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Saturation of the junction voltage in stripe‐geometry (AlGa)As double‐heterostructure junction lasers: A comment


作者: D. O. North,   H. S. Sommers,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1977)
卷期: Volume 30, issue 2  

页码: 116-118




年代: 1977




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Recently published data concerning a contemporary well‐behaved cw stripe‐geometry injection laser was accompanied by the assertion that above threshold both the junction voltage and the spontaneous emission exhibit ’’complete saturation’’. This paper shows by detailed analysis of the data that in fact the small incompleteness of the saturation agrees with the value predicted by the new nonlinear theory of injection lasers. The junction voltage, spontaneous emission, and mode powering of this cw laser are interconnected by the theory just as they were in the various types of pulsed lasers already described.


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