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Relations between Superconductors and Ferromagnets


作者: Bernd Matthias,  


期刊: Journal of Applied Physics  (AIP Available online 1960)
卷期: Volume 31, issue 5  

页码: 23-26




年代: 1960




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Ferromagnetic interactions of the rare earth elements in dilute solutions or in compounds with non-magneticelements have been discovered and will be described. The Curie points are essentially proportionalto the spin while the saturation moment follows the value for the effective moment. This ferromagneticinteraction, known to take place via the conduction electrons, follows criteria resembling closely those forthe occurrence of superconductivity.It is shown that by suitable combination of similar superconductors and ferromagnets both phenomenacan happen simultaneously in the same crystal.


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