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Finite Element Fourier Series for Asymmetric Loads on Radial Lip Seals©


作者: G.A. Alvarez,  


期刊: Tribology Transactions  (Taylor Available online 1997)
卷期: Volume 40, issue 1  

页码: 11-20




年代: 1997




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Lip Seals


数据来源: Taylor



The body of revolution finite element solution of the previous report (1) is extended to asymmetric loading by Fourier analysis. The solution has the advantage of covering the technologically relevant cases of torque and eccentricity of the shaft relative to the bore of the seal, with only a marginal increase in the computational space required. However, to obtain a solution in which harmonics are decoupled, linear strain displacement relations must be used. For a particular seal the tangential displacement of the area under the lip in contact with the shaft is almost all monotonically increasing along the axis of the shaft, with only a minor portion of the area “unwrapping” in the opposite direction of the torque. For another seal design, the program predicts that loading of the seal eccentrically due to misalignment between the seal bore and the shaft will cause a gap to appear on the side opposite to the load, in the absence of radial load. Comparison of the program results with analytical solutions of the linear theory and the outline of a semiautomatic meshing routine for the program are presented in the appendices.


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