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Soil-borne propagule populations of isolates ofPhytophthora cryptogeaandP. parasiticain relation to inhibition of growth of tobacco plants


作者: Leszek B. Orlikowski,   James W. Hendrix,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Botany  (NRC Available online 1977)
卷期: Volume 55, issue 1  

页码: 23-25




年代: 1977




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



The relationship between populations of soil-borne propagules and inhibition of growth of tobacco plants by isolates ofPhytophthora cryptogeaandP. parasiticaincapable of killing tobacco plants was investigated. Although plants usually were severely stunted, they had no effect on populations of the two fungi. This relationship supports the concept that growth inhibition of tobacco plants by these fungi is due to nonparasitic pathogenesis.


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