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Zygosporangium and zygospore formation inPhycomyces nitens


作者: K. L. O'Donnell,   S. L. Flegler,   G. R. Hooper,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Botany  (NRC Available online 1978)
卷期: Volume 56, issue 1  

页码: 91-100




年代: 1978




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Zygosporangium and zygospore formation inPhycomyces nitenswas followed by correlative light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Compatible multibranched zygophores became interlocked by the interdigitation of their lobes. Progametangia grew up from the substratum in pairs and then differentiated into gametangia and tongs-shaped suspensors. Plasmogamy was deferred until the gametangia were delimited. Development of rings of hyaline appendages on the suspensors was concomitant with plasmogamy. The appendages originated from the tertiary suspensor wall layer and ruptured the outer primary and secondary wall layers prior to development of their terminal thornlike processes.Developing zygosporangia contained a large central vacuole and some organelle zonation; however, these features were not discernible in more mature zygosporangia. A reticulum of electron-opaque fluted warts developed within the secondary zygosporangial wall layer. Cryofractured zygosporangia revealed a smooth hyaline zygospore with truncate ends. Wall layer relations of mature zygosporangia and zygospores were presented. Information obtained was correlated with existing ultrastructural observations on zygosporangiogenesis in the Mucorales.


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