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Collisional Deactivation Rates of Electronically Excited Molecular Ions. II


作者: G. I. Mackay,   R. E. March,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Chemistry  (NRC Available online 1972)
卷期: Volume 50, issue 1  

页码: 1-7




年代: 1972




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Total deactivation rate constants have been determined for N2+(B2Σu+) and the (A2Πu) and (B2Σu+) states of CO2+with a number of quenchers. The energy specific total deactivation rate constant is compared to the total radiative lifetime of the excited species. A particular novelty of the technique is that it does not require a complete knowledge of the formation modes for the excited species. The results are compared with theoretical values obtained from the ion-induced dipole model. Individual deactivation rate constants are presented for N2+(B2Σu+) ions in thev = 0, 1, and 2 vibrational levels quenched by N2, O2, H2, and CO2; and for the(A2Πu) and (B2Σu+) states of CO2+quenched byCO2, N2, O2, NO, and H2. Charge transfer is the most probable mode of deactivation except in the CO2+–H2reactions where H-atom abstraction is more probable.


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