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Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1899)
卷期: Volume 24, issue 1  

页码: 57-58




年代: 1899




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST. MARCH, 1899. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS. THE annual general meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday, February 1, in the Rooms of the Chemical Society, Burlingtdn House, the President (Dr. Bernard Dyer) occupying the chair. The minutes of the extraordinary general meeting and of the ordinary general meeting, held on January 4, were read and confirmed. Certificates of proposal for election to membership in favour of the following candidates were read for the first time : Percy T. Adams, assistant to Dr. Matthew A. ddams, Maidstone; Arthur French Angell, assistant to Mr. Arthur Angell, Southampton ; John B. Ashworth, assistant to Mr. Alfred Smetham, Liverpool ; Alfred Joseph Bull, assistant to Mr. Wm. Chattaway, and senior assistant in the Physical Laboratory, Birkbeck Institution, London ; Charles Crocker, assistant to Messrs.Morgan, Son and Seyler, Swansea; John S. Ford, analytical chemist, Edinburgh; C. A. Hackman, A.I.C., assistant to Mr. Alfred C . Chapman, London; Norman Leonard, B.Sc., F.I.C., assistant to Dr. Stevenson, Guy’s Hospital, London ; J. F. Liverseege, F.I.C., assistant analyst to the Corporation of Birmingham ; Richard Murray, chemist to Messrs. Brotherton and Co., Leeds; G. E. Scott- Smith, F.I.C., assistant to Mr. Alfred H. Allen, Sheffield ; W. P. Skertchly, assistant to Mr. Otto Hehner, London; Harry Metcltlfe Smith, F.I.C., assistant to Dr. Stevenson, Guy’s Hospital, London ; Lionel W. Stansell, assistant to Dr. Matthew A. Adams, Maidstone; and W. Northfield Yarrow, assistant to Mr.A. W. Stokes, London. All of these candidates were former associates of the Society, applying for election to membership under the revised rules recently adopted. Mr. F. C. J. Bird and Mr. .J. H. Heywood were elected members of the Society. The RON. TREASURER (Mr. E. W. Voelcker) presented his report for the past year. He stated that the Society had a balance of M O 5s. 5d. standing to its credit, as against $32 12s. 8d. shown in the balance-sheet for 1897. The items most calling for attention were those classed as ‘‘ General Expenses,” and relating to postages, petty disbursements, etc., and the printing and stationery account. I t would be seen, from the copies of the accounts which had been placed in the hands of the meeting, that these items showed a considerable increase as compared with the previous year.During 1898, however, the Council had considered it desirable to circulate among Members of Parliament, and among County Councils and other local authorities, a58 THE ANALYST. report of the Council of the Society of Public Analysts dealing with the Sale of Food and Drugs Bill introduced by the President of the Local Government Board at the close of the session of 1897. This had involved a considerable outlay in printing, and a very heavy expenditure on postage. The securities of the Society on December 31 were the same as in the previous year; but since that date he had been able to make a further investment on behalf of the Society, so that its invested funds were now increased by 2,105. He was pleased to be able to announce that only one subscription remained outstanding.A vote of thanks to the Hon. Treasurer and Auditors was proposed by Mr. CHAPMAN, seconded by Dr. SCHIDROWITZ, and carried unanimously. The President then delivered his retiring address. Mr. ALFRED H. ALLEN proposed a vote of thanks to the President for his address. Mr. HEHNER seconded the proposition, which was put to the meeting by Mr. Allen and carried unanimously. The PRESIDENT, having responded, moved from the chair that a vote of thanks should be passed to the President and Council of the Chemical Society for allowing the Society of Public Analysts the use of their rooms during the past year. The motion was seconded by Mr, CHATTAWAY and carried unanimously. The PRESIDENT announced that the officers and Council for 1899 had been elected in accordance with the nominations made by the Council at the December meeting of the Society.He then vacated the chair in favour of the newly-elected President, Mr. W. W. Fisher, M.A. Mr. FISHER, having assumed the chair, expressed his appreciation of the honour which the Society had done him in electing him to occupy that position, and the proceedings then terminated. The following is a list of the officers and Council of the Society for 1899 : President. -W. W. Fisher, M.A. Past-Presidents. -M. A. Adams, F.R.C.S.; A. H. Allen; Sir Charles A. Cameron, M.D., F.R.C.S. ; A. DuprB, Ph.D., F.R.S. ; Bernard Dyer, D.Sc. ; Otto Hehner ; Alfred Hill, M.D., F.R.S.E. ; J. Muter, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.E. ; Thomas Stevenson, M.D., F.R.C.P. Vice-Presidents.-Charles E. Cassal; E. W. T. Jones ; S. Rideal, D,Sc. Hon. Treasurer.-E. W. Voelcker, A.R.S.M. Hon. Secretaries.-E. J. Bevan, Alfred C. Chapman. Other Menzbers of C'ouizciL-Bertram Blount ; Sidney Harvey ; Arthur R. Ling ; C. A. Mitchell, B.A. ; C. G. Moor, M.A. ; James Nimmo ; Thomas A. Pooley, B.Sc. ; F. Wallis Stoddart; R. T. Thomson; John White; Rowland Willianls; W. C, Young.


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