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Acid—Base Interactions with Noradrenaline‐induced Contractile Response of the Rabbit Isolated Aorta


作者: Dag,   Stokke Poul,   Andersen Morten,   Brinkløv Ove,   Nedergaard Peter,   Hole Niels,  


期刊: Anesthesiology  (OVID Available online 1984)
卷期: Volume 60, issue 5  

页码: 400-404




年代: 1984


出版商: OVID


关键词: Acid-base equilibrium: bicarbonate; carbon dioxide;Muscle, smooth: vascular;Sympathetic nervous system: catecholamines, norepinephrine


数据来源: OVID



The effect of acidosis and alkalosis on vascular smooth muscle contractions evoked by noradrenaline was studied. Helical strips of rabbit aorta were mounted for isometric tension recording. Acidosis (pH 7.24–6.51) was obtained by either increasing the Pco2(hypercapnic) and/or lowering the HCO3-concentration (hypobicarbonatic). Acidosis shifted the noradrenaline concentration-response curve to the right in a competitive manner. The maximal developed tension was unchanged atpH 7.24–6.90 and decreased by 30% atpH 6.51. Alkalosis (pH 7.61–8.04) did not alter nor-adrenaline-evoked contractions. The results suggest that hydrogen ions during acidosis (pH < 7.40) but not during alkalosis (pH > 7.40) exert α-adrenoceptor blocking properties.


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