 106-110


年代: 1984




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



The absence of in-circuit emulation facilities on the Ferranti FDS-10 microprocessor development system may force unacceptable restrictions on the development of hardware and software for an FlOO-L-based project. The disadvantages of this lack of support are discussed and a solution is presented, in the form of a pseudo-emulation facility, which provides many of the features normally associated with in-circuit emulation. Development of a special-purpose interface circuit, allowing communication between the FDS-10 and the target hardware and software, is described and details are given of the monitor program which runs in the FDS-10 and which controls the hardware via the interface.


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