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Electrosurgery Thermal Injury Myth or Misconception?


作者: William Saye,   Wayne Miller,   Peter Hertzmann,  


期刊: Surgical Laparoscopy and Endoscopy  (OVID Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 4  

页码: 223-228




年代: 1991


出版商: OVID


关键词: Laparoscopy;Endoscopy;Peritoneoscopy;Electrosurgery;Thermal injury


数据来源: OVID



Two sets of experiments were conducted to determine whether the potential hazards of secondary sparking and distal tissue burns are a serious risk for surgeons using monopolar electrosurgery during laparoscopy. The results indicate that secondary sparking poses little threat, whereas distal burns are very likely, given certain tissue parameters that force the entire electric current through narrow structures.


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