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Neonatal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring—Its Clinical Relevance


作者: P. Walson,   R. Edwards,   S. Cox,  


期刊: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring  (OVID Available online 1989)
卷期: Volume 11, issue 4  

页码: 425-430




年代: 1989


出版商: OVID


关键词: Neonatal;Therapeutic drug monitoring;Clinical.


数据来源: OVID



Summary:The potential clinical usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in neonates is discussed. The personnel performing neonatal TDM must be knowledgeable in the many clinical, analytical, and pharmacokinetic variables used for measuring drug concentrations to formulate rational, individualized dosing regimens. Examples of variables and their effects on TDM interpretations are given and some gaps in our knowledge are presented. The theoretical promise of neonatal TDM is contrasted with the practical realities.


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