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Guided Electromagnetic Waves in a Parallel-plate Gyroelectromagnetic Biaxial Chirowaveguide


作者: Yin Wenyan,   Li Pao,   Wang Wenbing,  


期刊: Journal of Modern Optics  (Taylor Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 41, issue 1  

页码: 59-65




年代: 1994




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



We analyse the coupled modes propagation in a parallel-plate gyroelectromagnetic biaxial chirowaveguide. The transverse components of electric and magnetic fields in such bianisotropic waveguide are expressed in terms of the longitudinal components ofEandH, and the effects of different constitutive parameters on the dispersion characteristics as well as cut-off frequencies of propagating modes are demonstrated numerically. The results show that the processes of mode bifurcation and conversion also take place in the parallel-plate gyroelectromagnetic biaxial chirowaveguide.


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