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The response ofLolium multiflorum(Lam.) to applied phosphorus and potassium on a cricket pitch clay


作者: N.M. Tainton,   J.R. Klug,   N. Miles,   C.D. Morris,  


期刊: South African Journal of Plant and Soil  (Taylor Available online 1999)
卷期: Volume 16, issue 3  

页码: 143-147




年代: 1999




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: bulli;leaf mineral composition;ryegrass;smectite


数据来源: Taylor



Lolium multiflorumcv. Barmultra was used to evaluate the P and K status of plants grown on a smectitic soil commonly used for the construction of cricket pitches in the coastal regions of South Africa. Bulli was treated with P and K and, following treatment, soil test levels for P ranged between 2 and 28.5 mg L-1and for K between 109.5 and 480.5 mg L-1. The amount of P required per unit increase in soil P test value declined sharply as the P application rate increased but the relationship between K applied and soil K test was linear. Plant yield increased asymptotically with increasing soil P level, whereas the response to K was significantly quadratic although relatively small. There was a significant yield interaction between soil P and soil K, with response to K being more marked at high than at low P levels. Potassium addition had a much greater effect on nutrient levels in plant tissue than did P addition but both significantly affected not only the P and K levels in the herbage material, but also the levels of other plant nutrients. In particular, there was a strong negative relationship between soil K and plant Na and a weaker negative relationship between soil P and plant Mg.


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