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Index typing of HLA serological data


作者: J. J. Tai,   Keh-Min Chiou,   Chun-Jean Lee,   Lung-An Li,   Po-Chang Lee,   Shan-Yie Liu,  


期刊: Journal of Applied Statistics  (Taylor Available online 1989)
卷期: Volume 16, issue 1  

页码: 69-75




年代: 1989




出版商: Carfax Publishing Company


数据来源: Taylor



Identification of the HLA system is important in anthropological and immunological studies. This paper proposes a simple index typing method to perform the assignment of HLA serological data. It is parsimonious and able to deal with the data of cross-reacting antigens and ill-defined sera. The method is illustrated by an example of the application of the Chinese HLA-A system in Taiwan. A general FORTRAN program for analysing the typing process is available on request from the first author.


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