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Prediction of Plant Contamination by Cadmium and Zinc Based on Soil Extraction Method and Contents in Seedlings


作者: M. Sanka,   M. Dolezal,  


期刊: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry  (Taylor Available online 1992)
卷期: Volume 46, issue 1-3  

页码: 87-96




年代: 1992




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Cadmium;zinc;soil pollution;plant pollution;soil extractant;bioavailability


数据来源: Taylor



Prediction of plant contamination on the basis of environmental conditions seems to be an important task. In order to assess the suitability of three soil extractants and seedlings as a prediction media for the content of Cd and Zn in mature plants, three independent pot trials were conducted. In these trials six soil types of different properties were used. The total number of pots was 160 (40 variants in 4 replicates). Soils were artificially contaminated by Cd and the selected variants also by Zn. The contents of Cd and Zn in soil extractants and seedlings were compared with the contents of these elements in corn mature plants (roots and stems) by means of regression analysis. For cadmium, the best results as to the prediction of its content in mature plants were obtained with NaNO3, whereas for zinc the best results were given by the seedlings.


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